~Chapter 21~

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I once read a book, a tragedy, titled  'The mourning Bride' by  a renowned English Author, William Congreve.
In it there was a quote, a famous quote, one, which come to think of it, applies perfectly to the situation I was in at the moment.

It says;

'Hell hath no fury like the scorn of a woman.'

A bitter smile tainted my lips,as if in accordance.William was a wise man.

I stood, staring at the bright horizon through the stainless white windows of my room.The sun shone brightly in the sky, casting its golden rays over the vast encompass of Hussein's estate. Birds flew about, flapping their wings in wild, delirious abandon, their beautiful voices chirping happily without a care in the world. No sadness, no bitterness, no hurt, no pain. Just plain unadulterated joy.

I sighed internally as I watched them. I was once like that, I thought.
Young, happy and free, without a care in the world. Pure and untainted, free from the evils of the world, free from the evils of Men.

But then, that was the thing about life. It was like a rollercoaster ride, filled with numerous bumps, jolting us up and down like worthless pebbles,with no definite direction. I never imagined myself to be in this situation.. yet here I was, buried deeply in the throes of pain, heartbreak and misery all wrought upon me by one man. One handsome, callous, devil of a man.

But I was no weak woman either, I convinced myself. Hussein had hurt me in unimaginable, unfathomable ways. He had hurt the deepest parts of my soul, my heart, my body and everything that had life within me. And I had stayed with him, thinking, hoping, praying and believing he would change yet things seemed to be getting worse. And all for what? I had endured his brutality, his betrayal and deceit all for what? For the sake of what? For the sake of Love?!

I had been stupid.

I had been naive.

I had been blind.

But I swear, on the life of my late grandfather I would have my revenge.

I will destroy you Hussein. I will make you wish you never met me. I will make you feel the pain, the endless pain you've inflicted constantly,mercilessly on me. I will make you pay. I have no love in my heart, none at all. Heck I don't even know the meaning of the word, and by the time I'm done with you, you will wish you never used the word to deceive me.

Rage. Rage. In its most violent form, sweeping through the dark corners of my heart in turbulent waves. Waves that were gradually forming into a disastrous humongous hurricane. A hurricane that'll clear anything in its path, particularly the genesis of its pain.

I tore my eyes away from the view outside my windows, laying them on my mother who still stood, trying to convince me to leave with her and runaway.

I approached her, making sure my face had no emotion etched on it. An easy task, because at the moment I had none. Well, except one.

" I'm not leaving with you Mama." I said coldly, clear and loud enough for her to hear.

Mama gasped. More tears filing out of her eyes. " Are you insane? Are you mad? Didn't you hear what I said? Everything I just told you? You still choose to live with this monster?! "

I shrugged. " He's still my husband. "

Her eyes held an incredulous stare.  "But he's mad! He's insane! He will kill you if you stay here any longer. You have to ask him for a divorce! Ya sake ki ki rabu dashi tun kina da ranki. Please my daughter."

" I'm not leaving." I declared once more. " He's still my husband and I can decide whether I want to stay with him or not. Besides, mama, I was told by Hajja Zayna, that for a marriage to work, I had to endure, without it every woman would have been divorced by now. Speaking of which, Hussein would never grant me a divorce without reason. And I will not ask for it either. "

Mama shook her head, water streaming down her eyes. " You have to endure to make a marriage work. Yes. But not under this kind of circumstance. Not when your life is on the line."

" It doesn't matter. " I said coldly.
" You are the one that's going to have to leave Mama. You have to return to Abba and Hajiya and my sisters. I will remain here and try to make my marriage work. This is my decision. So please, respect it. I will call Hussein to send the driver. Please get ready to leave."

Mama sank onto the floor, her fingers clutching her hair in dismay. " Where have I gone wrong Ya Allah. What is happening to me? To my daughter, to us?!" She continued to cry. I watched her, my heart or what was left of it, breaking into pieces. I had to do this. I had to be this cold to her, I didn't want her to suspect a thing, to know of my plans. For it to succeed Mama had to be away, away from the danger it might create.

" You've done nothing wrong Mama." I said quietly. " I should have known better than to jump into marriage with a man I barely knew. But its done now. I've learnt my lesson. All that glitters is surely not gold. But this is my cross,and I have to be the one to carry it, not you. Running away won't solve things. I'll stay and fight..for my marriage."

A/N; my people! It seems Hussein has created a monster. This is what happens when you surround yourself with toxic people, you get infected too. Sigh. Please keep your votes and comments coming! I like to hear what you think! Thanks❤

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