Chapter 3: How to be you

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"Okay, first of all, you have to try walking like me," Dick said patiently to Jason. "You walk nothing like me, more like——."

"—— an oversized oaf," Damian suggested.

"Shut up shortie," Jason hissed. "Guy who can't walk in a tall body can't judge me."

"T—," Damian muttered then stopped, remembering he wasn't supposed to do that.

"Its a start," Tim congratulated.

"This is the worse day of my life," Damian groaned.

"I don't see how worse it is," Jason muttered as Dick attempted to teach him some acrobatic moves, hoping it could help Jason walk better. "I'd rather die, again!"

"Jay, concentrate!" Dick cried, doing a perfect flip and landing gracefully in his feet.

"I am concentrating!" Jason protested, but his eyes were on Tim who was trying to look grouchy to be more like Damian. "Please tell me you aren't gonna teach me ballet next."

"If things are desperate," Dick answered.

"Fine, I'm looking," Jason grumbled as Dick performed another series of flips.

"Drake you are hopeless," Damian complained as Tim tried to look mean. "You're screwing my face!"

"Hey, I'm trying!" Tim yelled. "I'm not a natural jackass like you."

"Excuse me?!" Damian snapped. "Mind your words, Drake or you'll find a sword in your throat next."

"Jay doesn't use swords," Tim pointed out.

"I'd gladly settle for a bullet in your oh-so-smart brain then," Damian added.

"And BAM," Tim said. "You're dead. My body is with Dick. You're literally killing yourself."

Damian had to use all his self control to not click his tongue. Then, something popped in to his head. "You need to learn to click your tongue, Drake," he said smugly.

"How do you even do that?" Tim asked annoyingly.

"Click your tongue against the roof of your mouth," Damian explained.

"Dammit," Tim said as he tried. "Can't you pick up other habits like maybe, smiling all the time?"

"Smiling all the time is not a habit," Damian said. "And smiling isn't for people who are badass and cool."

Tim took a while to get that through his brain. And when he realised that Damian meant he wasn't cool, he glared at Damian. "Now you look like me," Damian said, slightly satisfied.

Tim sighed, too pleased with himself to get mad. "TT," he tried, clicking his tongue and succeeded, smiling in triumph.

"Good," Damian said and Tim smiled wider. "You finished step 1."

Tim's face fell and turned into shock. "STEP ONE??!" he cried. "You have steps for clicking your damned demon tongue?"

"Step 2, you have to look bored or annoyed," Damian said, ignoring Tim. "No smiling, no smirking, no laughing, no acting stupid. And step 3, you need to know when to use it."

"I hate you," Tim muttered.

"Vice versa, Drake," Damian said. "You can only use it when you think things are stupid."

"What if I don't think things are stupid?" Tim asked.

Damian looked as if he wanted to squeeze Tim's neck. "You just know," he hissed. "When someone says something ridiculous. Like everything you say."

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