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Jimin sat anxiously on the bench outside of his house, waiting for Jungkook to come and pick him up.

He admits that he spent quite time dolled himself up just to attend this global entrepreneurs annual dinner, in order not to spoil the reputation of Golden Closet Enterprise, on the other hand dressing up to fit up to Jungkook's standard. 

He waited for about ten minutes to be exact until a black limo stopped right in front of his house. Instead of Jungkook getting out of the car,  it was the driver. He got down the car and opened the car door of Jimin to hop on,  and of course the latter does so.

"h-hi." Jimin greeted as soon as he saw Jungkook who was sitting in the car like a prince - king, looking dazzling than ever with his suit and tie.

" Jimin greeted as soon as he saw Jungkook who was sitting in the car like a prince - king, looking dazzling than ever with his suit and tie

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"you look great tonight." instead of returning the greetings, Jungkook compliments.

"does it mean I don't look good at other times?" Jimin teased, having his infamous eyesmile hanging on his face.

"I don't compliment people usual, Jimin-ssi, so when I do," Jungkook turned to the side to look at Jimin before reaching out his hands to the smaller guy,  intertwining them, "just take it seriously."

Jimin gulped, an electric shock rns down his spine at how Jungkook and his hands are actually locking together,  heat transferring from his body to Jungkook's then back to him again.

The car ride going on for about another twenty-five minutes until they at last arriving at the venue.

As their limo stopped right in front of the building, paparazzi and reporters from multiple media companies could be clearly witnessed. Even though Jungkook and Jimin are both still in the car, cameras are already had their flashing lights clicking away.

Jimin was about to get down the car when Jungkook suddenly holds him back by grabbing his wrist, "Tonight,  you're not the assistant CEO, you're my date."

Jungkook stated,  earning a nod of acknowlegment from Jimin with a soft smile on his face, "so let me open the door for you, Jimin."

With that,  Jungkook got down the car swiftly and went over to open the car door for Jimin to finally get down the car. 

This time, more cameras and video recorder are taking down their adorable moments, while some people had no idea what their relationship was.

Jungkook nudged Jimin's arm, signaling him to cling onto the arm, however Jimin leaned closer and whispers,  "don't you find this a bit weird?"

Jungkook scoffed upon hearing that, he had no choice but to nod his face helplessly before wrapping his arm around Jimin's waist and pulled him close that their body were brushing against each other, "I don't think this is weird now, Park Jimin-ssi."

With so, they both had their most winning smile on their bright faces while walking into the actual venue,  companied by cameras flashing their lights on them, making them looks better than a celebrity.

When the only two of them are finally left in the elevator, Jungkook's arm is still around the shorter guy's waist, "you can let go of your hand now,  Jungkook."

"just stay still,  little monster." Jungkook said casually, eyes wandering around the medium.

Jimin let out a 'hmph' yet he admits that he kind of enjoys little moment like this.  Although he was not expecting Jungkook to like him or has any special feelings towards himself as he knew this guy is straight, he still appreciates the tiny little actions coming from Jungkook.

When they arrive at the venue which is tremendously huge hall,  Jimin can't resist himself from being mesmerised by the place. Elegant and delicate chandeliers were hanging high up against the ceiling, accompanied by the various art paintings that he assumed were drawn by well-known artists.  He was so immersed into the while ambience that he does not even notice that Jungkook was calling out softly for him.

"y-yeah?" Jimin questioned,  seeing at how frustrated Jungkook got. 

"don't you ever slip out of my side,  got it?" Jungkook gritted his teeth, having a verge of squeezing Jimin's puffy cheeks. 

"arasseo (I got it)..." Jimin lowered down his head and quickly clung his arm over to Jungkook, just like how a wife would do to her husband, "let's go to our seats!"

The annual dinner going on throughout the night that Jimin finds this boring than he expected. There is no other hot guys and even babes to see,  besides Jungkook. As Jungkook who was sitting next to him was having the last dish which is the dessert, he took the chance to admire his side profile and find him so unknowingly attractive. What caught his attention the most was his pointed nose and surprisingly big eyes and long lashes.

"you're staring, little monster." Jungkook mumbled,  taking the last bite of his dessert.

"h-handsome..y-you're so handsome." Jimin said, as if he was staring into space but he was actually still looking at Jungkook.

Jungkook was sure there was nothing wrong with his ears,  he heard what Jimin said, so clearly. He turned his head around to meet with Jimin's dreamy gaze, "are you crazy?"

"yah!" Jimin woke up from his dream when he heard Jungkook was calling him crazy. 

Jungkook just giggled at Jimin's furious reaction,  somewhere unknown in his heart are slowly burning with hot flames, familiar feelings of him having a crush back when he was in secondary school.  He was then alarmed by himself, trying to wake up from that feeling.

How is that even possible? I thought, I was straight. Jungkook said to himself but whenever he looks at how Jimin with that eyesmile,  or laughing hard with one hand covering his mouth, he can't stop himself from feeling this way and he is not complaining at all. In a nutshell,  he enjoys it and being such a typical Jeon Jungkook, he craves for more.

"let's get out of here,  shall we?" with that,  Jungkook just grabbed the wrist of Jimin and dashed out of the place without bidding goodbye to anyone.

Jungkook just needs to find this out himself.

Author's note:

Another update, yay?

Ps: sorry for the short chapter :'))

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