1. Moving in

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~ For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: First to the gentile then to the Jewish~
~Romans 1:16~

- Kaislee's POV-
"Love you too" I said to my mom and dad
"Make sure you call us every night!" Mom said
"Umm, I'll try whenever I can" I said nicely
"Well ok honey, just don't forget about us" she continued
"I could never forget about you guys" I said giving them a hug
"And be careful of those California boys, I heard there trouble" my dad said
"Don't worry dad"
"I gotta go, I'm meeting Mads at her house" I said walking out the door
"Bye honey, be safe!" My mom yelled. I put my last bag in the car and got in. I drove to Mads house and waited outside. A few minuets later Mads came out with a bunch of bags in her hands. I rolled down my window and asked "Mads do you need help?"
"No, I can get it" she replied
"Ok" I said. She went to her trunk and was trying to open the back but wasn't being successful. I opened my car door to get out and help her but she said "I got it" as if she knew I was about to help her
"Mads let me help you" I said letting out a little laugh. Just then she fell over as she opened the trunk. I quickly got out of the car and went to see if she was ok. When I looked at her she was laughing. "Ow" She said
"Are you ok" I said helping her up
"Yeah I'm fine" she said. She put her bags in the trunk. "Do you want to lead?" She asked me
"Nah, you can" I said laughing a little
"Ok" she said laughing. We both got in our cars and headed to California. We are from Miami Florida so we have about a 40 hour drive in total. So we are driving to Houston Texas right now, which is a 17 hour drive. It's 4 in the morning we should get to Houston around 8,  then we're staying the night at a hotel. Then tomorrow morning, we're getting up at 5am and going to Phoenix Arizona, which is about a 16 hour drive, so again we'll get there around 8, and we're also staying the night there. Then the next morning we're leaving at 6am, and it's only a 6 hour drive, we  should get to the apartment in Santa Monica around noon. I'm so excited to get there.
-I'm fast forwarding to Houston,Texas hotel-
(cause nothing special happened)
"Praise the Lord we can stop driving for a little bit" I said
"Yea.. I feel like I'm still driving" Mads said. I laughed and nodded my head.
"I'm hungry" she continued
"Do you want to go see if there's a vending machine here?" I asked
"Yeah" She said
"Is it ok, if I stay here, I need to take a shower" I asked
"Yeah that's fine, I'll be back in a few" She said walking out the door. I got my pjs and new underwear and bra and went to the bathroom. I got on my phone and picked out bethels album and started blasting it. I took my clothes off and got in the shower.
-Mads POV-
I went down to the lobby and found a vending machine and got a bag of Doritos. I headed back up to the room and that's when I realized i forgot to grab the room key. "Crap" I said. I knocked on the door..there was no answer. I texted Kais and told her I forgot my key and was waiting outside. I could hear bethel music playing. She wasn't going to hear me. This isn't the first time this has happened, it's like the 4th. I realized that until she's done in the shower I'm not getting in the room, so I decided to just praise in the hallway. I was quietly speaking in tongues wile walking back in forth in the hallway. I closed my eyes and talked to god. About 15 minuets later I heard someone crying. I quickly opened my eyes and looked around. There was a young girl, that looked like she was me and Kaislee's age which was 20, and she was on her knees crying. I quickly went over to her and bent down."what's wrong, are you okay?" I asked her
"I don't even know why I'm crying" she said crying harder
"Ohh I know what happened, did something all the sudden just hit you?" I questioned
"Yea, how did you know?" She asked
"Haha, don't worry, that's just Jesus, he's amazing isn't he" I exclaimed
"I mean I feel really happy, warm and fuzzy but why am I crying?"
"It's ok to cry, God is just working in you, you can stay here however long you want, I'm going to stand back up and keep praying" I said standing up
"Umm..ok" She said
"Can I ask you something first, do you have a personal relationship with Jesus right now, before you walked in this hallway?" I asked
"I don't even know who Jesus is" she said truthfully
"Well let me tell you about him real quick, he's really amazing, I have a feeling you'll love him" I said. So I told this girl about Jesus for a few minuets and guess what she wanted to give her life to the lord! So I said the Lord's Prayer with her and she got saved! Right there in the hotel hallway! I guess there was a reason I forget the key and why Kais won't answer the door. I closed my eyes again and went back to speaking in tongues. Since I knew God just touched this girl I prayed louder. A few moments later I opened my eyes to see if the girl was still there, because I didn't hear crying anymore. When I opened my eyes I was just so flabbergasted at what I saw. She was laying on the floor, out in the sprit, and that's not it there was 4 more people, and half of them where laying on the ground, out in the spirit too! So you know what I did.. I closed my eyes and prayed even louder. Before I knew it I heard Kaislee's voice." What is going on out here?" She asked. I opened my eyes and looked at her and smiled. "You'll never guess" I said
"I'll leave you all to be with Jesus" I said walking into the room. As soon as I closed the door Kais asked what happened again. " well long story short, I went to get a snack and when I came back here I realized I forgot my key and I heard you listening to bethel so I started praying in tongues in the hallway and before I knew it people where coming out of no where getting slain in the spirit" I said with a big smile on my face
"Wow! God is so good!" Kais said. I changed into my pjs and we both went to bed. When we woke up in the morning it was 5am. We both got ready quickly and grabbed something for breakfast and got back on the road again.
-Fast forward to Phoenix, Arizona hotel-
(Cause nothing special happened)
"I'm going to take a shower" I said.
"Ok" Kais said. I grabbed everything I need and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I took a really quick shower because I was really tired and I just wanted to go to sleep. When i was done with my shower and I came out of the bathroom, I didn't see Kais. I checked the hallway because of what happened last night but she wasn't there. I tried calling her but turns out she left her phone in the room. I made sure to grab the room key then I left the room. I walked downstairs looking for her. I wanted to make sure nothing happened to her. I walked into the lobby and she wasn't there.They had the breakfast room door opened and the lights where on, so I checking in their. "Kaislee?" I asked
"Yeah" I heard her say as I walked in the room. She was sitting there with an old woman play checkers. "Umm, what are you doing..? I questioned
"Just playing checkers with Macy" she exclaimed
"Uh, yeah I see, you didn't care to tell me you umm left the room?!" I replied half jokingly
"Oh sorry" she said
"I'm going to bed" I said face palming myself
"Oh wait... Goodnight Macy, I'm sorry half to go" Kais said
"Oh that's ok, thank you for playing with me" Macy smiled. " your probably wondering why I left the room and didn't tell you and ended up playing a board game with an old woman" Kais said
"Just a little" I laughed
"Well I came down here to get another blanket but I seen that Macy was sitting all by herself so I decided to go and talk to her, turns out she likes to play checkers so we asked the woman at the front desk if they had the game and they did so we started playing" she explained. When we got up to the room we both feel asleep pretty quick. When I woke up it was 6am. I am so excited to get to our apartment. We quickly got ready and got back on the road again.
-Fast forward to Santa Monica apartment-
( cause nothing special happened)
"Well Mads, we're finally home" Kais said as we looked up at our apartment building.
"Yes we are" I said
"I'm so excited!" She said
"Me too, I have a feeling we're gonna love it here" I said. We went inside and got our paperwork and everything filled out. They had a big cart that we could put all of our stuff on so we grabbed 2 and went back to the car to load up. We put all of our house and room decorations on the carts first, we decided on the second trip we would get our clothes. We get inside and head up to our room. When the elevator doors opened we pushed the carts to the right and down to our room. our room was the 3rd one on the left. We get to our room and are trying to open the door but it wasn't opening. "I have a problem with doors" I laughed
"Let me see the key" Kais said laughing. When I gave her the key someone walked out of the room next to us. It was our neighbor. "You guys must be moving in" he said. He was a pretty tall, he had blue eyes and brown hair. He wasn't that bad looking.
"Umm, yeah" I said.
"Hi, I'm Louis" he said
"Hi Louis, I'm Madilynn and this is Kaislee" I said shaking his hand
"Nice to meet you two beautiful young ladies" Louis said
"Thanks, you too" I said
"Niall" louis yelled. I ducked a little when he yelled because I wasn't expecting that.
"What" someone yelled
"Come here" louis yelled
"Mate I'm taking a poop"
"Well pinch it off" louis yelled. I looked at Kais and she was still trying to get the door opened. This is a little awkward I thought. "Got it" Kais said
"Finally" I said. She pushed her cart into the room
"I'm sorry, but we half to go, we need to get all of our stuff in our room" I said to Louis
"Wait, I want you to meet my roommate" Louis said
"Is it only the two of you?" I asked
"Well maybe I can meet him later, we're really tired and need to get our stuff up here"
"Well maybe we could help you bring stuff up"
"Oh, you don't half to"
"Well that's what good neighbors do right" he smiled
"Yeah, sure if you want" I said. I hope there never in their apartment because they seem really weird. I pushed the cart into our room and we unloaded our stuff. When we came out of our room louis was waiting for us. "Niall's coming" he said
"Is that your roommates name?" I asked
" yeah, look here he comes" he said. Niall walked out of the room, he was a little shorter than Louis, he had brown hair and blue eyes and lord forgive me of my thoughts he was so cute. "Hi I'm niall" he said holding out his hand
"H-hi, I'm madilynn" I said slowly. He laughed a little. I shook his hand then called for Kais to come out. "This is my roommate, Kaislee" I said "hi nice to meet you" she said to Louis
"Oh I don't believe we met" she said stepping in front of Louis. He laughed a little and said " hi I'm louis"
"Well nice to meet you too" she said. We grabbed the carts and went downstairs to our cars. "Louis you help Kais and Niall you help me, I'm not very strong but by the looks of it you are" I said. Truth was he was cute and I just wanted to be around him.
-Kais's POV-
"Mads, get on your knees and repent" I said
"That's not the only thing I can on my knees" she said a little quieter
"Madilynn kameron Jones!"
" I don't mind" Niall said
"I'm just joking" she laughed
"Don't joke about that when your a child of God" I said half joking. Louis was helping me get my stuff loaded onto the cart and niall was helping Mads . Me and Louis we're almost done loading things up when I heard niall clear his throat . We all turned and looked at him. "Victoria Secret aye" he said holding up a pair of red Lacey underwear. I looked at Mads and she was blushing. "Give me those" she said snatching it out of his hands "don't look through these boxes, especially that one" she continued "don't be ashamed of them princess" he said to her. She blushed harder and looked away. When I turned back around there was a bright pink G-string in my face. " I see how you are" louis said smirking
"Where the heck did you get that at" I said pushing them out of my face
"In this box" he said pointing to one
"Ohh Care to explain Kais" Mads said to me grinning
"Yes I would like to explain.. Mad-''I started but was interrupted but Louis. " don't blame it on Madilynn, embrace your sexy side" he said putting it back in the box
"But wait it's-'' I started but was interrupted again by Louis big mouth "shhh embrace it" he said putting his finger to my lips. It wasn't mine is what I was trying to say. Mads got this as a gift for me when I turned 20, of course I've never worn it and I never will, I just kept it because it was a good laugh. She always gets me stuff to embarrass me. Thank the Lord tho she gave it to me in private. When she turned 20, I got her a normal thing like a gift card and chocolates. Guess that's where we're different. Once we got everything loaded up we went back upstairs and they helped us take everything off the cart. "Thank you guys for helping us" I said
"No problem, let us know if you need anything" Niall said. We nodded our heads. I'm not sure how to feel about them yet. I mean they seem nice, but they seem very, like out there. They left and closed the door behind them.

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