26 ~ philadelphia

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The group were digging. Gabriel was getting tired and wished he hadn't come, but it was too late for that now.

"Com on, Topanga!" Cory said. "Put some back into it, will you?"

"I have blisters," Topanga whispered. "And it's not exactly like i'm wearing shoveling shoes. What about you guys?"

"That's what I'd like to know," Gabriel said, walking over to the adults sides and stood next to Topanga. 

"We're on a mandatory break," Cory said.

"Hey, i thought we were only doing every other hole," Shawn said.

"You said you knew exactly where this thing was buried," Topanga said.

"Well, it's in this general vicinity, yes," Cory said.

"How is this fun?" Maya asked. "You said this was gonna be fun. How can anybody make this fun?"

"Well, it's in this general vicinity, yes," Cory said.

"How is this fun?" Maya asked. "You said this was gonna be fun. How can anybody make this fun?"

Riley put a flower crown on Maya's head. 

"I made one for Maya's head," Riley smiled.

"You're supposed to be digging," Gabriel said. 

"Oh, but I was digging for an hour, and all I found was this old metal box," Riley said, picking up the box. 

Maya, Gabriel, Cory and Topanga dropped their shovels.

"Cory..." Shawn said. 


"I'm concerned," Shawn said.

"What's there be concerned about, Shawnie?" Cory asked.

Cory turned around. 

"That," Shawn said, pointing over Cory's shoulder.

Cory, Shawn and Topanga's former teacher, Mr. Feeny was standing behind them with a torch, looking at them.

Cory and Shawn gasped.

"Mr. Matthews, Mr. Hunter, we meet again," Mr. Feeny said. 

"Detention??" Cory asked.

"Big boy detention," Mr. Feeny said, smiling.

"I won't do well in a big boy detention," Cory said, shaking his head.

Riley looked at Maya and yelled, "Feeny!"

Gabriel looked up at them, with raised eyebrows as he stood by Topanga. 

Feeny stared at the girls. 

"Fee-hee-hee-hee-heenay!" Maya said.

"What, what, what, what..." Riley said.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey," Maya said.

Riley and Maya hissed like cats.

"Okay, let's go," Riley said.

They walked away.

"Mrs. Matthews," Mr. Feeny said.

"How you doing?" Topanga asked.

"Put back my flowers," Mr. Feeny said. "Except for those, I'll attend to those myself."

Shawn, Topanga, and Cory went to put back the flowers, Feeny sits between the girls.

"Excuse me," Mr. Feeny said to Riley. "Is he a good father, you poor, poor, little girl?"

Riley smiled. "I'm very lucky."

"Hmm..." Mr. Feeny said. He turned to Maya and Gabriel. "Is he a good teacher?"

"He's the best teacher I ever had," Gabriel said.

"Yeah," Maya agreed. "He's the best there is."

"Oh," Mr. Feeny said.

"But he says you are," Gabriel said.

"Oh, and that's what you were digging for?" Mr. Feeny asked, gesturing to the box.

"It's our time capsule, remember?" Cory asked.

"I remember everything," Mr. Feeny said.

"We wanna see how time treated us if we turned out like we hoped we would. Got any advice for us while we're all out here together, Mr. Feeny?" Cory asked.

"Well, yes. It's been a long time, and you're still together. What else do you need to know?" Feeny said. 

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