Chapter 1

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September 8th, 2001

America's POV

I'm so exited! Today my little sis Emily and I are gonna visit England and stay at his place for the week for the world meeting! The meetings on the 11th and it will be Emily's first meeting! We may be twins, and both the personification of the United States of America, but either way she's still my little sis.

"Yo, Emily! You up yet? We gotta leave for Iggy's place soon!" I called out to Emily.

"Give me a sec bro!" Em called back. I watched her slide down the banister of the stairs as per usual slipping on her bomber jacket as I slipped on mine.

"Ready to go Em?" I asked her.

"Al, you know I've been ready for, like, the entire week! Let's go already!" Em whined. I chuckled.

"Alright Em, just go to sleep, I'll wake you when we get to the airport, kay?" I said.

"Fine." Emily grumbled.

Emily's POV (Dream)

I'm in the meeting room with my brother, not really paying attention to what's happening as I glance all around me at the nations. Russia doing his childish smile, England talking to his imaginary friends, Italy eatting pasta that magically appeared, Germany ready to explode... nothing new here, I can tell this and I've never even been to a meeting! All of a sudden, everything becomes hazy, and my heart develops a massive pain. As I double over in pain, I see Alfred in this state as well.

"T-turn on t-the news o-of America. Some-something's wrong..." I choked out. The nations suddenly turned to Alfred and I in shock. What was wrong with us I didn't know. What's happening?

"-ily." I heard break through the haze of my dream. "-mily. Emily! Dudette you awake bro?" I hear my obnoxious brother Alfred shout into my ear.

"Yes Al, I'm awake." I replied groggily.

"Cool. We're at the airport now so I thought I'd get you up." Al told me. After we got into the airport we passed security and boarding no problem. I mean, come on! We're the United States of America! What did you expect? As we got on the plane my dream from earlier kept plaguing my thoughts. 'What if that dream became reality?' I thought. Oh well. I'll think about it later, for now I dream of hamburgers, Big Ben, and the London Eye. Can wait to see London again, and go to my first World Meeting!

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