❝ Chapter II. The Lunch ❞

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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓾𝓷𝓬𝓱


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April 10, 1912

          The clatter of utensils and the chatter of the first class passengers cover the Palm Court Restaurant at lunch, with the soft melodic orchestra in the background, on which Gregor Kline is playing with. His ten siblings are watching him from the front row table, a proud smile plastered on their faces. The talent of the boy with the piano is impeccable in the ripe age of sixteen, and due to this, he is always the first option to play during performances such as this.

         "I always thought he acquired it from me," gushes Scarlett.

          A snort escapes out of Ronald's lips as he raises his eyebrow. "I'm quite uncertain of that, Scar. You play piano like a child poking holes in a foam." This earns him a pinch on his shoulder, causing him to flinch.

          "Lies. I believe it's father who taught him, not you. Remember that one out of a hundred time you played?" One of the twins blurts out, sharing a chuckle with his sibling. "You busted my eardrums!"

           Urion nods with a grin. "And I thought your voice is the worst sound ever."

            The brunette pretends to be offended, her hand over her ajar mouth, before attempting to lunge across the table at the twins' whereabouts. A chorus of yelp escapes from the two, as they stand up from their seats and make a beeline behind Tabitha and Ivory. Despite some nearby onlookers giving them upturned noses, the small family pays no attention. They're used to it.

           "Alright, that is enough," Poppy said, but even her cannot resist the smile creeping onto her lips. "Settle down now, that's it. Your sister isn't going chew you alive."

           The twins continue to hide behind the two, giggling. Eugene, who has been writing on his notebook the whole time, looks up and and whispers to Orion's ear, "Seems like she doesn't know how huge that mouth is."

            Hearing this, Ivory snorts on her soup, before slapping his shoulder. He responds with a sly wink, not long before a slice of bread comes flying to him, hitting his cheek.

            "What the?"

            He sees his younger sister giving Sebastian, who is chortling, a high-five. The lad decides to be juvenile, as he grabs a couple of berries from their container and launches them to the unsuspecting Scarlett. The young woman is about to do the same, but stops after Poppy glares at her.

            "He threw them at me!" She defends and motions to her brother.

            "And how did you think this damn bread slapped me? By flying?"

            Both of them continues to bicker. "You two act much more than a child," remarks Ronald.

            On the other hand, the twins return back to their seats as they notice their sister averting her attention to their brother.

             The sun shines above the Titanic as it seemingly rejoices the ship's grandeur departure, a true historic event. Everyone is having their greatest time -- that is except from the young Ivonne Kline.

             With her hand gripping the fork on the table, she shuts her eyes to drown out the noise that is making her anxious and claustrophobic. Her breath quickens its pace. Breathe in, breathe out. A sweat trickles down her temple. The volume increases in her mind; the instruments and the voices become louder, pounding in her ears.

             "Bon?" A voice calls out, causing her to snap her eyes open. It's her sister, Tabitha. "Is it happening again?"

              Unable to speak, the distressed girl nods. Tabitha looks at her with concern before tapping their oldest sister on the arm, who is seated beside Scarlet. "Code red."

               Poppy sighs as she turns to her pale sister, though not before shushing her two siblings. Their table grows silent, with only the band and the people around them can be heard. The second Kline stands up to find the teenager's maid for assistance, however the girl disagrees.

              "It's alright. I'm sure I can find my way out," she said softly and stands up, halting her brothers who are beginning to do the same, worry etches on their faces. Ivonne glances up to where Gregor is to see him already staring at her. The girl can only smile and shakes her head.

              "I'll see you lot later." With her dog, Lizzy following her, the young woman proceeds to exit the restaurant, a knot in her stomach.


( ship blend! by foreverthenorthstar )

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