Chapter 37: Heathers Raid/ Pov

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Chapter 37: Heather's Raid/Pov

April and Sam had been teleported to their designated areas. I looked at the large hospital. Opening the scar on my lips. Sliding away my mask and rushing in.

"God someone help me I was chopping wood for my father he cut me?!" I shouted Nurses and doctors rushed towards me. My blood dripped onto the floor. They all asked if I was okay. I smirked beheading several. Before they could get a good look I slid my mask on.

"Lets party!!" Many screamed and the security rushed foreword. One shot me in the head. I groaned and shook my head. The sound healing. Several others in my head. I danced with them.

Toyed and played. Killing those who escaped. Grabbing a gun and firing at those who went to call the police. I was accurate and precise.
Moving quickly up each floor murdering everyone.

I laughed as blood painted the walls. Throwing my knife killing a guy with a gun. Beheading and chopping arms and people in half.
"Rip them In half they said! It would be fun they said!!!" I roared in a blood thirsty rage.

"It was fantastically fun!!!" I screamed breaking a mans neck leaping over another and throwing him.
"Your still probable working at a ninety five pace I wonder how that tastes when you see my face hope it gives you hell!" I snarl breaking the last persons neck. Shooting the ones that crawled.

Jumping up and down. Making It to the top. "Ahh lighter fluid and chemicals!" I say enthusiastically. Leaping off of the top of the building and landing on my feet. "Darlings!" I smile my hands outstretched.

"Put your hands above your head Drop your weapon!" Shouted a cop. Glass shattering into my back. "When you walk my way I hope it gives you when you find a man that treats you way...then he's a fool and your just as well!" I dance on my heels before grabbing his gun.

Elbowing him in the face before shooting him and his partner quickly. Jumping on the police car ripping the car and the doors off. "Hehehe life I so much fun when your immortal and inhuman!" I giggle. Pushing the car I front of traffic. As the car flips I laugh while I'm hit by a car. Standing slowly a woman and her family in the car just stare.

"It would seem your engine needs a tune up?" She just breaths heavily. Slamming up the hood. She revs the engine and I smirk. Grabbing the rubber hands my gloves ripping along the skin on my arms. Pulling out the engine. Setting it down beside her.

I break her window. "I bench press 4tons a day!" I giggle. She was petrified in fear. Ripping her out of the car and beheading her. Noticing that my arms were regenerating slowly my smile widened.

'I'll meet you girls at the theatre."
I told my sisters.

Third Pov)

Heather walked away her Pyscho calming. She had bullet holes in her mask and in her hood. Glass shards in her back and he hand mutilated.

She sat down in pain and exhausted. Seeing Sam who's leg was mangled and bleeding profusely. "I got run over." Sam sighed laying on the ground.

April landed beside them. Her clothes were badly burned and her mask was boiled leaving air pockets and some paint left.

"Holy shit Heather! Pyscho come around?" April asked. Sam nodded as did Heather.

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