Chapter 2: Keep it a secret

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"Okay," Jason said. "I know we shouldn't panic or whatever until we find a solution but I'm panicking right now. I don't want to be stuck in pretty boy's body!" he complained.

The Robins were still stunned after the incident but managed to get back on their feet. Now, they quickly headed back to Wayne Manor before anyone would notice why the Robins were acting so strange all of a sudden. None of them were used to their new bodies and struggled to adapt.

"Shut it, Todd," Damian muttered. "As if I like being in your body."

"Hey, you get to be tall for once," Jason snapped. "Isn't that your fucking dream?!"

"It isn't my fault we got blasted in the first place," Dick said, glaring at Jason. "Urgh! I'm literally glaring at myself right now! This is so weird."

"We can't tell anyone about this," Jason said. "Especially Bruce."

"Can you stop walking like that?" Dick cried at Jason. "I do not walk like that!"

"Yeah, you walk like ballerina," Jason said sarcastically. "And I'm not a ballerina!"

"I've never seen Dick frown so much," Tim said, staring at Jason, half smiling in amusement.

"Yeah," Jason scoffed. "I've never seen Damian smile so much."

"Dammit Drake!" Damian cursed. "Can't you be a better actor?"

"You tell me?" Tim asked. "You can't even walk straight in Jay's body with him being so tall!"

Damian hissed at Tim and almost tripped over his feet again, proving Tim right who looked smug.

"This isn't working," Dick groaned.

"Don't make that face!" Tim complained.

"I'm not making any face!" Dick protested.

"Yes you are!" Tim cried. "I don't make that face!"

"Enough already," Jason said annoyed. "Great, now I sound like Dick."

"You're supposed too," Tim said. "Look, we gotta try acting more like the person we switched into. This is too obvious, we're going to give ourselves away."

"You don't make a good Damian though," Jason pointed out.

"I said try!" Tim cried. "For God's sake, Jay, try acting more like Dick yourself!"

"We should just tell Bruce," Dick muttered.

"NO!" the other three shouted in unison.

"No no no no no no way am I gonna let Bruce know," Jason said. "This is probably the most humiliating thing that happened to me. And I literally died!"

"Todd is right," Damian said. "What would father think when four of us couldn't even defeat him and he's not even the Joker."

"He'll ground us," Tim said.

"You're afraid of getting grounded?" Damian asked in disbelief. "The bigger problem is what would Bruce say! He told us to not go after him and we did. Now not only we failed to stop him, we even got ourselves in trouble. He's not going to trust us with missions again."

"Plus it's humiliating," Jason reminded.

"But..." Dick started.

"But what, Grayson, Drake, whoever the hell you are," Damian demanded. "Todd is correct, or is it, urgh! I'm so messed up right now," he grumbled.

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