Chapter 3: Why

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Donnie's POV 

   After (y/n) told us she was a vampire, which I still don't believe, We basically had a conference about what to do with her. 

"She was made to kill people, do we really want her in our home!?!" Raph was not fond of (y/n) staying. But Raph was never really fond of anything.

"And that's why we can't let her just run around New York City by herself, and we can't just hand her over to the Kraang." Leo didn't like the idea either, but it was the best option right now.

"She said she had tried to not drink blood though and then she ended up killing a human, so she can't go without it, and I'm not donating blood." Mikey said. He didn't like the idea of needles or teeth in his skin, but he was excited to have a new friend even if he didn't show it.

"We can not leave her to fend for herself, it would be bad for everyone." Master Splinter, who didn't like the idea of having this girl in the lair, was not going to be convinced that we should let her leave.

"We are going to have to do something about her... special needs, and unless one of you wants to rob a blood bank anytime soon, I think we should keep her under lock and key." April was not necessarily against the idea of having another girl around, but I'm pretty sure the whole vampire thing made her uneasy.

"I agree, keep her away from us until we can figure something out, if she has to stay that is..." Raph crossed his arms.

"I could keep her in the lab." I suggest, because honestly, I'm indifferent to weather she stays or not.

"Then it's settled, until we figure out how to handle this problem, she stays in the lab and we try to stay out of her way. Is that understood?" Master Splinter turns to side glance at Raph.

"Hai, Sensei!" And with that, we had a vampire staying in our home.

~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~

"So basically what you're telling me is that after I escaped being locked up in a lab, I have to be locked up in another lab?" After I got put with the task of explaining everything to (Y/N), and then also got stuck with the job of keeping an eye on her, she was pretty mad that she would be locked up in a room for a while.

"Pretty much, it's just until we can figure out what to do with you honestly." I usher her into the lab and shut the door behind us.

"Well, you guys better figure out something soon because I'm starving."

"Have you ever tried not drinking blood? Like, are you absolutely sure you can't live with out it?"

"I did try once, it ended badly. Usually I can control how much blood I take from a human, and keep it to a minimum so they only feel a little drowsy, but once I get really hungry, I can't stop myself. I ended up killing someone, so now I know not to fight my nature." She scratched her temple with one finger, like how they do in cartoons, and looked away ashamed. But what she just said struck me... this girl had killed someone, just trying to fight her instinct because she knew it was bad. She knew it would hurt her, but she tried anyway. And in exchange, she ended up killing someone.

"So, is this your living quarters? And is the equipment all yours?" She looked around the lab, eyeing the test tubes and materials I had stacked off to the side.

"Um, yea yea, it's mine. Hey I hope you don't mind, but I really need to work on the shell razor, is it ok if I work while you just kinda hang?" I grabed the welding mask and my tool box from under the counter, and shuffled over to the van.

"Can I help? I've tinkered with some stuff as a result of boredom and the kraang making me. I know the basics but not much beyond that." She walks up to the van, inspecting something I've put a lot of time and effort into.

"Yea, the breaks aren't working as well as they should be, and I was thinking of adding in some new defenses."

"I could fix the breaks, that I know I can do." She turns to me with a smile, her long white hair following her every twitch.

"Uh, I don't know..." She looks at me with a blaken expression, and then turns her head away after a few painfully long seconds.

"Maybe you could give me some scrap items to play with. Them maybe if you see that I can understand some stuff, I'll be able to help you on future projects and mishaps."

"Well I guess it couldn't hurt."

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