~Chapter 16~

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" Good morning,my love. "
I heard someone murmur into my ear. Him- My husband- Hussein.

Slowly, I pried my eyes open, they felt so heavy, swollen, evident results of the night I had spent crying. I sat up on my bed, rubbing at my eyes to chase the sleepiness away.

" Hussein-". I began,uncertainly.

" Shhh" he whispered, leaning over to give me a quick peck on my cheek. "You're so beautiful habibty".
He caressed my cheek, leaning his forehead against mine.I gulped as I gazed into his eyes, those mesmerizing eyes that had me falling into the depth of his heart.

" I will never hurt you again,I promise you,my love. I will try to be the best husband, the best lover, friend..whatever you want me to be, Fatima..I'll be, for you".

I closed my eyes, basking in the warmth of his breath, his scent, his proximity. I allowed his words wash over me, renewing my love for him, healing the deepest of my wounds, pumping my heart with warm blood..with renewed vigour..beating strongly, just for him. As usual, the tears had begun their descent down my cheeks but I made no move to wipe them away. I wanted him to see how much he hurt me, how much pain he made me go through. I had no words, none, I could think of to explain. The only way I could communicate with him was through this medium, my tears.

He held me close to his chest as I cried.I sobbed, I wailed out my pain, willing myself to heal, to feel him, to feel his strong heartbeat, to allow myself let him in again.But the irony, I thought, was that I never let him out of my heart anyway. I love this man, I love my husband, and I was willing to do anything, anything to make him mine once again.

" I love you. I swear, I do. With all my heart Fatima. You'll never cry because of me again. I promise to change, to always be there for you, to hold you, to comfort you, to love you, to protect you..". He caressed my stomach. " And to be the perfect father to my sons" He smiled.

That elicited a laugh from me. I gazed at him through tear filled eyes, willing him to see the love and adoration they still held. " I'm not pregnant " I said, a smile touching my lips.

" Yet. You're not pregnant yet ".
" I'll be sure to remedy that very soon". He winked.

" Now, get dressed, we have somewhere to go".

" Where? " I asked. I looked up at his smiling face, void completely of the man I'd been living with for the past month. There was no trace of alcohol, red rimmed eyes, no anger, hatred or insulting remarks. Pure happiness and joy radiated from his very being, I could feel it, warming its way to my skin. Is it possible for someone to change overnight?

" A date. Just you and me. Movies, shopping, dancing, anything you want". He kissed my forehead.
" I'll be waiting".

And without another word, he turned to leave. Whistling along the way.

I forced myself to swallow the lump that had somehow lodged itself in my throat. Who are you and what have you done with my husband?

A/N- I'm so so sorry for not updating. I have just been busy plus the zeal to write left me, honestly. But I'm back now! Bigger and better I hope😀. Please forgive me and enjoy this chappie!

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