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<single daddy>

Jungkook just does not understand why his father insisted him to come all the way back from Singapore just to take the CEO's position, anybody can just take the job.  

His life in Singapore with his daughter was one hell of an excitement. He enjoyed living in such a big house overseas, it was nothing compared to be home, here in Seoul.

Jungkook is someone that everyone dies to own,  to be their boyfriends,  get married and even have kids. Jeon Jungkook is just not the person you would ever want to complain about,  not to mention his prince-like looks and a guy that born with a sliver - diamond spoon.

The life Jungkook had back in Singapore was just his life goals, despite having a daughter along with him,  he still got the fame and attention from majority of the people.

The way he dresses up,  he walks, and that killer smile of his.

Yet,  Jungkook's ex wife, Anastasia just so happened to be that someone who ditched him after getting married for half a year and got pregnant with a baby girl named Mia.

After Mia was born, Anastasia chose her lifestyle over Jungkook,  she told him that she never wanted to start a fsmily, she regretted for getting married,  therefore Jungkook got the custody of the child.

And Jungkook promised Anastasia not to mention a single thing about her to Mia even when she's a grown up. She doesn't mind if Jungkook remarry, all she needs is her freedom,  that's it.

Mia is now an adorable and lovable five year old girl, she has inherited Jungkook's big eyes and sweet bunny smile.

Leaving her was the last thing that Jungkook wanted to do in his life, his love for his daughter was not in comparison with anything else in this world, he can't afford to lose her anymore. 

As soon as Jungkook got in the car that awaits him in front of Incheon Airport,  he immediately got called back to his father's company.

Jeon's Logistics Enterprise is the largest logistics and accommodation conpany in Seoul, and ranks the third around the globe. Mr Jeon has always wanted Jungkook to be the descendant of his company, broaden his business and increase it's market.

"please drop Mia home and make sure the maids take good care of her," Jungkook ordered the driver as he carress the cheeks of his daughter who fell asleep on his lap.

"yes Master." the driver obeyed.

Jungkook walks into the building as if he was already so familiar with this place,  but of course he is.  This is the place he often visit before he left to Singapore. 

As he stepped into the building, hundred pairs of eyes fall on him, making him the spotlight. The aura he has with him just had the power to catch people's attention and snatch their breath away. 

Jungkook had put on a leather jacket as an outer for his black tee, pairing with a black ripped jeans and a black cap. Jungkook may find this looks simple to attend a meeting,  yet its just not the same in the other eyes that still can't take off from him.

The door of the elevator glides open,  revealing the press conference room that are fill up with a several people,  whom he assumed are the employees

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The door of the elevator glides open,  revealing the press conference room that are fill up with a several people,  whom he assumed are the employees.

He entered the room without even knocking and places his butt onto the high back chair where the President sits most of the time during the meetings. 

The employees who are already in the room had their eyes set on him,  some are amused by his looks while some are just clueless about his position in this company. 

"well, well,  look who's back," Jungkook's father voice was heard,  only to see him rambles into the conference room with an elated grin.

"President Jeon," the employees harmonized and bowed.

"welcome home,  my son." he patted Jungkook's shoulder, smile never once left his face.

"abeoji." Jungkook greeted politely,  however there are thousands of unwillingness written on his face. 

"so can we start our meeting now?" Mr Jeon sounded more than enthusiast, feeling so glad for his son's return.

"President Park and his son is still on their way," secretary Choi stated, earning a scoff from Jungkook, "who are they to be late for meetings?"

"I-I heard that his son forgot to wear his rings,  that's why they turned back and got it for him," the secretary continues, voice trembling a little as she saw Jungkook's stern look. 

"this kid must be a weirdo," Jungkook rolled his eyes and laid back against his chair. 

"Jungkook, be more polite afterwards,  they are our very important guests today." Mr Jeon warned.

"why so? They are late for goodness sake, is that kid a celebrity or what?"

"Mr Park's son is going to take over Yes Jam Insurance soon,  and our company will be merging together next week,  so we ought to respect them," Mr Jeon said caustiously.

"Abeoji? Are you sure Yes Jam is a company name?"

"Jungkook,  don't be rude," his father paused, "and I'm positive about it."

"who on earth named their company Yes Jam?!  And abeoji, I really don't understand. I've checked our company performances and we're doing alright! why do we still have to merge?" Jungkook backfired.

"Yes Jam Insurance is now the leading insurance company in South Korea. They're the only company that we can work together to increase our share by at least 30%."

Jungkook bites his lower lip speechlessly, his father's words had cuts him off.  He knew his dad had always wanted the best for their company.  But why on earth he has to be in the position to face all these people? His brother can do this for him,  his brother should be the inherit  Jeon's logistics. Speaking of his brother,  he hasn't seen him for such a long time.

As he was thinking to find his brother later on,  someone barged into the conference room and a high octave voice was heard throughout the place that makes everyone turned their heads.

"sorry everybody,  we are late!"

Author's note:

How was the first chapter?  it was just a brief one to start the story, hope you guys enjoyed 💕

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