The devil's trill sonatra

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Giuseppe Tartini (8 April 1692 – 26 February 1770) 
In his own words:
One night, in the year 1713 I dreamed I had made a pact with the devil for my soul. Everything went as I wished: my new servant anticipated my every desire. Among other things, I gave him my violin to see if he could play. How great was my astonishment on hearing a sonata so wonderful and so beautiful, played with such great art and intelligence, as I had never even conceived in my boldest flights of fantasy. I felt enraptured, transported, enchanted: my breath failed me, and I awoke. I immediately grasped my violin in order to retain, in part at least, the impression of my dream. In vain! The music which I at this time composed is indeed the best that I ever wrote, and I still call it the "Devil's Trill", but the difference between it and that which so moved me is so great that I would have destroyed my instrument and have said farewell to music forever if it had been possible for me to live without the enjoyment it affords me.

The Devil's thrill.
I wonder how it felt. If it truly was the devil, it had to have been a wonderful sight. Lucifer was not only God's right hand man, but heavens most beautiful angel. Guiseppe is not the only case of the devil messing about in the music industry. But this sonatra was not only a hit in it's time but still is a masterpiece every composer wishes they could create. Yet Guiseppe said he heard something far more beautiful. A piece played by lucifer himself. Lucifer was known to play music to God himself. Guiseppe had witnessed a sonatra compossed to only be heard by the ears of a God.

niccolò paganini
Oh my god what a wierd fucking dude.
Just look at him.
Stare into his eyes.
It's unsettling.
He started playing the violin at 5, composing at 7 and playing live at 12. There are many stories about his concerts. People would often make the cross sign in fear of being in presence of something diabolical. They would exit the theatre in fear saying that they had seen the devil aiding niccoló. Whispering in his ears the notes. People would witness him playing perfect notes on broken strings or contorsion his body in different and "inhuman" ways.At the age of 54 Niccoló had passed away. Before his death he sent away a priest that had come to perform last rites.
Confirming to many people that he might have had a pact with the devil.

Tommy johnson
He took the falsetto to a whole new level. listen to one of his songs. No matter how happy or how sad, they will always make you feel uneasy. Tommy's own brother was responsible for spreading the rumors of Tommy selling his soul for his astounding guitar skills.

s the story goes:
Tommy was walking one night down a crossroads. He stopped and played his guitar until a large black man apleared infront of him. He took Tommy's guitar and tuned it. After that Tommy could play the guitar like nobody else.
Now a wierder part. An unrelated man to him. Theg didn't even know eachother but..


Robert Johnson
(Unrelated to Tommy Johnson)
When he was young he started to play guitar but he had no talent for it. His Fathers friends would take away his guitar just to shut up the ruckus.
One day he left Robinson's ville. And after he came back he was another man. He was playing the guitar like no one had ever seen before. People would hear him play and think that it was two guitars at once. Rumours started to spread that just like Tommy before him, he had sold his soul at a cross roads. Listening to his music, it's not difficult to believe.Take his song " Hellhound on my trail" he sings about the reason why he's a 'traveling vagabond' is because he has hellhounds following him around.

Cross roads blues" a song in wich he sings about selling his soul and "Me and the Devil's blues" that have the most haunting opening lines. You can feel the words traveling down you're spine. Robert died at just 27 years old. Poisened by a jealous husband.
Early this mornin'
When you knocked upon my door
Early this mornin' whoooo
When you knocked upon my door
And I said 'hello Satan'
I believe it's time to go

Me and the Devil
Was walkin' side by side
Me and the Devil, whoooo
Was walkin' side by side
And I'm going to beat my woman
Until I get satisfied.

She said you don't see why
That I would dog her 'round
Now baby you know you ain't doin' me right don'tcha
She say you don't see why, whoooo
That I would dog her 'round
It must-a be that old evil spirit
So deep down in the ground

You may bury my body
Down by the highway side
Baby, I don't care where you bury my body when I'm dead and gone
You may bury my body, whoooo
Down by the highway side
So my old evil spirit
Can get a Greyhound bus and ride.

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