Chapter 6: Jason's betrayal

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Anyone here that has read Heroes in Crisis? Well I have and *spoiler* I'm really upset that they killed off Roy and Wally :(
And failed Batcat wedding, Jason being kicked from the Batfamily, Dick getting amnesia and calling himself Ric, what more will DC give us? :(

Anyway, back to the story :)

"You're right," Barbara said, her eyes glued to the screen of her computer.

The Robins sat in chairs around Barbara awkwardly. They had told her the half truth about wanting to stop Mr Switch and that the frequency of the tracker was messed with but no one mentioned the "switching" accident. They had come to a silent agreement (which almost never happened), that some things had to remain secret.

"That guy, Mr Switch you said, he found a way to disrupt the signal. He probably knew you put a tracker on him but obviously couldn't find where, so he had to disrupt the signal," Barbara concluded and turned her chair to face them.

"Can you fix it?" Jason asked.

Barbara gave him a weird look that made Jason wonder if he had said something wrong on accident.

"Yes, I can fix it," Barbara said matter-of-factly. "Of course I can. What do you think Oracle has been doing for so many years? Playing computer games?"

"I don't believe you've never ever played a single computer game during your 'working hours'," Jason teased, raising his eyebrows.

Dick nudged Jason hardly in the ribs and glared. Dick couldn't believe it, was Jason flirting with Barbara? Jason glared back and rubbed his ribs, wincing slightly.

Barbara turned back to the computer and continued her work, they remained silent until Barbara decided to break the silence.

"Can I speak to you alone, Dick?" she asked, eyes never leaving the screen.

Jason's eyebrows flew up and stared at Dick with a what do I do look. Dick shot Jason a warning look that said if you say anything wrong I will kill you, and grabbed Tim and Damian's arm, pulling them away.

Jason cleared his throat awkwardly. "What's wrong, Babs?" he asked.

Barbara turned to him. "You've been acting really weird today."

Jason gulped. "I have?" he asked. "It's just lil old me."

Barbara raised an eyebrow. "Is something wrong? You can tell me."

Think Jason, think, he thought furiously. What would Dick say? "It's nothing Barbara," he said seriously. "I'm fine, really, this 'Mr Switch' case is just getting on my nerves," he added.

"Why?" Barbara asked. "It's not like he switched you or something," she teased. "You just said you decided to take him down, it's not like he offended you or something."

Jason tensed and laughed nervously. "Nahh, he didn't switch me, that's ridiculous," he laughed. "Anyway, thanks for your help," he said, quickly changing the subject. "We couldn't have done it without your help."

Barbara smiled and leaned towards him, kissing him right on the lips. Jason froze for a second, just a second, and cupped her face, kissing her back, unaware that the others were watching them, from a gap at the door.

"I. Am. Going. To. Murder. Jason. Todd." Dick said, his face murderous. "Preferably with a crowbar then blowing up his corpse. Again. And this time no Lazarus pits can save him."

"I will gladly assist you," Damian said. "And I will forever cherish his begging cries of mercy in my heart."

"No one is killing anyone," Tim said, but his face amused. "We aren't supposed to be eavesdropping in the first place. Plus, Dick, how will you blow up Jason's corpse when his body is technically yours? And Damian, you don't have a heart."

Damian glared daggers at Tim. "I swear Drake you will be the next to die and I will enjoy killing you… slowly."

"And I can always kill him after we switch back," Dick said matter-of-factly.

"And if we don't?" Tim asked. Dick and Damian fell silent. "We haven't thought of that, but what if there's not way to switch us back, that this is permanent?"

"No," Damian snapped. "I refuse, I absolutely refuse to believe that."

"Why?" Tim asked. "Afraid Jon won't like you now that you're taller than him?"

Damian's face redden instantly in anger. "You! I'll kill you Drake I will tear you to pieces ——"

"Ahem," a voice interrupted them and both Damian and Tim turned to face a frowning Barbara and an amused Jason by the door. They were so absorbed in their bickering they didn't notice the door opening. Dick was nowhere to be seen, apparently, he knew Barbara was coming and decided to leave first, without alerting them.

"Damn, Grayson," Damian muttered under his breath. "Curse him to the deepest pits of fiery hell and hope that he stays there, permanently."

"Barbara fixed it," Jason announced, the device in his hands.

Dick walked over the them, his face scarily neutral but when his eyes fell on Jason, they grew murderous. Jason quickly looked away, knowing that his 'big secret' was out.

"Anyway, thanks for your help Barbara, we appreciate it," Tim said, momentarily forgetting that he was in Damian's body.

Barbara blinked in surprise. "Did I just hear Damian Wayne thank someone?" Damian bit back a scream and mentally slapped Tim a hundred times in his head.

"I mean, we obviously could have done it without you, Gordon, we just didn't have a choice," Tim corrected quickly in the meanest tone he could muster.

"Yeah," Barbara said, totally unconvinced, but fortunately, she let it drop. "Good luck on your mission I guess," she said.

"Thank you," Dick said. "We owe you one."

"Don't mention it," she said and turned to Jason who was desperately trying to avoid another conversation with Barbara.

"And I know it's probably useless to say this, but be careful," Barbara said. "Mr Switch could switch you on accident."

"Yeah, thanks for your help," Jason said. Then after a thought, he leaned in and kissed Barbara on the lips. He was screwed anyway he decided, might as well make it worth it.

Dick's mouth fell open in shock, stunned that Jason would do that to him, and right in front if his face! Tim and Damian snickered behind his back.

"Okay," Jason said when he was done. "We are on a tight schedule, and we really need to go," he said and dropped a wink at a red faced Dick Grayson.

I wonder if anyone was worried when they saw the title for this chapter, like what did Jason do?? But turns out he just betrayed Dick Grayson for a kiss ;) It was hard to think of a title for this chapter and I was like, why not? And ended up with this title.

Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing this chapter, love you guys! Leave a vote if you liked it! XD

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