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Axel's POV
I get up from my bunk and go to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and brushing my hair. "Girls eleven to seventeen to the main room, girls eleven to fourteen to the main room." The speakers boomed.

I sighed, pulling on a Panic! At The Disco shirt and covering my arms and my thighs with a way over sized Black Veil Brides hoodie that my best friend had owned before she killed herself.

I put on my converse over my socks and head downstairs. I get in line, sitting on the floor and looking down, I now have my own personal hideout behind my thick (thicc) hair.

I feel someone land in front of me with a thud. Followed by giggles. I look up, I see my best friend Bailey with her pansexual shirt on.

She looked at me. "You look really hot today." She said. I laugh. "Whatever." I say. She gets into her place in line, which is next to me.

We wait our turn to be interviewed, Bailey is before me. She goes in, I wait for a few minutes, singing In The End by Black Veil Brides, I don't know much about the band, my friend liked them.

Y'know, before.. That..

Bailey came back out, her face is pale. "You know who Ashley Purdy is.. Right?" She asks. "Um.. Bassist of Black Veil Brides, right?" I ask. "Mhm. He's in there." She says.

"Axel! Get your fat ass in there before I snap your neck!" Miss Jackson whisper yells at me. I nod, going into the room, smiling at the three people there.

Jinxx, CC, and Ashley.

I sit down in the chair, looking up at Ashley. "Hello, I'm Ashley." He said. "I'm Axel,, Axel Alla Andrews, my old parents really liked the letter A." I say. He laughs, smiling at me.

"How old are you?" He asks. "I'm seventeen, just turned that yesterday." I say. "April sixth, right?" CC asks. "Yup. Funny thing is, my mother went into labour on April first, my biological father thought she was joking." I say.

The guys laugh. "That is very unfortunate." Jinxx says. "What's your favourite color?" Jinxx asks. "Grey." I say. "Favourite band?" "God Damnit how do I choose.." I say, making them laugh.

"My Chemical Romance or Panic! At The Disco." I say. "One or the other." Ashley teases. "I wouldn't so that if I were you." I warn. "What?" He asks. "Tease me, my older brother did that to me. He just about got a dead cat up his ass." I say.

"Jeez, I've known you for like five minutes and you're already mean." CC says. "People call you satanic, me not wanting to get adopted and stay with my best friend is the least of your worries, CC." I say.

"Who is your friend?" Jinxx asks. "The girl that came in here before me." I say. "Uh.. Bailey, right?" Ashley asked. I nod. "She was fun. And.." "Energetic?" I chuckle.

"Yeah, I've known her practically my whole life. You get used to it." I say. "So.. We should probably learn more about you before-" "Times up! I'll send in the next girl!" Miss Jackson said, busting open the door.

I stand up, pushing the chair in before giving the three a game smile before walking out. I go up to my room, I've been here since I was eleven. So pretty long.

And I've never had my hair cut, so I trip over it and fall face first, only to be caught by someone. I bring my legs forward in from of me before straightening out and looking to see who caught me.

"How is your hair that long?" CC asks, running his fingers through some of my pitch black hair. "I've never ever had it cut in my life." I say.

"Cool." He smiles. "What's your favourite Black Veil Brides song?" He asks. "I dunno.. Maybe Devil's Choir?" I ask, shrugging. He nods. "Ah!  What the hell?!" I shout feeling someone tackle me to the ground.

I look up, seeing Bailey hovering dangerously close to my face with a crazed look in her eyes. "I've got an idea." She said. "Okay, one, you're straddling me, two, you look insane, and three, your breath smells like coffee, how much did you drink?" I ask.

She laughs, her arms still on either side of my head. "Eleventeen Hahaha!!!" She yells, pushing her self off and laying on the floor while she was practically vibrating in excitement.

"Should I be worried?" CC asks, trying to cover up his laughing. "Nah, she'll calm down in about eleven hours and the pass out. She got into my coffee supply, probably ate the grounds mixed in nuttella." I say.

By now he was on the floor with us. I lay there before taking out my phone and hitting 'Play' on my PGP (Punk Goes Pop) playlist.

I close my eyes for a few minutes, listening to the sweet voice of Vic Fuentes singing some Bruno Mars song.

I feel someone nudge my side with their foot and my eyes snap open, grabbing their ankle and pulling them down. "Holy shit!" I hear someone exclaim. I look and see Bailey laugh on the floor, her ankle in my hand.

I let go immediately. "Um.. I mean.. Ahh.. Don't scare me like that?" I say, but it comes out as a question. "That was fun. C'mon let's go get your bag packed! You've been laying on the floor for an hour!" Bailey says, flipping down on top of me.

"You sure you're not gay?" I ask, shoving her off of me. "Um, excuse you, if it's a girl, it's called being lesbian." She corrects. "Sorry, your just so flat chested it's hard to tell." I smirk, shoving myself off the floor, picking up my phone, hauling ass up the stairs.

Bailey shouts her battle cry and chased me.

Ashley's POV
"Well, I hope you know what your getting into."

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