32 ~ creativity

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It was time for history class and Gabriel and his friends sat in their usual seats along with their classmates.

"The Dark Ages -" Cory Matthews began.

"They're cutting art class and you want to talk about the Dark Ages?" Maya cut off her teacher.

"The Dark Ages was a time of cultural deterioration," Cory continued.

"What does that have to do with me?" Maya asked.

"The Dark Ages was the decline of the creative spirit of an entire continent," Cory said.

"What about me?"

"The Dark Ages is when they cut the art class at this middle school right now. And you, Maya Hart - yes, you, Maya Hart, the one I'm looking at right here - can't paint anymore," Cory said.

"You know, a good teacher lets the students get there on their own," Maya said.

"Daddy?" Riley raised her hand.

"Riley, if you put another cat on our fridge, I swear I'm moving to Brooklyn," Cory said.

"Scratch my nose," Riley requested. "I won't be dry until math, and Mrs. Kravitz scratches my nose like she doesn't want to."

Cory scratched Riley's nose.

"That's like a daddy would," Riley said.

"So... why were the Dark Ages dark, Pippin?" Cory asked.

"People lost interest in art and music because it was taken away from them," Gabriel said.

"Well, I don't want that for Riley," Lucas said. "I want Maya to be happy."

"Hey, Maya, it looks like Lucas here's gettin' all fired up on your behalf."

"Thank you, Lucas," Maya said, turning around. "But it's just an art class."

"I feel bad," Lucas said. "They're taking away something you're very good at."

"You've never said that to me before."

"I've said it," Lucas said.

"Yeah, but not straight to my face when you're looking at me," Maya said. "I can't remember you actually l -"

"You're a great artist, Maya," Lucas said.

"Well, he lookin' at you now," Zay said.

"Do you ever shut up, Zay?" Caleb asked.

"I'll answer that for you, Caleb, and the answer is no," Gabriel said. "Which is unfortunate. Times like this I wish he had a mute button."

"I don't want them to take away your art class, Maya," Lucas added.

"Bay window!" Riley called. "Bay window right in five hours."

"Okay," Maya said.

"Who's gonna do something about art class?" Lucas asked.

"I'm sure that'll be Riley," Maya said.

"Nope," Riley responded.

"Well, I know you guys would like me to step in here -" Cory began.

"Nope, this is bigger than you, Dad."

"You're right," Cory agreed. "This is. In fact, this decision comes directly from the New York City school board."

"That's not what I'm talking about," Riley said. "If they're gonna put us in the Dark Ages, then who's gonna get us out?"

"Ah. Funny thing about that. You know who did get us out? Artists," Cory said,

Words [Riley Matthews]Where stories live. Discover now