18. Day three (sunnis point of view)

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Just so you guys know the week that Sunni gets her memories back isnt a normal week its a five day week ok on with the story

When I went downstairs, talking to Taemin on the phone, I saw key dressed and on the sofa watching tv.

"Hey I'll call you back key's here. Ok, bye" I hung up on Taemin and plopped down beside him on the couch.

"When'd you get here?" I asked him as he turned off the tv.

"Not important but what is is that you remeber all your favourite places so get ready cause were going out." Key said with enthusiasm in his voice as he got up and went to my room.

"Where we going and how do I need to dress." I asked him as I browsed my closet.

"It's hot today so no sweats or jeans but we're gonna walk around alot so no long dresses, shorts?" He said as he pointed st a pair of shorts in my closet.

"Ok cool now leave." I said as I pushed him out the door and shut it on him.

I got ready quickly since I didn't want gim to wait long. I wore a simple white crop top with a kimono and put my hair in a bun with sunglasses on my head. I grabbed my purse, wallet and keys, wore my shoes and headed down stairs.

"Ready?" I asked him when I got down.

"Damn Sunni I swear you got more fashionable after the hospital. Let's go." He said as we were about to leave.

"Wait Taemin wants to go with you guys so I'm coming too, give me like 5 seconds." Onew said as he dashed upstairs to geg changed.

"Guess it's a group hangout" key said as we both started laughing.

Fast forward

We went to alot of places like the mall, the beach, a park, and a small fair. This time,


Everywhere we went I remembered a memory or the place itself and everything about it. Looking back at the drive all those places i didn't recognize I remember them all now.

"Im surprised you remembered everything." Onew told me as we both fell on the couch after the long day.

"Yeah me too." I chuckled out. "But in all the memories there was the frog guy again, what was his name mi-mi-"

"Minho?" Onew cut me off.

"Yeah him. Tell me the truth we were really close right? In all my memories he's always there and I remeber him bit by bit. He's important to me, right?" I asked all of this staring right into Onews eyes.

"Yeah he is, and he really misses you. He calls me everyday asking about you, he's been with you since I can remeber. He's like a second brother, but not better than me. I'm happy you have your memeories back but, try a little harder to remember him, he needs you." He said as he ruffled my hair and went upstairs to his room.

Im trying, I swear I am Minho.

Ok so this was a short chapter but I wanted to get something up before school. I might not be able to update for a while so sorry in advance. Also i didnt check this before cause im super tired so sorry again. And again thank you all for all the support this book got! LOVE YOU! 💖💖 and as always, until next time my lovelies! 💕💕

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