Chapter 5: Everything goes wrong

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Everything went wrong the moment the Robins stepped out of Wayne Manor. Immediately, Damian stumbled and tripped on the stairs on his way out, sprawling on the ground. He glared daggers at the rest of them who were threatening to burst into laughter.

"You look ridiculous, Jay," Tim laughed.

Jason groaned. "God, Damian! Don't make me look like a fool!"

"Aren't you always?" Damian spat, getting up calmly and brushing the dirt off his body, or rather, Jason's body.

Jason rolled his eyes in response.

The Robins walked all the way to Barbara's house. As expected, along the way, people stared and some people snapped pictures. After all, they were Bruce Wayne, billionaire of Gotham's sons. Damian had to keep his head low and walk further from the others to not draw too much attention as Jason Todd was supposed to be dead.

"It's been a while since I've been out in public like this without my hood on," Jason said, amusement creeping into his voice.

"How lucky," Damian hissed sarcastically from behind. "How unfortunate of me to be stuck in a dead guy's body then." He had to wear a hoodie, put on sunglasses and a fake moustache to hide his identity.

"You died too, Damian," Tim reminded.

"Well at least I'm not dead to the public, nor do I have a death certificate hanging around in my room!" he shot at Jason. "Who keeps a death certificate in their room?!"

"He does it to annoy people," Dick said. Suddenly, two girls walked up to them. One of them was a blonde and the other had her red hair in a ponytail.

"Are you Dick Grayson?" the blonde asked, her eyes wide. The cute redhead beside her had began giggling hysterically.

Jason froze for a second, not used to the attention. Then, a wide smirk crossed his face as something crossed his mind. "Oh yes!" he said, throwing his arms open dramatically. "I'm the one and only Dick Grayson!" he said. "So nice to meet you cuties."

Dick looked as if he wants to explode from anger. Jason was using his body and messing around!

"Which of you wants my signature?" Jason asked, winking flirtyly. "Or maybe a kiss?"

"Jay- I mean Dick!" Dick hissed. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Don't be rude, Tim," Jason said, pouting. "I'm talking with some girls here."

The girls giggled again and blushed deep red.

Dick groaned. At this rate, his reputation was destroyed. In a flash of anger, he turned to a cute brunette girl with glasses who was gawking at him and flashed a smile. "Hey," he said, flirty, forgetting the fact that he was actually in Tim's body and not Jason's.

Tim's mouth fell open in shock. "That's my body!" he hissed at Dick. But the damage was done. The girl squealed in happiness that he had actually talked to her.

Dick regretted talking to her immediately. She squealed and gave Dick a squeezing hug. "I'm a huge fan," she said, voice shaking. "I can't believe I'm finally meeting you. Can I go to Wayne Manor with you? Maybe get to know each other?"

Dick tried to back away but the girl kept advancing on him. Tim groaned from watching Dick who was himself trying helplessly to escape.

On the other side, the other two girls were still flirting shamelessly with Jason.

"You know," the red head said slyly. "You are so hot, I could fry an egg on you."

Jason resisted the urge to roll his eyes. His brother was not that hot!

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