Chapter six: Protector?

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   I can't move. That's the first thing that comes to mind after I wake up, is that I can't move. The second being the fact that I was bitten by (Y/N), and the third was the screaming.

"She hurt Donnie! We can not let this thing stay with us!" Is that Mikey? No, he's a sweet heart, he woudn't be able to say those things.

"Get away from my brother!" What in the world is going on? I start to regain feeling in my hands and feet, so I slowly open my eyes. There's (Y/N), she looks scared, upset even. It's then I realize my head is on her lap, and I quickly sit up.

"Good morning Donnie, did y-"

"DONNIE!!!" I'm quickly embraced, and the wind is knocked out of me for a second before I see Mikey is the one hugging me.

"What in the world happened?" I say.

"That thing bit you for dinner!" Raph screams.

"I am not a thing, you may not like me, but I am not a thing." And it all came back to me, the calm feeling, the quick jab of pain, and the complete bliss of it afterwards. (Y/N) bit me. I turn to look at her, and I almost regret it. She has obviously been crying, her beautiful (eye colour) eyes that I could get lost in were puffy and red, her skin blotchy and red marks covered her arms.

"Oh my goodness, (Y/N) what did you do to your arms?" I quickly nudge Mikey off of me and take her hand in mine. She seems so delicate...

"I felt bad I hurt you..." She pulls her arm back. "Please don't kick me out, I'll be good from now on, I promise. You can experiment on me and lock me up but please don't make me leave." Tears fall down her beautiful (ivory/ caramel/ ebony) face and I quickly wipe them away.

"Why don't we worry about treating those scratches first yea? Then we will worry about everything else."

"Donnie, there is no way we are leaving you alone with her." Leo quickly pulls her away from me. Her face turns hard, and her eyes flash red.

"Let me go, you may not touch me." When Leo doesn't listen, she grabs his arm and throws him against the wall.

"Leo! That's it, you're dead!" I watch as Raph lunges at (Y/N), but he soon goes flying in the opposite direction.

"Guys stop, this is insane, I'm perfectly fine, and (Y/N) couldn't help it." I hold back Mikey as he tries to hit (Y/N) over the head with his chucks.

"How can you not be mad at her?!? She attacked you in our home, after we brought her in and gave her a place to stay when she had no where else to go?" Mikey screams.

"BOYS! what is the meaning of all the yelling?" Master Splinter soon steps into the door way.

"That monster hurt Donnie!"

"It was an accident, and I'm fine!" April steps into view behind Master Splinter.

"She bit you?" April has always had a gift for figuring thing out.

"Yes, I bit him, and I am sorry. In exchange for his kindness I give him my allegiance."

"...What?" Everyone replies at the same time.

"At the compound where the kraang kept me, the mutations would give their allegiance to someone as a way of thanking them for kindness of gifts. It was how the place was run. Once someone gave you their word, they would protect you from the experiments as best they could. Of course it was just a trick the kraang did as another experiment, but they id it anyways. So now, I will protect Donnie, and he will tell me what to do."

"Like a slave." Raph says. "You bit my brother and drank his blood and now you're his slave." Raph has always had a gift for making things sound as crude as possible. 

"Yes, I guess you could say that."

"What if we say no?" Leo replies. He is lifted off the ground and flipped upside down. (Y/N) bares her fangs and glares at him.

"You do not have a say. This is between Donnie and I, if he wants me gone then so be it."

"I agree. Though i will not tolerate violence, this is between (Y/N) and Donnie, and it would not be terrible to keep the girl around." Master Splinter looks at me.

"Why don't you treat (Y/N)'s wounds while you think, the rest of us will be waiting for your decision." Splinter walks back to the dojo, and everyone follows reluctantly.

"I'm not leaving you alone with that thing, slave or not." Raph says

"I can handle myself thanks, and she isn't going to do anything anyway." I reply sternly.

"Raphael!" He looks back at the girl sitting on my bed.

"Coming sensai!" he leaves the room.

Now I have time to think, even though I know already that (Y/N) will be staying, and that she can feed from me anytime she wants.

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