36 ~ austin, texas

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"Is it really a good idea to go to Austin?" Gabriel asked Riley and Maya.

"Yeah," Caleb agreed. "It's a terrible idea."

"We need to support Lucas," Riley said. "We are his friends after all."

"He'll understand why we didn't come," Caleb said.

Gabriel nodded in agreement. 

"Yeah, no, we're still going," Maya said. 

"It's going to be fun," Farkle said. 

"Farkle, you're supposed to be on our side," Caleb said.

"Too bad!"

Gabriel rolled his eyes.


"Surprise!" Riley, Maya, and Farkle cheered when they entered the house. 

Gabriel and Caleb followed Riley, Maya, and Farkle, unenthusiastically.

"Heeeey, it's all my friends..." Lucas said.

"Trust me, Lucas, Gabe and I tried to convince them not to come," Caleb said.


"Man, I look good in my "Welcome to Texas," Billy Buckaroo cowboy hat," Farkle said.

"That ain't a hat," Joe said. "That's a teacup. This is a hat."

"How does it look?"

"Not bad, Farkle," Joe said. "Welcome home."

Riley and Maya entered the room.

"Well, look at you two little darlins," Joe said.

"Hm. Told you this was the best way to spend all of our allowance money on the first day," Riley said.

"Quit looking' at us, Midget," Maya said to Gabriel.

"Sorry, Maya," Gabriel said. "You look... nice."

"Oh, thanks," she said, stunned.

"B - both of you look nice," Gabriel said.

"You know what this place needs? A bay window," Riley said. "Bay window right now."

"WHat's a bay window?" Joe asked.

"It's a safe place where the girls have their private talks," Lucas said.

"Oh, well, then! I'll make sure those two stay right there forever," Joe said.

A man named Cletus entered.

"Pappy Joe! Pappy Joe! Pappy Joe!" he called.

"Whoa, whoa. Don't be alarmed. It's just Cletus," Joe said.

"Tombstone the bull gone crazy!" Cletus said. "He everywhere all over the place at the same time like one of them Houdini bulls."

"Use your words, Cletus," Joe said.

"I am using my words, garducky. Tombstone the bull gone bananahooey!"

"I love him!" Maya said, happily.

"What did Tombstone the bull do?" Joe asked.

"He done tore up the China shop, ironically. It's true what them say," Cletus said.

"ou mean he broke out of his pen?" Joe asked.

"Oh, he brammoed the pen! What's them, a bay winder?" 

Words [Riley Matthews]Where stories live. Discover now