birthdays are the worst days

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Patients pov:

When i woke up at my mums it felt so
Weird, it was 9am this was a lay in for me i went downstairs and my mum had made everything look great we'd done all the decorating last night but mum made everything look so homey, I love her, we eat breakfast and talk for abit megan shows up with Kevin and his family, the kids are adorable I go to text pete to ask what time he's gonna show up, I already have 2 texts from him

From pete
Can't come today, taking the kids out instead say happy birthday from me, say saint is sick or something.

From pete.
Don't ignore me.

To pete
I wasn't I woke up late, sorry I'll let them know x

From pete.
Good, be home by 5.

To pete
Okay x

I never told my family pete and the kids were coming, so I didn't bring it up, dad woke up around 10 and mum Brought him into the front room

Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday dear dad,
happy birthday to you

We all chorused

"Thanks everyone, you shouldn't have this is too good for me" dad said

The thing about my dad is he is amazing he was a musician, a human rights activist and he did a lot for charity, he was very social and he was very understanding of everyone you know how people say most old people are homophobic and racist, he doesn't fit the stereotype at all. He's still got a heart of gold. He's 60 today, he has dementia but he never forgets who we are and us and that's what we're thankful for, my mum hasn't told him her diagnosis she's going to soon though. My parents are my hero's they met when my mum was 20 and my dad was 25, they met at a friends birthday party, they dated for 2 years then moved in together, they got Married after 3 years of being together my mum was working as a secretary whilst studying to be a therapist, she graduated at 25 the same year Kevin was born, my dad would do day shifts and my mum woukd do the nights so they could work there jobs around eachother they always took Saturdays off to spend with us and they had their vacation time, 2 years after Kevin was born they had megan they bought a 4 bedroom house which is the one they live in still to this day, i was born 2 years after that, my childhood was great, we had a family dog names rocky we went in famiky trips and always went to parks, my mum's went back to work when I was 5 and the rest as they say is history.

"Rickstar, you've been zoned out for 10 minutes you okay?" My dad's voice interrupts my thoughts

"Yes I'm fine dad, let's get your presents opened, where is everyone"
I ask

"Getting food from the kitchen"

"Oh okay well, happy birthday dad, I love you so much"

"I love you too my little rockstar Rickstar, to the moon and starts from drums to guitars"

He remembered our old qoute we used to say it all the time when I was younger it was our thing he has one with all of us.

The rest came in and dad opened his presents, mum got him new clothes and a radio like hers so he could listen to stuff over night, so he didn't feel alone in his room, Kevin bought him a box if chocolates and a teddy bear my dad's always liked stuffed toys he says there cute and when your not with someone you still have the teddy they gave you, he was really happy with that gift, Jack and Robin gave my dad two keyrings, one was a guitar the other was a camera, my dad's other passion in life was photography he was amazing at it, he doesn't do it anymore as he gets tired really easily, meagan got him a framed picture of him and her when she was little and got him a t-shirt with a picture if him and his old band, the lane boys, they were awesome, my dad still sees them sometimes my mum will take him to their care home, there all at the same one. They made a pact on there 20's the story is a mixture of funny and sweet. He gave my sister a bear hug and thanked her my mum got him some more clothes and a home made bracelet, he loved it, I gave him a scrapbook of all.our family memories he seemed happy with it after that we have him his presents him and mum went in the kitchen give him his medication, which left me, megan amd Kevin to talk whilst Kevins kids played on the garden, their mum, Julia couldn't make it today but she said she'd pop in in the week.

"So baby brother how you been"
Kevin asks

"I've been good, what about you"

"Yeah I've been good kids and work is keeping me on my toes"

"Tell me about it, bronx is quite calm now but saint is like a bombshell especially when he's excited, he's adorable, megan any news with you"

"Yeah, quite abit actually I got promoted to senior management, so now I'm working with actors and stuff, I really get to put my design ideas into practice and doing make up is always fun especially when it's like zombies and stuff don't he mw wrong I love normal pretty make up but I do it everyday, I like a challenge, also me and John made it official ita been 3 months now I waited to tell you because I wasn't sure about it, as I didn't want to ruin mine and his friendship so it was more a trail run to start off with, I'm sure now I've never felt like this I'm gonna tell mum tommorow"

"Well done I'm proud of you, knew you could do it little sister, I've always told you your creativity woukd get you places"
Kevin said

"Honestly megs, I'm so proud, tell Brad Pitt to call me, aha"
I say

"Thanks guys, I love you so much"

Mum and dad come back in with cake we eat, talk for a bit aftee about 3 hours we say goodbye, Kevin and megan leave together, I help mum tidy up and all that, dad gets tired so mum puts him to bed early, he said he's not gonna go to sleep til 6 but he just wants to lay down because his head was hurting. So mum agreed but she said she's gonna come back on at 6 to make sure he hasn't been asleep the whole time, my dad needs to follow a routine it's what helps him with his dementia, it gets to about 4 and my mum drops me home, I unlock the door to pete smoking in.the kitchen

"Hey petey"

"Hi, I'm leaving in half an hour make yourself useful and make dinner"

"Sure, what time will you be home?"

"Not sure me and brendon are going to the bar after work so probably about 1/2 which bed you sleeping in tonight?"

"Saints been having some trouble sleeping so I'm gonna sleep in the spare room so I can be closer if I'm needed"

"Okay, kids are in the front room watching tv, how about we have some fun before I go"

He looked at me, giving me a smirk

"I can't, I'm tired"

"Do you love me"


" then let's do it"

He walks up to me and starts grabbing at my clothes

"Stop, no "

He keeps on

"STOP I said no"

"Sheesh okay, god your such a drama queen, I'm leaving now, everything better be perfect for when I get back"

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