Chapter 8: French toast

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Donnie's POV

The next morning I wake up, groggy and annoyed by the thing poking me in the neck. I go to move the object, pushing it away from myself and rolling over. The thing, whatever it is, decides that it doesn't like that I pushed it away and starts poking me more violently than before. I grab the thing, and hold it for a moment, trying to figure out what it was...

Fuck it's an arm. I open my eyes to find (Y/N) practically on top of me, staring at me like I had just said Texas was a country. Confused and concerned.

"Were you having bad visions?" She leans in a bit closer. I'm still out of it so I reply with a 'nah' as I let go of her arm and start to get out of bed.

"Wait, sit down." I look at her annoyingly but comply anyway. French Toast Sounds so so so damn good right now. Without warning she pushes me back onto the bed and straddles my waist.

"....I'm hungry.." Ah, right. I'm room mating with a vampire who likes to drink my blood. No biggie, just another Monday. Without a word I tilt my head to the side and expose my neck, blushing slightly at the thought of her lips against my skin. Gah what is wrong with me? She leans down and starts sucking on my neck. SUCKING ON MY NECK.

"W-w-what a-are you d-doing?" I'm taken aback by the slightly sexual act, all I wanted was French toast now I'm getting a hickey.

"It brings the blood up to the surface so it's easier, and less painful." She says this like someone would say 'we need to go to the store to get eggs' or maybe 'hey, there are no clouds in the sky today'. Detached, unemotional, indifferent. Cause hickies aren't intimate at all. She continues to suck gently on my neck, and just as my mind starts to wander, she sinks her teeth into my neck. A shock of pleasure runs through me, and I have to bite my lip to keep my mouth shut. It didn't feel like this last time, it didn't feel so good, so... amazing...

I let out a quiet moan and feel her muscles tence. Fuck fuck fuck fuck what is she gonna do?

"I'm sorry did I hurt you? I was trying my best to make it only pinch." She pulls away from my neck and I feel the blood roll over my skin and drip onto my bed sheets.

"N-no no it felt good... that's how people show something feels good.." She nods, not understanding what I said but took away that she didn't hurt me and went back to the task at hand and- fuck I feel amazing. Should it hurt? Maybe I'm secretly into the whole pain thing...

Before I realized she was finished, she was walking out the door to the lab and leaving me behind. I let my hand go up to my neck and feel that the small bite has already scabbed over and was no longer bleeding. The sheets on the other hand will have to get bleached. I quickly follow in (Y/N)'s footsteps and walk into the kitchen to see Leo and (Y/N) talking.

"What are you patrolling?"

"The city, we walk around and make sure that nothing bad is happening, spy on the kraang and the purple dragons, look for the Shredder, that sort of stuff." I notice the plate of French toast next to him and grab a few slices, pulling a Mikey and load it with maple syrup.

"How long will you be gone?" Glancing over at her, I see she has her own plate of breakfast. Guess I wasn't enough.

"It all depends on what happens. If there's a lot of activity we could be gone for six or seven hours, if not it could just be one. Good morning Donnie, did you sleep well?" The remembrance of last night makes me blush slightly.

"Yes, like a baby. Who's going on patrol tonight, you and me?" Maple syrup is so good, it's heaven in a bite, it's almost as good as pizza. Leo looks down at his plate and stabs a slice with his fork.

"Actually you're stuck on babysitting duty. I'm taking Mikey with me tonight until we figure out what we're going to do with her." He nods his head in (Y/N)'s direction with his mouth full. When I look over at her, I see her poking the toast with her fork, then slowly picking it up and taking a bite.

"I'm sure she could entertain herself down here. After all, what she was allowed to do was pretty limited."

"I agree. I'm very good at following rules put in place, I do not need a supervisor at all times. You called this French toast? It tastes funny.." She pushes her plate away.

"Guess we can't expect a freak like you to understand good food." Ahh good morning Raph, how was your sleep? Good? That's great, could you kindly shut the fuck up?

"I guess not." (Y/N) stands up from the table and slowly wanders back into my lab. Please don't touch anything in there, you will break something.

"Good morning my sons, thank you for breakfast today Leonardo." Sensei is usually the one who makes breakfast, but I guess he.. was busy? "I have decided that (Y/N) will start training with you." ... I'm sorry what? Did I just hear. You want the super human vampire girl to run laps with a bunch of turtles?


GUYSSSS I haven't updated this in almost a year but ITS F I N E.
Hopefully I'll start working on this more when I have more free time but I'm fickle with my decisions tbh

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2020 ⏰

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