Chapter 3

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September 10th, 2001

America's POV

It's 7:30AM! This is way too early to be up but Emily and I really have to get to this meeting on time. I slipped on my suit and tie as I knocked on the bathroom door

"Em! Dude are you done in there yet?!" I questioned my sister. She was in there for 10 minutes! how long does it take to get ready man?

"God Al! I'm coming out now! I just don't like dresses!" Emily came out wearing a dress with a white top, a red bow across her mid-section, and a blue bottom that went a bit past her knees. To go along with her dress she had on low rise tan boots, diamond stud earrings, and a white headband. She looked awesome!

"You look great though Em!" I told her confidently. In all truth, I think she dressed so nice to catch the eyes of a certain someone. *cough* Japan *cough*

"Really? You don't think it's too much do you?" She asked nervously. I chuckled.

"You look fine Emily. Absolutely stunning. Plus, I think Japan will love it." I said with a knowing wink as her face became as red as one of Spain's tomatoes.

"W-well A-Alice w-w-will like... that suit you're wearing!" She exclaimed, trying to get one on me.

"Yeah. I know she will." I said with a content sigh.

"Wow. It's like you guys were made for each other." Emily said as we started to walk to the meeting room that was in the hotel.

"I hope so Em. I really like her." I stated, remembering how she used to be my caretaker and I thought she was the prettiest girl in the world. Now that I'm older: I know she is.

"I can tell by the fondness in your voice. You guys are gonna turn out fine." Emily said knowingly. "So what should I expect from this meeting?" Emily asked as we walked into the meeting room.

"Me being the hero!" I exclaimed as she sweat-dropped. "And a lot of arguing as well." I finished.

"Oh. That was actually helpful Al. Thanks for the info dude!" She exclaimed as we took our seats.

<Timeskip brought to you by the Super Bass-O-Matic '76. There's a Better Way to Enjoy the Taste of a Great Bass. (SNL anyone? No? Okay)>

"Everyone shut up!" Germany yells.

"Germany?" France and England question mid-fight.

"We've called this conference to solve the world's problems, not to fight about the problems of our past, and since I am the only country who seems to know how to run a meeting, we'll follow my rules from here on out. Eight minutes each for speeches, no chit chat about side deals, and absolutely no going over the time limit! Now if you want to go make sure you're prepared and raise your hand, but do not do so in a way that mocks any salute to my country's past." Germany paused for good measure before calling on an out stretched hand. "Germany recognizes his friend Italy."

"PASTAAAAA!!!~" Italy shouts.

"Meeting dismissed." Germany says as he sighs and all of the countries file out except Japan and Emily. I'm gonna give the some alone time! *wink*

Emily's POV

"H-hey Japan!" I exclaim, running over to him as soon as the meeting adjourned.

"Oh, konnichiwa Emiry." Japan said as he turned and saw me.

"Um, Japan?" I asked.

"Yes Emiry?" Japan questioned, his eyes showing confusion and something else I couldn't identify.

"Can I just say something crazy?"

(I love crazy! Lol jk)

"Sure Emiry." Japan answered unsurely.

"IreallylikeyouJapanandIvelikedyouforalongtime!" I exclaimed as I panted for breath. Japan's face turned red as his mind processed what I had just told him and I started to get nervous.

"Emiry?" He asked unsurely.

"Y-yes Japan?" I asked nervous of what he would say.

"Can...c-can I kiss you?" He asked.

"Y-yeah." I answered. No sooner had those words left my mouth had Japan kissed me. Not roughly, but soft and intimately. Showing passion and love along with many other masked emotions tied into one. As he pulled away, he said something I could barely hear, but I could.

"Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu." Japan said. I knew what this meant.

"I love you too Japan." I said as we hugged and walked out of the meeting room holding hands, much to many countries surprise.

"Congrats sis!" My brother America exclaimed as he jumped onto my back from behind.

"Thanks bro!" I said back excitedly. France then tried to go near me but that didn't fair well.

"Stay away from my girrfriend France." Japan said unsheathing his kanata. Where did that come from?! France fearfully backed away as Japan hugged me once again before we had to leave to our rooms. I also heard America and Alice utter a quiet, but loving 'I love you' before they headed to their rooms as well. As I lay in bed that night I couldn't help but feel as if a dark cloud loomed over us as an ominous feeling enveloped the room and stayed there even when America and I were in a deep slumber...

A/N Wow! Two chapters in one day that is an accomplishment. Well, there is some AmeriPan and UsUk in this chapter. UsUk is one of my favorite ships in Hetalia! Besides PruHun or PruAus and anything really. Anyway... I hoped you liked this chapter of

Hetalia 9/11 !

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