Finale Part 2

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Finale Part 2

Landing on top of ScarCrow I dodged her scythe and stabbed a pawn with my knife. Doing a back spring and kicking down a maniac.

Cutting off The ScarCrows arm she screeched as she cut my thigh open. I slid In between her legs and kicked her back. As she stumbled Sam stabbed her through the face with her machete.

I spun around to be kicked in the face. I groaned looking up at Lost Silver. His arms swarmed with unknowns as he picked me up and threw me. Landing into a trunk of a tree with a groan.

Lost Silver was strong. I started to laugh uncontrollably. As my sisters started an uproar of laughter and then our speed and endurance rose. I slashed through maniacs and the used souls. Leaping up and slamming my knife into Lost Silvers neck. Strangled Red started to fight him after I retrieved my knife. Kicking a pawn away from me. "This is quite fun." Me and my sisters laughed.

I felt the anger surge inside of me as I saw the taunting and tainted faces of my parents. I screamed in rage terrifying the army. Slicing ripping and shredding all that I could. All that was in my wake.

I felt blood spray and wounds form as I destroyed my parents over and over and over and over. I felt a darker side than I already was form. I felt so powerful. Hearing my sisters laughter in my head.

"Lets play little sis." April said to me. She looked like a little girl. I felt smaller too as Sam looked at us with a pure and bright smile.

"Hey Heather." She said holding my hand protectively. "Mother wants to give you your birthday gift." April giggled as she skipped around us. I watched shyly as my sisters lead me to my mother. With open arms she held me tightly.

"Hello littler one." She laughed. "Your present." She said handing me a white box with a red tie and a black bow.

Everything felt like it used too. Our old house the big backyard and the other houses surrounding the area. I looked down at the box shaking it.

My eyes widened excitedly at what was inside as Sam had a protective guard around me. April had her head on my shoulder and looked curiously at what was inside of the box.

It was my knife. It was cleaned sharp and three small masks. All of which were ours. "Put them on." My mother says a small gentle smile on her face.

Sam knelt down no longer protecting me. She put on her mask. As did April. I looked down at mine. "I like how it fits mother." April said running a hand down the side of the mask. "It protects you." My mother said to Sam who didn't seem impressed. I looked at April.

She smirked as a cut formed on her face. Forming her scar. I turned to Sam. Her kind and soft blue eyes brightening and turning into animals.

I put the mask on. "My beautiful girls." She said kissing the foreheads of the masks. I felt Sam be ripped from me. "Heather!!!" She screamed the mask falling off of her face as she was dragged away by my father. Everything turned white. I couldn't see anything but the mask and my mother.

"It's going to be alright Heather...Sam is always here to save you." I heard April say softly I turn to her terrified at her beaten burned and torn body. "We are always with you." April smiled warmly as a tear fell down her face.

I felt strapped to the ground seeing Sam laying on a star. The April tied down and a pentagon. I felt a rush of liquid fall over my face. Licking my lips to taste blood.

I turn my head to see a dark entity looking at me. As it removes my mask and holds up the three. The knife imbedded into my chest.

I felt the excruciating pain. Hearing the throbbing of my chest and the ringing in my ears as I looked at the being. "What...are you?" I asked. The creature chuckled darkly.

As its face slowly started to come into view. It was my face unscarred. It's eyes were a beaming red. It's teeth were dark.

"You've stepped over the edge and you let your sisters fall." She laughed. It's hands were holding me down. The darkness creeping over my body. "Three masks one knife...tell me Heather, which one of you is truly alive?" The demon chuckled as it rolls the knife from my chest.

My eyes spring open to see fallen trees. Charred remains of many people. I look around terrified my mind racing. "April? Sammy?" I asked as I limped around. Seeing April and Sam dead. April was cut along the neck and Sam's arms were ripped off.

Everything was slow and deafening. My heart was louder than my thoughts and my breathing was ragged. I looked down at my chest to see a long gash.

I turn around to see Zalgo with my knife and axe in his head. I let the mask fall off my face. Well what was left of it. Tears welling in my eyes. Everyone? Was dead? I saw no signs of life only me.

I felt blood pour from a wound in my mouth. I pulled out a knife from my shoulder and shards of glass including a sacrificial knife in my thigh.

Looking down at it as my mind flashed the creature. My father and the bodies of my sisters.

I was disoriented. Nothing seemed to matter I felt nothing but the loss. I felt abandoned.

I let out a choked scream and an anger and terrified wail. I knelt down and touched my sisters hair.

As my vision flashed a bright white several times. My breathing was louder as I screamed in agony.

Everything was silent. I felt over heated as I hear the sweat slid down my face. Everything was dark and I couldn't see.

Hearing a screech of a door being opened somewhere. I tried moving

But I felt chains wrapped around my arms. WHAT?!

"Hello Heather..." A dark sultry voice greeted. I turned to the voice still not seeing anything.

I was blindfolded.

"Welcome to Melody Asylum for the criminally Insane.." The voice said before leaving the room.

Everything was wrong. I felt the pain of the war. My sisters!!! It was as if it was all a dream. Like something wanted the memory to leave.

I put my head back on the padded wall. Letting out an agonized filled scream. What happen!!! Why am I here!!! I was just!!! I was just with them!!! I was fighting a war!!!!

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