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Jungkook and Jimin both the ceo went down to the beach to join the other employees as the chalet they are staying for the week is facing the endless blue ocean; hearing soothing sound of waves as they sleep and welcome the warm sunrise as they woke up.

As planned, Jinri the secretary has arranged Jimin and Jungkook both in the same team as they played, as she does not want to lose her job to feed her parents.

"baby come here." Jungkook pulled Jimin closer to him as they are now standing together with their team members. 

"aigo, CEO you're being so sweet unlike in the office!" One of the male employee teased.

"of course, I bet you'd treat your girlfriend the same way I did to Jimin." Jungkook smirked as he had his arm around Jimin's waist.

"too bad I don't have one.." the male sang, earning laughter from the team, "why not you introduce me, CEO?"

"I'm gay so I don't get close to girls."

"I don't mind being gay if my partner would be as good looking as CEO Park. " he teased, earning fake death glare from Jungkook in return which the whole team laugh again.

Their moments was interrupted when Secretarty Choi mentioned the missions that they would have to accomplish during their day by the beach. The teams acknowledged what they have to do and soon proceed with their missions. 

Jimin had never once left Jungkook's side,  even if he wants to, the CEO will never allows so. Even if Jimin was out of his side just by that one second as the older male was a dilly dally guy that would take his own sweet time, Jungkook will start to search for him and will be busy asking the other teammates for Jimin's whereabouts.

"CEO,  you should probably tie CEO Park together with you." one of the teammate stated, making Jungkook shook his head speechlessly, "this guy always take so long to finish a task." Jungkook pulled Jimin the clueless guy closer to him, lacing their fingers together.

"what?" Jimin exclaimed, not knowing what his fiance and the other teammates were talking about as he just reached the place where they have to accomplish another new mission.

"nothing, my baby fluff.  Just stay by my side alright?" Jungkook's soft  statement had the teammates who stood by squealed, goosebumps formed throughout their body.

Jimin smacked Jungkook's arms in embarrassment and lowered down his head to hide away his blushing face.

Jungkook woke up from their afternoon nap after a whole exhausted morning in the beach playing games. He opened his heavy eyelids to be welcomed by a Sleeping Beauty - Jimin.

He gently caressed Jimin's smooth face,  not to wake up the older male as he was still sleeping soundly. He gazed at Jimin as if he was the precious thing on earth that Jungkook happened to stumbled upon and have to bring along with him forever.

Jungkook does not how long is forever, how far is eternity but he knows he would want to spend the rest of his life with Jimin.

He is the person that Jungkook does not want to lose for a very long time.

He rubbed his thumb softly against Jimin's tender skin that he would never get enough of. He had never felt this way for a person, not even his ex wife. Jimin has the aura with him that will attract you in any forms,  making you head-over-heels for the said male.

This time, Jimin groaned from his sleep and slowly opens his eyelids only see Jungkook in front of him, with a palm on his face, "w-what are you doing Jungkook?"

"staring at the most beautiful thing on earth." Jungkook compliment, heart did a flip as he said.

"is it me?" Jimin giggles.

"yes boo." Jimin swears to God he would never get tired of Jungkook's pet names that he as been calling him since they both agreed to get married.

Jungkook then pulled Jimin closer to his chest that he has he arms wrapped tightly around jimin's waist.  Their body temperature radiating between each other, making them feeling comfortable to the maximum.

Jimim snuggled closer to Jungkook's neck, sniffing in his familiar cologne that the younger has been using all these while. Unknowingly, he feels like home.

"jungkook ah?" the younger male hummed.

"thank you for making me feel this way."

A smile crept into Jungkook's face upon acknowledge Jimin's gratitude,  "and thanks for giving me the chance." he said.

Jimin had his hands curled into a fist as they rested in front of Jungkook's chest, can't get enough of the comfortness in the younger's embrace.

The sun sunk lower in the sky, light kf day draining away, giving way to the velvety of night sky.

Both of them decided to rent a pick up truck and drive out of the city.

"Where're we going?" Jimin asked as Jungkook was driving for almost half an hour yet he was still no inkling about their destination.

Jungkook just smiled and pulled over their rented car and gestured Jimin to hop off.

They came to a huge field on the hilltop where you get to enjoy the breathtaking night view of Jeju. Even if they are far away from where they lived, they still get to hear the faint sound of waves hitting against the shore.

"come here sweetheart." Jungkook offered his hand and Jimin gladly took it as both of them walked over to sit on the grass near the edge of the cliff.

"this place is a-amazing." Jimin mumbled, eyes never once left the scenery in front of him.

"do you like it?" Jungkook asked as he tugged Jimin's hair to the back of his ear nicely.

"I love it!" Jimin exclaimed.

"and I love you." Jungkook uttered, making Jimin grins from ear-to-ear,  eyes forming into two little cresents. 

Jimin had his head rested on Jungkook's shoulder as they silently enjoys the captivating view as well as each other's company.

After some time, Jimin suddenly jolted  as he recalled something, "I brought this!" he then pulled out a Polaroid camera from the inner pocket of his yellow jacket.

"we should take a picture." Jimin handling the camera as he said.

Jimin stretched his arms to the front while Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist as he scooted closer. Before clicking the camera, Jimin turned his head to place a quick,  quick peck on Jungkook's cheek, "I love you so much, Jungkook. Now look at the camera."

🌹The end🌹

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🌹The end🌹

Author's note:

I will probably be writing an epilogue, maybe tomorrow?

Tbh, this story is the weakest among all my fanfics*cries..

Can you guys guess what Jikook au I'm going to write next

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