Chapter 5: Holy Shit

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Donnie's POV

    After talking this out between (Y/N), Leo, and Raph (sorry not sorry Mikey), I had come up with multiple trials, you could say, to test (Y/N)'s ability's.

"Are you guys ready? I'm gonna start the timer." I shout down the tunnel to where (Y/N), Mikey, and Raph stand, waiting for my signal.

"Donnie, we have been ready for the past 7 minutes and 44 seconds." (Y/N) shouts back.

"Ok,ok, Leo you watching?" He nods his head, and crosses his arm.

"Ready..., Set..., GO!" I start the timer, and they start running. For being smaller than both Raph and Mikey, and not having trained as much as them, she can certainly keep up. Raph pulls ahead, and then (Y/N) changes her stride, and passes both of them, crossing the finish line.

"How in the hell...?" Raph jogs up to me with a questioning look.

"I swear, I'm just as confused as you are." I turn around to see the silver haired girl staring intently at me.

"Did I do good?" She looks a bit worried, her voice going an octave higher than normal.

"Yea, you did great!"

"Could I get a hair cut then? If I'm going to blend in with the humans, I can't have vampire hair. Humans dye their hair right? I could dye mine..." She backs way slightly, a movement so small I almost didn't pick it up.

"You can get a hair cut even if you don't do good, it's just a hair cut, you don't need to earn it." She beams at me, before running up and wrapping her arms around me. She looks so happy...

"Thank you thank you thank you!!! I'll do my best I promise!" She pulls away and puts her hands on her hips.

"Right... So next is night vision yea?" I turn to look at my brothers with a huge nerdy smile.

"Sure, we can just turn the lights off in the lair, you have night vision goggles right Donnie?" Leo makes circles with his hands around his eyes to look like he is wearing glasses and points at me.

"Yea, I only have two pairs though..."

"Dibs on first try!!" Mikey shouts and runs off towards the lair.

~~~Time skip brought to you by authors laziness~~~

"So (Y/N) I'm gonna turn off the lights, make it completely dark and the put things around the room. I'll tell you what to grab and you will have to find it ok?" I slip the bulky eye wear over my mask and give a thumbs up to Mikey.

"Yes, I understand." She replies. I turn off the lights and place comic books, a screwdriver, and a few plates around the room randomly before asking her to find the screwdriver.

"I'm gonna assume that's the weird pointy thing." And sure enough she goes straight to the screwdriver without running into the couch, which was in her way. This repeats a few more times, and Raph fights with Mikey over the glasses, before we take a dinner break.

"So instead of drinking blood you drink this 'food' thing?" (Y/N) questions as Mikey serves up some reheated pizzia.

"Well, we eat food, but it keeps us alive much like blood does for you yes." I reply with my mouth full.

"... Can I try some food?" She looks over at me shyly, her hands playing with her hair.

"Of course you can dudette, here!" Mikey slides (Y/N) a thinner slice of pizza before sitting down to enjoy his own meal. She looks at how Leo is holding the slice, and mimics him before taking a bite.

"Careful, its hot!" I say, a little to late. She sets down the pizza before swallowing, and blankly stares down at her plate.

"You eat this every day?" She glances over to me.

"No, normal people eat different food everyday, but we aren't really normal people and we also live with Mikey, who eats nothing but pizza."

"That's not true, sometimes I eat ice cream!" We eat the rest of our dinner talking about different food, and I promise (Y/N) that I'l get her something other than pizza to eat soon. After we clean up, I head back to my lab to do some work before going to bed. (Y/N) follows me quietly, before sitting down to watch me work.



"I'm hungry." I turn to looks at her, but her hair is hiding her beautiful (E/C) eyes.

"I know, April should be back tomorrow morning though and she'll hopefully have something for you.

"No Donnie, I can not wait until tomorrow." She's over here so fast I don't see her move, before she climbs on my lap and tilts my head back. I want to move, I need to move, but my body is not listening to me. I feel so relaxed like this though, even though I need to move, I need to get away, fight back. But why? I'm so peaceful, nothing can hurt me, I'm just being paranoid. Why did I even want to move in the first place? Someone is touching me. I feel a slight pain in my neck, something warm dripping down my arm. Someone is on top of me, but who? I can't remember what I'm supposed to be doing, why am I here again? I just feel so calm so relaxed, nothing can hurt me after all. I should just let go, I'm worrying to much, I'm starting to sound like Leo.

The last thing I remember was feeling a hot breath on my neck, and the words "I'm sorry" burned into my mind, before I finally gave into the wave of calm that had washed over me.

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