01. The Loss

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I walked towards his parents, putting my hands in my pockets, looking at them as they were looking back at me, hoping to hear that their son is alright, but the truth was that I had tried my best to save him.

His mother held her husband's hand tightly, still looking at me as her eyes were filling with water.

"Doctor Kim," His father began to talk pensively, "How is our son?"

I'm just a regular doctor who's trying to save lives, and be the best human being I can ever be.

It is really hard for me to tell their parents that their beloved ones couldn't make it out alive, but whatever happens, I have to do it.

I placed my hand on his father's shoulder, shaking my head, "I'm sorry," I switched my glance at his mother who was holding a little girl around 5, in her arms. "We tried our best, but your son—"

"YOU KILLED MY SON!" His mother shouted, cutting me off, causing all the people and the nurses to turn their faces at us, then she put her little girl down. "WHAT ARE YOU, HUH?! ARE YOU EVEN A DOCTOR?!"

Okay, I can tell that this is the worst part. Some of them accuse me of killing their beloved ones, but the others usually start to cry or at least, thank me for trying to save their lives.

Her husband hugged her tightly, trying to calm her down in the best way he could. She was screaming his son's name, scaring the little girl who was hiding behind her father.

I knelt down to face the little girl who was holding a teddy bear in her arms tightly.

"Where is my brother?" The little girl asked, tilting her head to the left. "Did you make my mommy cry?"

I shook my head, trying to hold the fake smile on my face.

"Would you give this teddy bear to him?" The little girl asked, begging me with her eyes, holding the teddy bear in front of my face. "Please?"

I accepted, then she handed me her teddy bear. I patted her hair as I was about to got up. I started to walk out of there, noticing the little girl staring at me while she was still hiding behind her father.

Today, my shift was over.

I changed my clothes, and walked out of the hospital as I faced a nurse on the doorway.

"Doctor Kim," The nurse began to talk, looking at me nervously, noticing the teddy bear in my hand. "That little boy whom you were trying—"

"He couldn't make it out alive," I said, cutting the nurse off. "Sorry, but I have to go,"

I bumped into his shoulder without even apologizing. I felt bad about his death. I tried my best to save his life, but why would his mother accuse me of killing her son?

I reached the parking lot, going towards my car, sitting in it, but I was too depressed to start the engine, instead, I rested my head on the steering wheel, starting to cry.

Why the hell am I so emotional?

Taehyung used to tell me that I can never become a good doctor. I think I should have listened to him, or maybe not?

After struggling with my feelings, I finally started the engine, and drove off. A few minutes later, I arrived at my house. I parked the car, getting out of it, walking towards the gate like a zombie.

I opened the door, reaching out my hand to turn the lights on, because it was dark, but then suddenly, the lights went on, and I faced all of them standing in front of me, having colorful balloons in their hands, screaming, "HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY TO YOU, SEOKJIN!"

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