11. Achoo

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Minhos point of view :

As we were eating Sunni suddenly sneezed, a really cute sneeze too.

"Are you sick?" I worriedly asked.

"It's just one sneeze I'm fine." She said as she stuffed more food in her mouth. I loked at her skeptically before I started eating again.

"Achoo," There it was again.

"See it's not just one sneeze your sick!" I said rather loudly pointing at her.

"I"m not sick." She said again as another sneeze escaped her mouth. I extended my arm over the table and felt her forhead with the back of my hand. It was burning!

"No going outside and nothing cold, not even ice cream. And don't think about telling anyone to buy you a tub because I'm telling everyone that you're sick," I nagged as I already knew she was getting her phone ready to call Taemin.

"Fine but I get to have you as a servent," She negotiated with me. I chuckled thinking she already knew I was going to be her servant.

"I thought you already knew that but ok," I chuckled going upstairs to get a blanket for her.

"THEN I SHOULD GET SOMETHING IF THIS WAS ALREADY GOING TO HAPPEN!" she screamed as I draped the blanket on her.

"Eat," I stuffed her face with a piece of bread ( I think that's what I said they ate) in her mouth.

"Ish nwot fwaire iem shiphoshed tow ghet sjometinhg in retuwn if i cwant eat ice cweam," She whined with her mouth ful.

"What I can't undertsand anything stop talking with your mouth full." I gave her a cup of orange juice to wash down the piece of toast.

"I said it's not fair I'm supposed to get something in return if I can't eat ice cream." She said and then pouted. I swear she acts like such a kid sometimes.

"Your fault for getting sick." Just as I said that both Taemin and Key burst through the door and rushed over to Sunni.

"Om my lord are you ok, do you feel alright, is Minho taking good care of you, did you eat, are you ho-"

"Key I'm fine it's just a little cold." Sunni chuckled cutting off Key.

"Then why'd Minho text me to come over and you're really sick that you're about to die?" He glared at me while showing Sunni the message. Who soon too glared at me after reading the message.

"What she is sick." I defended myself holding up both my hands.

"WHATS WRONG IS YOU SAID I/SHE WAS REALLY SICK WHEN I JUST HAVE A COLD DUMBASS!" both Key and Sunni screamed at me while Taemin laughed dying in the back.

"Well either way help me take care of her. I'm her sevant and she's bossy."

"what'd you say?" Sunni asked glaring daggers at me.

"Nothing only the truth." I smiled sheepishly as I started backing away.

"The truth huh?" Sunni said as she slowly got up and took a wooden spoon with her.

"CHOI MINHO!" she screamed while chasing me around the house making both Key and Taemin die laughing. Just as she was about to catch up to me I picked her up from the waist and took the wooden spoon from her hand. She was starled and had her mouth open for a little bit. She looked so beautiful.

Her hair was down and hung loosly on the sides of her face. Her brown eyes sparkled and her cheeks were a light shade of pink. I looked up at her eyes again and saw them staring into mine. We stayed like that for a little bit, just staring at eachother admiring the person in front of us.

Out moment got interrupted when Taemin and Key cleared their throats.

"You wanna stop being a lovey dovey couple and come back? The movies gonna start and the ice creams melting." Taemin said as I slowly brought Sunni down. We both awkwardly started walking towards the couch with our heads down. We sat on different ends of the and started watching the movie. (I just realized they watch a lot of movies) Taemin gave Sunni a bowl of ice cream and got glares from both me and Key.

"I thought I told you to not bring ice cream," I asked or more or less stated with a firm tone.

"How can I not?"

"IT'S TRADITION!" both Sunni and Taemin yelled at the same time turning into a giging mess right after.

"God these kids." Key sighed as he rubbed his forehead.

"One bowl and that's it, ok?" He said as both Sunni and Taemin nodded their heads really fast making us both chuckle.

We continued watching our movie marathon until both Taemin and Sunni fell asleep. I took Sunni up to her room and put her blanket around her. I stayed by her side admiring her features.

The moon shone through her window and lightened up her face. Her hair fell so gracefully around her arms. Her skin looked like a fairy's, so smooth and fair. Even closed, her eyes seems majestic. Her lashes were long and naturally curled making her look like she came right out of a movie. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

Why do you have to do this to me.

Sunnis point of view :

When I woke up I looked around and figured out I was in my bed. I rubbed my eyes and just as I was about to get up Minho came in with a bowl of soup.

"Woke up?" He asked placing the bowl down on my table.

"Yeah what time is it?" I asked yawing.

"9 everyone left and they didn't wanna wake you up. Key made the soup make sure you eat it it tastes good." He said pointing towards the soup.

"Im gonna leave now eat and get some more rest," He said while walking to the door.

"Wait. Stay here with me and feed me the soup." I pouted pointing to the soup.

"Fine move over." He said brining the bowl of soup with him. I scooted over to make space for him and had my mouth open.

"Aah." He said holding the spoon in front of me.

"What do you think I'm doing right no-" he cut me off my shoving the spoon in my mouth.

"What was that for?" I whined wiping off the soup from the corners of my mouth.

"For getting sick now stop taking and est," He shoved another spoon of soup in my mouth. This kept going on until I finally asked.

"Are you mad at me?" I took the spoon from him so he couldn't shove it in my mouth again.

"No why would I be? Finish your soup I need to call someone." He gave me the bowl before leaving me room.

Minhos point of view :

"No why would I be? Finish your soup i need to call someone." I lied walking out of her room. I don't know why I'm so mad at her she didn't even do anything wrong. I sighed as I made my way to my room and fell asleep.


do you like the ending like "see you again my lovelies or until next time my lovelies cause i can change it if you guys want anyways bye 💕💕

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