04 ~ settling down and video games

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Gabriel was dreading having to shop. It meant that he'll have to deal with people all day long. It's something he's not willing to do. He looked out of the window, wondering how they're life would've been if his mother hadn't died. Would they have moved to New York? Would he still get angry and get expelled? Many questions passed through his mind as he and his family headed to the mall.

When they reached the mall, they parked the car and got out. Gabriel followed his family.

They entered several different stores and buying the clothes they wanted. After spending several hours, they sat headed to the restaurant and had their lunch. After they finished with their lunch, they head to the grocery store and bought their food. They had taken several trips back and forth putting the groceries into the car and getting them from the store.

Once they finished, they headed home and unloaded the car. It took a while for them to unload everything. They had to separate all their clothes due to everything being mixed together.

Gabriel got all of his clothes and took it to his bedroom and put them all in his closet. After fixing his closet, he walked over to his bed and collapsed on it.

"Hey, Gabe," Justin said, entering Gabriel's room, "Dad said we're ordering take out. He wants to know what you'd like to order."

Gabriel sat up on his bed.

"Anything," he said. All of his anger disappeared.

"Define anything," Justin said. "Whenever you say anything, you always want something specific but don't say it."

"Maybe because whatever I want isn't something you all want to eat," Gabriel said.

"Dude, seriously, what do you want?" Justin asked.

Gabriel sighed. "Fine. I want... Burger King?"

"Alright," Justin said. "I'll tell Dad."

Gabriel didn't respond. He let himself fall back on his bed. This day was long enough. All he wanted was for it to end already.

Minutes passed and Justin entered Gabriel's bedroom

"Dad just ordered from Burger King," Justin informed his little brother.

"He did?" Gabriel asked in surprise.

"Yeah," Justin confirmed. "Surprised me too."

"When will it arrive?" Gabriel arrived.

Justin shrugged.

"Hey, do you want to come to my room and play video games?" Justin asked. "It's been a while since we hung out, so I thought that you might want...."

Gabriel hadn't realized that he and Justin stopped hanging out. Ever since he was expelled and their mother died, he had grown distant from his family. He didn't want to see them. He didn't even want to talk to them. They're a constant reminder to Gabriel that he'll never get his mother back.

"Uh, sure," Gabriel said. 

He hated to admit it, but he missed his brother. He stopped hanging out with him because of his anger. The two brothers could've been hanging out, instead, Gabriel distanced himself from Justin, along with his father and Emma.

Justin smiled. "C'mon."

Gabriel stood up and followed his brother to his room.

"I think Riley might've rubbed off on you," Justin said.

"Dude, I've known for like a day," Gabriel said.

"I know," Justin said, "but still."

Gabriel rolled his eyes.

Words [Riley Matthews]Where stories live. Discover now