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<garden lobby>

Jimin was busy tapping his keyboard away, replying emails to several huge company that they are in connect with. His attention was distracted when the phone in his office rang. 

"hello?" he picked up immediately.

"Mr Park, there's someone looking for you at the lobby." a receptionist's soft voice was heard from the other side of the line.

"will come down in a minute," with that,  Jimin put back the phone, and took his coat before leaving his office and goes down to the lobby. 

Jimin reached the ground floor in no time,  only to be seen the whole place was covered up by pots of fresh flowers, there are even table flowers were placed on the lobby tables and also the counter. 

Jimin was struggling himself to walk through a whole place that are full of flowers, looking exactly like a garden.

Just name any flowers, you can easily get it from any of the pots of flowers placed nicely on the floor. Jimin looked to the direction of the entrance , to see there are more flowers coming in.  After a while,  he managed to squeeze himself to the reception counter, "what's going on here?" he asked the receptionist.

"sorry Mr Park,  I'm afraid I can't be able to answer you as I don't even know what happened," she lowered down her head, "but I only know these flowers are all for you.." she said cautiously.

What the actual fuck going on here? Jimin thought to himself,  scanning the company building that was partially covered with colourful and fresh scented flowers,  turning the building into a botanical garden.

As he was standing there,  having no inkling what to do,  a familiar figure was walking towards him with another bouquet of red roses held on his arms.

"Yoongi?" Jimin whispered to himself as the figure approached him,  allowing him to see clearer.

"hey Jiminie." Yoongi handed over the bouquet,  smile on his face not going away.

"hyung, what're you doing here?" Jimin accepted the flowers gladly, shocked to see his ex senior aka college mate here in the company building.

"I know that you're now the asistant CEO of Golden Closet,  so I'm here." he fixed his coat, face glowing as he sees his all time favourite junior.

"ahhh, thank you so much hyung! But you really don't have to.." Jimin looked around the place once again, heart slowly warming up by the sweet actions of Yoongi towards himself.

"no worries, my Jiminie.." Yoongi ruffles Jimin's hair, "I've missed you.." he confessed only to see Jimin smiling at him,  if you don't know Jimin you might see him as an idiot who smiles like that,  yet for Yoongi who has a fond for this junior, it was definitely Jimin's best smile.

Yoongi was a senior to Jimin during their time in university where Yoongi was a music major meanwhile Jimin was a business and arts major. Jimin stumbled upon Yoongi when the younger accidently barged into the musical studio that Yoongi spends most of his free time there. At first,  Yoongi was being really mean to Jimin that he keeps ordering the younger to finish school assignments and even prepare lunch for him.  Jimin was really too naive to not even notice that, that was the time when the fond of Yoongi towards himself grew stronger and stronger, and it slowly turns to love.

Jimin's attention was interrupted when he heard Jungkook's voice echoed across the lobby, "Park Jimin,  what the hell have you done here?"

"it was-"

"hey there little brother," Yoongi who didn't catch Jungkook's eyes, cuts Jimin off before he could finish his sentence.

"hyung?!" Jungkook looked at him in amazed, more like shocked by his presence as he wasn't expecting to see his blood brother here.

"wait..hyung?!" Jimin was confused, looking at Yoongi then Jungkook then back at Yoongi again. 

"what's wrong with that?" Yoongi and Jungkook asked in unison.

"how can you be brothers when the both of you don't look the same at all,  and the personalities are totally different,  the hyung is so kind and sweet while the dongsaeng is so-" Jimin blabbering until he stops when he was about to mention about Jungkook.

"the dongsaeng what? Spit it you little monster." Jungkook took a step closer to Jimin but was block by Yoongi who sqeeuze himself in between them two CEOs, "it's nothing Jungkook-ah, just forget about what he said." only then,  Jungkook backed away and gave Jimin a glare. 

"then what're all these flowers doing here?  I don't remember our company will be hosting a garden festival," Jungkook scanned his eyes around. 

"these flowers are all for Jiminie, to congratulate him of becoming the assistant CEO of dad's company." Yoongi smiled while placing his arm around Jimin's shoulder.

Jungkook scoffed, rolled his eyes and ordered, "clean up the mess before you enter your office, Park Jimin." and soon left out of the site,  back to his own office. 

Jimin who heard him clearly, pouted while staring at those beautiful flowers on his hand and around the place.

"don't care about him,  Jiminie. My brother has always been this mean and bossy." Yoongi comforted,  only to see Jimin nodded his head. 

He then asked the employees that are staring at them the whole time to pick any flowers to their liking and they could just have it for decorations or any other purposes,  and of course they accepted elatedly.

After cleaning the place and things just went back to normal,  Yoongi followed Jimin back to his office,  to meet with a grumpy looking Jungkook walked out of his office.

"done?" he said, eyes never left Jimin.

"y-yes.." Jimin averted his gaze,  not wanting to make any eye contact with him.

Jungkook then looked at Yoongi who stood next to Jimin and questioned,  "how come you're here hyung?"

"I'm in Korea all these while,  it's just that I went to Japan for a short vacation and I just got back last night." Yoongi cleared his throat, "why? Aren't you happy to see me here?"

"of course I'm! It's just..you should be the CEO of this company." Jungkook finally says what he wanted to say ever since day one he took this huge position.

"nah, impossible bro. You know I'm always a music major,  business, is just not my thing," he patted his younger brother's shoulder, "don't worry about me. I know you can do it." he gave Jungkook a supportive smile,  giving him energy and determination to do well. 

Jimin who was consider as an outsider at the scene,  was about to tip toe back to his office without anyone noticed,  yet he was caught on the arms by Jungkook.

"where do you think you're going?" Jungkook gripped on him, not having a single intention of letting him go. 

"I was just about to continue my..my work." Jungkook contemplated awhile at Jimin words before letting him off, the shorter guy then dashed off, back to his office as fast as lightning.
When Jimin was out of the place,  Yoongi speaks up again, "take it easy on him bro, somehow he is still older than you."

"for anyone's sake,  he fucking acts like a 6 year old kid, Mia is definitely mature than him sometimes," Jungkook snorted, "by the way,  how do you guys met?"

"he was my junior in University, and speaking of Mia,  I've missed my niece alot! Mind if I visit her tonight?" Yoongi chuckled, as both of the brothers make their way to the cafeteria to enjoy some afternoon tea. 

Author's note:

Give me some feedback for improvement! Hope you guys enjoyed 💕

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