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Axel's POV (Roxanne above) [Quote is for different thing]
"What'cha thinkin' about?" Chris asks. "Nothing.." I mumble. "Bullshit, c'mon, you can trust me." He says, turning towards me.

"You know that feeling of rejection, not like, oh, you asked your friend to hang out and they said no, like.. The kind of rejection where it's like, this person that I really love got a significant other and now ignores me completely..?" I ask.

"Who's ass do I have to kick?" He asks, pain in his eyes. "You haven't even known me for twenty four hours and you're already acting like an overprotective big brother." I smirk.

"Again, who's ass do I have to kick?" He asks. "It's a guy, and his girlfriend is super protective of him and won't let me hang out with him anymore. Like I've known him since before they started dating, and he's never been interested in me, so I don't get why she's so upset!" I say, becoming more angry by the second. He nods and I explain the rest.

"Well maybe she's self conscious of herself and doesn't want him to leave her for you, try to see it from her point of view." He explains. "I mean, you've probably known him longer, know his interests, know him better, have talked to him more." He says.

I feel tears well in my eyes. "Oh. Okay. Guess I'll just go try and work this out then." I say, plastering a fake smile on my face and walk away.

:Time Skip:

I walk inside, bringing a few bags inside as well. I got very few things. "Hey Axel, how was the shopping trip?" CC asks as I walk in. "It was an exceptional trip to the mall." I grunt as I walk upstairs.

I reach my room and head inside, shutting the door behind me as I drop the bags beside me. What Chris said really hurt me. He obviously did catch the fact that my fucking glass heart fucking decided to fall into his hands, and he and his girlfriend threw it to the ground, smashing it to pieces, then burned it, buried me with the shards and dances around the bonfire on my grave.

Bailey had said the same thing to me. And it hurt. When I told Roxanne, she understood, because she had done the same thing. I sigh as I walk to my bed, flipping down onto it, grabbing a pillow and clutching it to my chest, as my body curled around it.

I cried into the fluffy pillow as I thought about how is found Roxanne on Suicide Bridge, her wrist cut to bone, skin sickly white and her eyes red and puffy. I remember how she turned to step down, but tripped and fell, hitting the metal cables on the way down, breaking her back and ribs.

"Axel? You left one of your bags in the car." I hear, I look up to see Ricky. He silently gasps, slowly walking over. "Axel, what's wrong?" He asks, sitting me up and hugging me to his chest. "C-Chris.." I stutter, not being able to breath really fucks up your speech.

"Chris? Like, the Chris we were just hanging out with today? Or a different Chris?" He asks, looking down at me with anger and worry, but the anger being directed at someone else.

"I-I.." I break down into sobs. Before Ricky can say anything, Ashley calls me to downstairs. "AXEL! SOMEONE'S AT THE DOOR FOR YOU!!" CC yells. "She'll be down in a minute!" Ricky yells back.

We receive an 'okay' from downstairs and he pulls me into his lap. "Hey, calm down and breathe, in for four, hold for two, and out for four." He instructs, I comply and he does the exercise with me. "Tell me what happened." He says softly.

"I told Chris about this guy I have a stupid fucking crush on, and how he was dating a girl who was super protective and wouldn't let me see him, but I've known him for longer and he's never been interested in me, and he flat out ignores me now, all because he has to be a fucking goody two shoes and listen to his girlfriend, I'm sure his girlfriend fucking hates me, and Chris said that I should try to see it from her point of view, and that maybe she's self conscious, but she's perfect, her face is perfect, which is okay, if the rest of your body is just a little bit fucked up, but it's not, and that's not fair, hair? Perfect. Jawline? Like a fucking knives edge. Body? FUCKING hourglass. Art skills? Better than Gerard Way and Emerson Barret combined. Singing voice? Better then fucking Brendon Urie. Everything about her is flawless. Like what the fuck are you?! A fucking figment of someone's imagination?! He doesn't get it! She's still perfect, I'm that depressed emo kid that picks a fight with everyone and has a fucked up past." I say.

I shove myself up. "I'll let you process that. Do what you will with it. I need to go see who's at the door." I grunt as I walk out of my door.

I head down the stairs and to the living room to see who was at the door for me. And the worst thing. The very last person on earth. In the fucking universe I ever wanted to fucking see was sitting on the couch with his girlfriend next to him.

The little, coincided shit, who broke my heart until you couldn't count the pieces, the one who has talked me out of three suicide attempts, known for six years, and he still went with the whore who he knew for three months, yeah, you fucking guessed it, the one, the fucking only..


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