12. The storm

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Sunnis point of view :

After minho left i started eating my soup. (do you eat soup or drink it cause it's liquid?) I was scrolling through my phone while eating and saw there was gonna be a storm. I wasn't bothered because it's just rain, right?

I kept scrolling on insta and the storm started. The storm wasn't supposed to start till 5 why's it starting now? I checked the time on my phone and IT WAS 5. Welp im just not gonna get any sleep tommorow.

I put my phone on charge and tried going ro sleep. Right when i got comfortable in bed a heard lighting.

"Aah" i yelped but quietly so Minho doesn't wake up.

I got my phone and earbuds and tried listening to some music but it didn't block out the lighting. I tried closing my trying to pretend that it wasn't there. It didn't work. I tried puting a pillow over my ears. It didn't work. I tried humming a song. It also didn't work. I tried hearing my mom's voice singing a lulluby. It didn't work.

Just as i was about to use my hands to block out the sound Minho came bursting through my door. Oh thank god.

Minhos point of view:

As i was about to go to sleep i heard the storm and the thunder and lightning. Oh god Sunnis scared of lighting. I checked the time to see if she would be awake and realized it's 5 in the morning. Yay another night with no sleep.

I was about to go to sleep but i heard Sunni move. Right now shes getting her phone. That should help. When i tried going to sleep it didn't work. I heard Sunni move again. This time she trying to close her eyes. She always does this if her first attempt fails. I wait five minutes knowing this won't work. I hear her move again. She got up to get another pillow. I can hear the closet door where we keep extra blankets and pillows open. I waited another five minutes in case this method works. It didn't because she got up again to put it back. This time I hear her humming a song. Dumbass if listening to a song doesn't help will humming one work?

Oh did it? I thought as she stopped humming. Never mind shes singing a lulluby. I waited till she stopped. And she moved again.

This leaves me no choice. I took my pillow and walked across to her room. (Its literally like 2 steps) I opened the door and saw her placing her hands on her ears. This girl.

"Are you ok?" I asked her already knowing the answer.

"No." She whispered with tears in her eyes.

Sunni's point of view :

"No." I whispered.

I saw him come towards my bed with a pillow in his hands and get on. He got under the blanket and wrapped his hands on my waist. He pulled me closer to him and held me tightly.

"Idiot do you think putting your hands on your ears will block out the lighting?" He asked as he chuckled making me chuckle as well.

"Also why are you up at 5? You have work tommorow." He asked making me wonder the same thing.

"Same thing goes for you." I said blocking his question.

"I have the day off tommorow. My boss gave me two days off to take care of you." He sais smiling. I felt it.

"Wow use me as an excuse huh?" I joked with him making us both escape a tired chuckle.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Do you feel better?" He asked squeezing my hand.

"Yeah thanks for taking care of me." I replied drifting off to sleep.

"Anything for you." He said right before i fell asleep.

Minho's point of view :

"Anything for you." I whispered right before she fell asleep. I don't think she heard, but that's ok. I fell asleep a little later with her in my arms, but she's still not mine.

Sunni's point of view :

I woke up to Minho's face in front of me. I admired his facial structures and how they changed throughout the years. I remeber when we were smaller. Yhe first day we met.


"Mommy mommy look!" I screamed as i went up really high on the swing. I was jumping off and when i landed i hit my elbow. A boy came up to me and helped me up. I started crying cause my elbow hurt.

"Don't cry. My mom said pretty girls shouldnt cry. Well she said no girl or boy should cry but you're pretty." He said as i looked up. He had his hand extended for me. I took it and he helped me up. I brushed the dust off my dress and said thank you. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Do you want to play with me?" He asked me. I nodded my head and he pulled me to where he was before. They monkeybars.

"I don't know how to do these." I said embarrassingly looking down at my feet.

"It's ok i can teach you." He said as he dragged me to them.

"First extend your arm out to the first bar. Hold on tight and swing to the next one. To swing use your legs and keep your arm extended so you can reach the next bar. And continue doing that until you finish all of them. He said as he showed me finishing them all.

"Now you try." He said as he was at the end.

"Im scared. What if i fall?" I asked scared im going to get hurt again.

"You won't and if you do I'll catch you i promise." He said holding his pinky finher out.

"Promise?" I asked connecting mine with his.

"Promise." He said connecting his with mine.

I tried the monkey bars and I didn't fall. I ran to Minho and high fived him. We playes around some more until our moms called us over. When we got there they were already talking and they were friends.

"Oh youre here. This is my daughter Sunni." She said.

"Oh shes beautiful. This is my son Minho." His mom said.

"Hes beautiful too." My mom said. And with that we waved bye and met at the same park and the same time everyday.


Did you like their backstory? Hopefully i can post another chapter today to make up for the long wait. Imam cut this an short so until next time my lovelies 💕💕

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