Chapter 3: Sad Case

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Chapter 3 Sad Case

Unknown Pov)

I had heard of the asylum Mount Massive. I had my mind set on a girl, who was the most dangerous.

She had insanity running through her. What is it about this girl that I'm so driven towards. For a human she has a lot of curious qualities.

I watch from afar as she tortured her doctor. I had watched this human for quite sometime how she reacted. She wore a mask even without the clay.

I needed her. As my puppet. I want her to be only my pawn.

Heather's Pov)

I had been apprehended. Like I wanted to be,now that Adam has been miraculously saved I'll see the dark side of him.

I was strapped to a metal chair.

I knew Adam was no different from us that was why I ha plans to get him angry enough to torture me. This was a perfect setting for this, once angry and not paying attention to the vent what was loosened. Once I connected with April, I would let her abilities in.

This would make me faster. I would let Psycho and April join while I let Adam take some time in the chair.

The metal door slammed open. Showing a sleep deprived Adam. He was pale, and looked sickly. He wheezed. "You aren't a sad case, I've stopped caring."

I jut my lip out and pout. "That's right Adam,now your no different then anyone else,your curiosity has been replaced with hate." I felt a sharp pain in my chest.

Looking down at the a small scalpel in my ribs. He missed. "Look at you, so strong and angry perfectly capable of just beating me senseless, did you think what was in that file was actually true."

Adam swings a punch at my jaw. I spat out a small amount of blood. Then stopped eyes wide. "The file, was a lie?!" He wheezed. "Do you think someone of my intelligence would actually let you know my story." I cackled. Hissing throwing my head back.

"You broke the system." He said eyes wide. "I broke the system long before I broke." "Your not human, you have no humanity!"

He screeched. "Of course I am, look at my wounds I'll bleed out soon, would you like to torture me first, why not be theatric and burn me!"

I scream out. All my hatred for the doctors her pour out of my heart.

"I'll let you live, you want to die!" I let out an uproar of laughter. "I don't know anymore what I want."

He stared shocked at my honesty. "I'll make a decision." My eyes widen in mock awe. "Then you better make it fast because I am not really gonna be me in a few minutes." "You know when your personality is going to change?"

"I was able to control it you stupid fool!" "The only thing you controlled what my bipolar tendencies." He just stumbled back. "I've studied your case for two years, and it was a lie?!"

I watched truly fascinated that I was able manifest and destroy this mans mind in a time of two years.

"Your evil!!!!" He points at me scratching his own face. "No Adam, you are, you make the mentally ill untreatable because you don't medicate them, or try to fix them."

I say darkly. Adam it's his back against the wall. "You are so interested to see how rotten and mushed our brains become. Those who are smarter and know your plans are Sociopaths and those who let anger flow for your actions are Psychopaths."

I shrug in my chair. Adam suddenly becomes agitated and furious. As he rips the scalpel out of my flesh and is ready to strike. "Look at yourself...who is the real insane one?" I raise an eyebrow as he brings it down on my face.

Psycho's Pov)

"You are a monster." Adam said to my sister. No one says that! No one!

Opening my eyes and ripping through the clothe. I was the anger. April was not happiness. Heather was just the normal.

Slamming Adams face into the metal chair repeatedly. As he slumps to the ground half dead. "I'll let you live with you disorder,your just as much as a freak like me, your anxiety your constant delusions you Adam are a borderlined Paranoid Skistophrenic." Heather spoke through me. She was in a lot of pain.

"Now look at this, Doctor just became a patient of Mount Massive, I forgot to tell you that, that's what happens when you get a job here." Heather tilts her head.

Soon we would be a team again.

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