~Chapter 17~

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My love,
I hope you slept well? So sorry I couldn't be there to spend the morning with you. I have a mountain of work piled up in my office that needs to be attended to urgently. But don't worry, as soon as I'm done I'll come rushing back home, to you. I miss you my love.


I smiled as I folded up the note neatly, planting a kiss on top of it. Placing it on my chest, I closed my eyes as I willed the warmth of his words into my heart. I know, I must look like a love struck idiot, but then I would gladly be one, for him. This is what I'd always wanted, what I had craved for and now that I'd finally gotten it, I would try to savour every moment.

I sighed,thinking of how magical these past few months had been. Hussein had transformed completely, changed before my very eyes. He was loving, he was dotting, he was caring, he was everything I could ever want and more. And finally, I can say, I know what it feels like to love and be loved.

Slowly I got up to stare at my reflection in the mirror.Gone was that miserable, lonely girl with dark circles under her eyes and tear-streaked cheeks.In her place stood a woman. A happy woman.

My eyes held a different kind of joy, twinkling as bright as the stars in the sky. My skin glowed, evidence of good food, and even better loving which I had my husband to thank, of course. My hips and thighs had expanded, giving me a more womanly shape which I was extremely grateful for. Even my stomach seemed to have joined in the weight gaining. I frowned, that doesn't sit well with me. The last thing I would want is to feel insecure of my body. Time to hit the gym. My phone rang, cutting off my thoughts. I hurried over to my bed, plopping down on the soft sheets to answer the call. It was my mom.

" Salam Mama"  I answered,with a smile.

" Fatima! How are you?! So you don't even call me unless I call you ba? Just because you're married now you want to throw away the woman that gave birth to you abi! ". She yelled.

I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing, she was utterly serious and I'm guilty as well. I guess I'd been too caught up in the cocoon Hussein and I built for ourselves that I'd forgotten everyone and everything on the outside." I'm sorry mama. Please forgive me, its just that I've been so-"

" No need to explain dear " Mama interrupted." I know how you feel" she mused. " Oh young love! There's just nothing like it. Everything is just so new, so exciting, so thrilling! You know. I remember how it was when I married your father. We did nothing but gaze into each other's eyes, talk ,gist and laugh, explore our lo-"

I cleared my throat, cutting her off. Quite sure I did not want to listen to the gist she was venturing into.

" Toh since you don't want to hear. Anyway, I called to inform you of our coming. Your husband called and said you were quite lonely and missing me, which I highly doubt since you don't ever call but then he said he'll be sending his driver over to come pick us. So be ready. Make sure you cook for us fa, I don't want to hear any excuse."

I laughed. "Okay mama. Sai kunzo. I love you."

I could literarily hear her smile through the phone.

" Love you too."


" You didn't tell me you asked my mom to come over" I murmured into his chest, breathing in his masculine scent.

We'd just finished dinner and he literarily had to carry me up to bed. It was becoming increasingly difficult for me to move around. There was this heaviness I had begun to feel. At first I thought it was because of my weight gain, now though it seemed to be more than that. My period is probably around the corner I concluded.

His fingers gently trailed through my hair, soothing me with his calming movements. I snuggled closer to him and his grip tightened around me.
" I know you miss her. I see it in your eyes, plus she's not visited since we got married and I know you'd love to see her." He smiled down at me. " I don't want you to be lonely or sad my love. I'd do anything, anything to keep you happy" he said,placing a tender kiss on my cheek.

" I love you" .

A/ N; soooo, do we all like Hussein now?! 😁 please vote, comment!

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