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- if you can see,, I'm updating more often. it's cause I write multiple chapters and then just publish them whenever lelel :)
- also my insta seungjin au is over and I'm somewhat sad :(

how did this happen again? is all seungmin thought.

he tagged along with felix to help him out with tutoring a student in need. but he didn't think that the student would be hyunjin and his friend. his mood completely changed, complaining to felix about how this was a disaster.

"seungmin, he's probably not a bad person. he might've made you spill your tea on yourself, but accidents happen!" felix explained. seungmin shook his head.

"no! I don't like it." seungmin pouted, "he's annoying."

"how's he annoying?" felix questioned, looking back at the two boys behind them.

"well..he's just. he just is alright!"

"that's not a valid reason. so that means you have no reason to hate him or dislike him. just be nice so I can help changbin out with alright? maybe you'll grow to like him."

seungmin pouted, looking back to where changbin and hyunjin were. hyunjin gave him a cute little wave, but instead of waving back he just glared at him up then down.

"he hates you." changbin whispered.

"I know." as hyunjin made a fake little smile. "what would you do to make someone like you?"

"pay them"

hyunjin lightly punched changbin, "I'm serious!"

"fine! I'd get to know them first of course, warm up to them and just see how the relationship goes. you shouldn't worry about seungmin so much."

"well he's just-"

"and we're here!" felix told, he stopped right in front of the cafe.

"finally." seungmin sighed. they all walked in and waited for a waiter to place them at a table.

changbin sitting across from felix, while hyunjin across from seungmin. someone came to take their order, after that. they pulled out their school materials and started working.

"so hyunjin. I was wondering if you needed any help from seungmin. was that the reason on why you tagged along?" felix questioned, writing down some notes from his textbook.

"a-actually! I just came for changbin. he probably would've felt lonely if he went by himself."

felix nodded, his face filled with satisfaction from the answer. "cool, I thought you came because you wanted to apologize to seungmin. but fair enough."

hyunjin's smile turned into a frown. changbin trying to keep in his laugh the waiter broke off the awkward silence when giving their drinks and food.

"green tea latte for you, vanilla creme frappuccino.."

hyunjin looking at seungmin's order. it was a vanilla cake and an iced green tea latte. while for himself, it was just an iced pink lemonade.

"I never knew people still ordered pink lemonade." seungmin told, not looking up from his paper. "never seen you as the type of person to order that."

"well, I've always like pink lemonade. it's something a lot of people don't know about me."

seungmin let out a small little, 'hm.' "why do you like it?"

"I guess because I like the color? also the taste is different. I like different." he shortly explained.

their table turned into silence again. little conversations would pop up such as changbin asking for help. or felix asking seungmin specific things such as what was the sentence in the textbook saying. or implying.

"so do you get it?" felix asked, changbin nodded.

"it's so much simpler when you explain it. it scary." as he chuckled. felix gave a small little smiling, his cheeks turning a bit rosy.

hyunjin smiling at the two. he looked over to seungmin. who was currently stretching his arms, probably sore from writing too much.

"sore from-"

he was cut off by a girl who stood in front of him. "yes?" he questioned quite sternly.

"i saw you outside the shop and I had to run in here to not only get myself a drink. but maybe get your number as well." she told, winking at him awkwardly.

seungmin somewhat cringing. he gave a weird look to hyunjin. "well, say something to the girl."

"don't know you, don't care." is all hyunjin said. nothing else and nothing more.

"excuse me? did you just-"

seungmin sighed loudly, "it's called rejection sweetie. if you can't handle it leave."

the girl clenched her fist and punched their table. "rude asses."

"bye bye!" felix then waved politely to the girl. who gave them all the middle finger as she walked out.

"what happened to mr. sweetheart?" seungmin chuckled, "that was not the hwang hyunjin i know."

"she wasn't my type. also, why would I give my number to a stranger."

"good point, but what is your type then." felix then asked as he packed his stuff.

"a good personality, cute and loves food? I don't know. I've never really thought about dating much."

"really? that's surprising since it's coming from you." felix replied.


"felix is saying you're the type to date multiple times already. but maybe you haven't I guess."

"is it strange that hyunjin has never had a girlfriend." changbin stated. felix's eyes widened.

"really?!? woah, that's pretty weird I guess."

"you guys really see me as the type to date a butt load of girls!" hyunjin whined, "I cant believe you."

"well, we don't know each other that well. so there's not much we can do." seungmin told.

hyunjin smiled, leaning forward close to seungmin's face he whispered. "well then. let's change that."

finished - 10:30 pm
- yoonminful -

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