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Jimin got down from his bed groggily, feeling the coldness of the floor tiles in contact with his bared foot. He decided to get a glass of warm milk as he could not sleep at all.

As he was about to reach the stairs, he heard sniffing and shuffling sounds coming from the veranda. He carefully walked over to where the sounds coming from,  only to be scared by a woman sitting there, hugging her knees together as she, cries.

"h-hey..you okay?" Jimin asked as he approached closer.

Seems like the woman had heard him that she lifted up her tear stained face,  "Anastasia? What're you doing here at this hour?"

Jimin scrunched his body down as he took the space next to her, to get a closer look of her face.

"I-I don't know-" and she continues sobbing, hiccuped in between cries.

Being a sucker in comforting people, Jimin just pulled her closer and allows her to cry in his embrace that radiating comforts and warmness.

Jimin shushed her down by rubbing soft circles on her back, hoping to make her feel better.

When Jimin sees her finally calm down at least, he pushed her slightly away from his arms and asked comfortly, "you feeling better?"

Only to see Anastasia nodding her head, moving her hair away from her face.

"m-mind telling what's wrong so maybe I can help?" Jimin asked again,  to see her sniffed and takes a deep a breath.

"I b-broke up with my boyfriend-"

"you've a boyfriend?" Jimin's voice was a little bit loud that it startles the woman in front of him.

"y-yeah..but I thought he was the right one for me after Jungkook..but," her tears can't stopped that they rolled down her cheeks like a waterfall, "he used me, to get money for him."

"is that why you're here?" Jimin hit the point that makes Anastasia shot his head up to stare at him.

Jimin chuckled before leaning his body against the wall, "I can see that, you aren't really that willing to con Jungkook for his money right?"

He spoke the right thing again that caused her to lower down her head this time, guilt eating her up.

"my b-boyfriend forced me to..but I told him I wouldn't, then he shuts me out."

"I'm sure Jungkook is willing to help you if you talk to him," he stops for a moment, "I mean like, he's filthy rich and that monster isn't that bad-" Jimin lingered when he realises if he is going to continue to talk about how wonderful Jungkook is, it will takes forever.

Jimin sees how Anastasia paused at her thoughts, trying to compile everything before making a decision.

"hey I'll help you out alright? But promise me you won't do anything bad that it will hurt other people." Jimin placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I was never wanted to hurt anybody, I came back to Korea is because..i lost my family and literally everything, and here it's the only place I can run to!"

"alright alright. You should get some rest now, and come down early for breakfast so that we can ask Jungkook for help."

Anastasia's face brighten up as she smiles at the angel in front of her.

"you what?!" Jungkook had his voice raised upon hearing Jimin asked permission for Anastasia to stay here for good.

Anastasia bites her lower lip as she scooted closer to Jimin.

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