What happened?!

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A/N This book is dedicated to the brave people who died immediately after hitting the tower in Flight 11, everyone who was on the planes that crashed into various locations, firefighters and police officers who lost their life trying to save innocent people in the towers, everyone who died in the Twin Towers, and everyone who was injured or lost their life somehow on 9/11. On this day (9/11/2014) please pray, or if you're not religious, just take a moment of silence to remember these people...


(Sites used were Wikipedia, and History.com. I also used some of what I already know about 9/11 and Hetalia to write this)

Emily's POV


I don't know what's so special about this Tuesday but... something is definitely off.

I had that dream again last night, but it was only the other two dreams combined. Is that dream going to come true? I sure hope not, it didn't seem like something I'd want to happen.

Today I wore a red blouse with my bomber jacket and a royal blue flowing skirt. Also, some adorable American flag flats to match. After styling my hair in its usual star clip and getting some coffee, I was ready to get some breakfast! There was pastries, and Belgium waffles (from Belgium herself of course), even scones and croissants. I decided on having a waffle and a croissant. I secretly love those things, they are so buttery and flaky, I mean, YUM!~ Within about ten minutes I had scarfed down my breakfast and downed my coffee, so I made it to the meeting which started at 7:30AM sharp. Guess who was waiting at the door for me?! Japan! He's so sweet.

"Konnichiwa Emiry-san." Japan said holding the door for me.

"Hey Kiku! What's up?" I asked pecking him on the cheek, him blushing in response.

"N-not much, I wourd guess the ceiring or the sky." Kiku replied.

"It's a joke Kiku," I chuckled. "I meant it as to say like, 'what are you doing?' 'How've you been?' You know?" I asked him.

"Hai. I get it now Emiry." Kiku said seriously walking into the meeting room after me.

"Cool!" I exclaimed with a wide smile and a thumbs up.

"Um Emiry-san, wourd you rike to sit on the side of me in the meeting?" Kiku asked hesitantly.

"'Course Kiku. I'd love to!" I said happily, following him to his seat. 'Well at least I'm not sitting on the other side of the room like in my dream.' I thought frowning.

"What's wrong Emiry?" Kiku asked tearing me from my thoughts as I turned to him.

"Oh nothing Kiku! I was thinking of what to talk about in the meeting!" I exclaimed, it was half-true. I was figuring out if I should talk about my dream in this meeting... Kiku didn't seem convinced though.

"Emiry. You don't seem to be terring the truth. Are you sure you're arright?" Kiku inquired.

"No Japan it's just this weird dream that I had..."(I explained my dream to him). Japan nodded understandingly.

"That's what happened when I was bombed in Worrd War Two...Something bad is going to happen to your country. I know it!" Japan said worriedly.

"It's chill Kiku. It's probably just a dream, I mean, I didn't foreshadow the Great Depression right?" I joked. But upon seeing Kiku's face, stopped.

"Sorry." I added, "But I'm gonna brush this dream off my shoulders until I need to think otherwise." I kissed Kiku's cheek making him red.

"Whatever you want to do Emiry-chan." Japan said.

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