Chapter 2

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September 9th, 2001

America's POV

As we landed in England I poked Emily until she woke up. Bad idea? Maybe. Fun? Yes! Once she finally got up, we got off the plane, got our luggage, and hightailed it to Iggy's house! Because honestly, I really wanted to see England. I had to ask Alice a really important question!

Emily's POV

When we arrived at England's house America ran, like no joke, ran to the front door and pounded on it till' England answered. Wow, I chuckled, eager Mc Beaver much?

"Good afternoon America, Emily." England greeted as America zoomed around the house, checking things out I guess.

"I'm sorry about Al he's..." I started but didn't know how to word it.

"Hyper, childish?" England pressed.

"Yes but... something's, off about him." I said as America came out holding Alice (Fem!England). "Never mind. He's fine." I corrected.

"A-America. What's wrong?" Alice inquired.

"Ummmmm, Alice, I-I... I really like you and... um, do you wanna go on a date with me?" America asked. Alice blushed.

"Uh, sure Alfred. Why not?" Alice answered with a bit of mild difficulty because Arthur and I were watching and everything...

"Go get 'em bro!" I exclaimed as America and Alice hugged it out and talked about dinner plans. Arthur and I kinda awkwardly stood at the door after that. "What up Iggy?" I asked England trying to start up a conversation.

"It's 'what is up ENGLAND' first of all, and second of all, I am standing at the door talking to you." England replied.

"Yeah. Bye!" I exclaimed as I ran back to the hotel and ordered room service for me and Alfie to eat when he comes back.

Once the maid got here I chowed down on the Chinese food I ordered, just to have something different from burgers and Mickey D's (Mc Donald's).

The hotel door burst open as America ran in and tackled me into a hug mid-chew.

"IM GOING ON A DATE WITH ALICE SOON!" He exclaimed as he continued to cut off my flow of air as I got black dots in my vision.

"A-America...I...can't...breathe..." I struggled out. I couldn't get out with my strength because I kinda needed air for my body to function. He finally let go just as I went into unconsciousness.

Emily's Dream POV

As we looked at the tv, the pain in my chest increased. (8:45AM)

"It appears that a plane has just crashed into the North tower. We believe that this may not have been an accident because the plane was reported going speeds as high as 500-600MPH and before crashing had a very low altitude... wait! A second plane has just crashed into the South tower! It is now almost positive that this is a terrorist attack on the US." (9:03AM) The news reporter informed the world as yet another pain exploded from my chest as Japan flew from his seat to aid me, and Alice ran to comfort America as we struggled to breathe on the floor of the meeting room. After what seemed like an eternity of pain, my shoulder started bleeding. (9:43AM) The tv was muffled but I could still make it out a bit.

"Plane...crashed...Pentagon...killed 189..." Then I woke up.

"God Emily you scared me! Are you okay dudette?" America asked me.

"Y-yeah...I'm fine." I shakily replied, the dreams al fresh in my mind.

"You don't sound okay man." America said.

"Well I am okay, I just had a nightmare." I told him.

"Yeah, I did to, you wouldn't respond for an hour after you passed out dude. I was really worried." America said with a guilty look on his face.

"I'm sorry. But, in my nightmare we were at the meeting and we both collapsed from our seats." I looked to America who seemed to be listening intently. "Then when the other countries turned on the news, it showed that a bowing 747 flew into the north tower. Then, another one went into the south tower as we were watching. The dream ended with another plane flying into the Pentagon... killing 189 people." When I said this America just sat on the bed (he put me on one when I passed out) and stared at me gaping. Then, he laughed.

"Emily, that's kinda ridiculous. Don't worry about that dream-"

"Nightmare." I corrected.

"Nightmare, that's never gonna happen. Who would attack us of all countries. We didn't do anything to anyone, okay? Don't worry about it. Hey, wanna order a pizza?!" And there's the Alfred I know...

<Timeskip brought to you by Domino's. Domino's, oh yes we did. Or you got 30 minutes. Which one is it again?...>

As I lay in the hotel bed, stuffed from the pizza that was of course Domino's, I thought about my dream. Oh well. Gotta get my sleep because a week of meetings begins tomorrow. Wish me luck!

A/N well, tomorrow is the 10th of September 2001. There will be a regular meeting, well... as regular as a World meeting with these countries can get. See you next time when you read

Hetalia 9/11 !

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