14 ~ library

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Gabriel stepped out of the apartment to see Farkle outside.

"Hi, Farkle," Gabriel said.

"Hi, Gabe," Farkle said. "You're here to pick up the girls?"

"Yeah," Gabriel said.

Farkle pressed the intercom,  and said, "Farkle."

"Be ready in a minute," Riley responded.

"And Gabe," Gabriel said.

"Coming!" Riley said.

Gabriel and Cory looked at each other, confused on Riley suddenly being ready right when Gabriel said his name into his intercom.

"Is Lucas coming?" Riley asked Gabriel and Lucas when she and Maya came out.

"He said that him and Lily already completed the project earlier today," Gabriel responded. "He texted me earlier today."


"What is this place?" Riley asked.

"This is where the ancients stored all of their wisdom," Farkle said.

"Look at all of those..."

"Books," Farkle finished.

"Books," Maya and Riley repeated in unison.

"Look," Gabriel said, pulling a book out.  He blew the dust off of the book. "'Tales Of Human Interaction.'"

"We'll take it," Maya said. He took the book from Gabriel. "Thanks, midget."

"I'm not that short," Gabriel said.

"Doesn't matter," she said. She dropped the book on the table.

"Farkle, do whatever you do with that," Maya said.

"You mean read?" Farkle said. Farkle sat next to Maya and began to read. "'Chapter One...'"

"Oh, I'm bored out of my mind, let's go to a movie," Maya said.

"Shh!" the librarian said, suddenly.

Riley, Maya, Gabriel, and Farkle in unison said, "Ah!"

"There's one of those ancients now," Farkle said. He walked over to the librarian. "Oh, wondrous gatekeeper of the knowledge, we are travelers from another time and place."

"Seventh grade middle school," Riley said.

"We wish to partake of this information from your great hall of wisdom," Farkle said.

"Do you rent phones?" Riley asked.


"There's no one here but us," Gabriel pointed out.

"Why do we have to shush?" Maya asked.

"Let me handle this, Maya. She obviously likes it quiet," Farkle said. "Hello, book lady."

"Well, hello," the librarian responded. "And who might you be?"

"I might be Farkle," Farkle responded, he said, flipping his hair.

"Would you do me a favor, Farkle?" the librarian asked.

"Oh, you know I will," Farkle said.

"Why don't you go over there," the librarian said, pointing to another part of the library, "and... shh!"

"Well, that's disappointing," Farkle said. He went to the table to sit down with Maya, leaving Riley and Gabriel alone.

"So," Riley said.

Words [Riley Matthews]Where stories live. Discover now