7 - Him

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Calum P.O.V.

'Can you please fix the sink. It's broken again.'

'Yeah yeah I'll do it now.' I scoffed as I continued to sit on the couch.

'Will you please for once listen to me and fix the damn thing?'

'Will you calm down Maybe? I'll fix it now Anna.'

I get up after she leaves the room. I need a walk. The cold breeze always seems to wake me up, it's what I need. I walk down the familiar road towards the park. The park that Ash and I used to sit in.

I know you're probably wondering what's been going on in this last two years. Nothing much actually, well in my life at least. I finished my studies, I'm now a qualified musician. I play the bass, I'm not in a band or anything like that. I just own the biggest music shop. I'm now living on my own, well Anna is probably going to move out soon. Anna is my ex girlfriend. We had a good thing going awhile back, but I made things clear we aren't together anymore. It's just a complicated thing mahn.

I haven't seen or spoken to Ashleigh in over a year. The way things ended really fucked me over. I was in love with her, still probably am. I have been talking to Ashton though. The last few months we have been talking to each other and he has been updating me on life over there and vice versa. I've been trying so hard to get him to come back here so we can hang, but he is always busy or Cailey can't travel with. I mean I just want to see my boy. And of course the constant struggle to breathe without Ash. I will never tell anyone that I still love her but I think it's important to be as friendly as possible before shit hits the fan.

I was now walking towards the graveyard. In times like these, when I'm in deep thought and I'm struggling to comprehend the things around me, I go to Luke. God damn it hurts to just see a headstone but it's better than nothing. I Miss him so so so much. He was my brother, the person I could always count on.

I walk towards the gate when I see a few figures standing by Luke's grave. I walk up to them.

'Hey what the hell.' I shout 'Stupid fuckers.' Some poor people trying to steal headstones. Better not fucking touch Luke's one.

I sit in my usual place on the stone bench under the big oak tree, its like I'm over looking the grave. I miss him so fucking much. he was my brother, my real and only family. I sat there for awhile, it was getting dark but I didn't care I just wanted to be as close as possible to him. Anna never understood m friendship with Luke, because she wasn't around when it happened. she only showed up in my life the last 5 months, the only reason she is still in my life is because I'm in-between moving houses, I just need a place to crash for a bit.

'Why do you always look like that?'

'Like what?'

'Like you don't own anything that isn't black.'

'Well because I don't own anything that isn't black' he laughed.

'I'm Calum.'

'Luke.' he shook my hand.

'Are you going to the party at Becca's?'

'I might. I don't really want to hang out with wannbes.' he laughed.

'Theyre cool.'

'No theyre really not. Name brands upon Name brands upon fake tans. Not my scene.'

'Oh.' was all I could mange to say.

'But ill go. I want to see what all the hype is about.'

I nod. I don't know if Ashleigh would want to come.

'You coming?'

'Not sure yet. I need to ask my friend first. If shes down to go with.'

'Ahhh your friend huh. Whats the special lady's name.'

'Ashleigh. Shes my best friend. we grew up together.'

'That's nice. but seriously bro, you should come tonight. itll be fun.'

'We'll see.'

I decide to start walking home. the graveyard isn't the safest at night. As I'm walking I here footsteps behind me. I don't turn around and look, I just walk a bit faster until I'm out of the gate. and then I feel a large person grab me from behind. they turn me around so I'm facing them.

'Hey buddy!'

'Oh my god. Ashton? Wh-what the hell are you doing here!' I yell as I hug him.

'I'm visiting bro.'

'I thought you were a creep trying to rob me.' I laugh.

'Nope just me.' he smiles.

'Is Cailey with too? Are you here by yourself? Tell me bro!'

"Lets first get a drink.' he laughs and I lead him to the closest bar.

'So what's going on. How is life dude!'

'Nothing exciting really. Cailey and I are engaged, urhh the business is doing really great. life is good over there.

'Wow congrats on the engagement, I'm glad everything is good.'

'How are things with you?' he asks as he sips his beer.

'Good I guess. Life is pretty chilled my side. I'm single again. Things didn't work out with Anna.'

'Ashleigh is here. With Hayes and Kayla.' He smiled at me.


'She's okay Calum.'

'Is she really? Is she still with that Guy?'

'Nathan. Yeah she is. I wish she wasn't though.' He scoffed.

'Why?' I asked.

'You're going to freak out..'

'I'll be okay. My temper isn't as bad as it used to be.' I laughed.

'He hit her.'

I froze.

'What?' I whisper.

'He pushed her into a counter top. He talks down to her every fucking day. He treats her like shit. But she continues to stay with him.'

I feel my blood boiling.

'That's why I brought her here. To make sure she realises how amazing she is and how she used to be.'

'I'm going to kill him.' I scoffed as I started getting up.

'Cal sit your ass down. He is all the way in Manhattan. She's safe here. For now.' He reassures me. I oblige and sit down.

'I want to see her.' I sniff.

'You can. I'm not stopping you. But you can't tell her I told you about Nathan. She won't forgive me.'

I nod. We wrap up our conversation and he walks me back to my house. I walk inside and Anna is passed out on the couch. I pick her up and put her in the guest bedroom, she needs a good nights sleep.

I need to see Ashleigh. She needs to be okay or I'm not going to be able handle it.

Much love xx

Guys I'm still trying to work out a uploading schedule. So chapters will be late until I find the proper time to publish it. I hope you enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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