5. Coffee and kisses

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~Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick tempered displays folly.~
~Proverbs 14:28~

-Mads POV-
"Are you ready for your interview?" I asked Kais
"Yeah, are you" Kais asked
"Yeah" I said. Right now we were both at a coffee shop, getting ready to go in for our interview. We're both applying for a job here.
"Kaislee " I woman questioned coming up to us
"That's me" she said standing up
"Are you ready for your interview?" She asked
"Sure am" Kais said. The woman took Kais back. Kais was in their for about 15 minuets. Then they came and got me for my interview.
-after interview-
"How do you think you did?" Kais asked when I came out
"I think I did good. What about you?" I asked
"I think I did good too" she said. I nodded my head. I have faith in both of us.
"Alright let's go then" Kais said
"Wait, I want a coffee" I said
"Of coarse" she laughed. I went over and got me a coffee then we headed on our way. When we got in the car I started telling Kais about Daniel, the pizza guy. When we starting thinking about moving here we looked into churches in the area. We looked at many but we couldn't decide between these last two. So we both prayed that God would let us know which church to go to. When Daniel texted me the address and when church started, I looked up his church and it was one of the churches we were praying about. I made sure to tell Kais that too. We decided we were definitely going the following Sunday. We got to our apartment building and headed up to our room. When we got out of the elevators we started walking to our room. "Kais look" I said. I pointed to Louis and Niall's room. There door was wide open.
"Maybe they accidentally left it open" Kais exclaimed
"It's propped open" I pointed out. Her mouth made an O shape. Niall walked out in front of the door. "You here for the party?" He asked
"No" Kais said
"What kind of party?" I asked
"A party thats about to start so you better some in if your coming. It will be packed any minuet" he said looking at his watch."no thanks" I said. We both started walking to our room. Harry came out of his room yelling. "Yoooo Madilynn" Harry yelled
"Oh hey harry" I waved
"Harry?" Niall and Kais both questioned
"You guys know each other?" Niall asked
"Yeah she's the best she's so sweet and look how cute she is, Niall you should hook up with her" he said. I blushed and looked at niall. That's embarrassing. Niall looked at me. "Well.. I wouldn't mind" Niall smirked
"And you would look cute with Louis" Harry said to Kais
"You don't even know me" She said
"No your right, they would look adorable together. In fact you can come in and I'll show you to his room" Niall smirked
"No thanks" she said
"Come on, I won't judge what I'd hear, I could even play music to drown out the noises" Niall said
"Ewww oh no, let's go Mads" Kais said pulling me into our apartment "Bye harry" I said as Kais closed the door
-Kaislee's POV-
"That was so nasty" I said making puke noises. Mads laughed a little
"You think it's funny?" I asked
"I mean.. just a little" she said
"It was kind of funny" I laughed "But they make me so mad" I continued to say
"I agree with that" She said. We both went to our rooms and got a notebook and some pens then sat down on the couch in the living room.
"Popcorn?" I asked
"Yeah, I'll get everything else ready" Mads said. I popped some popcorn then sat down on the couch. Mads hit play and we started watching a preaching. I love when we do this. We get a snack, watch a preaching and take notes on it. That might sound boring but we both think it's refreshing. It's like a good workout. We were halfway through the show when Mads had to go to the bathroom. She paused it and went to the bathroom. While she was in their I got up to get something to drink. Then someone knocked on the door. I went over and opened the door, it was louis. "You Christians don't have annny funnn. Come to our parrttyy and I pro-mise I-I-I won't tell God" louis slured. He was definitely drunk
"I'm not going to your stupid party" I said closing the door.
"Come on baby" he said hitting the door, which caused it to fling back open.
"Louis go away" I said slamming the door shut. I sighed.
"What's wrong?" Mads asked walking into the kitchen
"Louis" I said
"What happened?"
"He's just being a jerk..like always" I said
"Ohh, come on let's finish the episode" she said. I got a drink and went and sat back down. Someone started pounding on our door as soon as we started the episode again. Mads pauses it again.
"If thats Louis.." I said standing up. I opened the door and it was niall
"Why we-were you such a jerk to Louis" he yelled. He was drunk too. I quickly slammed the door so he would have no time to stop it. "I'm so tired of them!" I sighed in frustration.
"Me too" Mads said. I went back over to the couch and sat down. Mads started the episode again. We didn't even get 5 more minuets into it when someone started pounding on the door again. "I'm not answering that" I said
"I'll get it" Mads said chuckling a little. She paused it again then got up and opened the door. I looked around her to see who it was, it was niall again.
"Do you need something?" Mads asked him
"Why don't you guys come join us, we-well forget about how rude Kaislee was to Louis" Niall slurred
"She was not rude" Mads said defending me
"Come on babe don't defend her" he said grabbing her hand
"Don't touch me" She said yanking her hand away from him
"Don't be like that baby" he said
"Im not your baby" she said slamming the door shut
"Thanks" I said
"Your welcome. Hey maybe we can just move to another floor" Mads suggested
" you but let's ask like tomorrow cause once we finish this I'm going to bed" I said yawning
"Ok sounds good to me" she said. We started watching the preaching again when someone started pounding on the door again. Neither one of us answered. We just turned the tv up louder until we finished it. After we were done it was 9:42pm. We both decided to go to bed because we were both pretty sleepy.
-The next day-
When we woke up we quickly got ready and grabbed a granola bar for breakfast and headed downstairs. We were going to ask if we could change rooms today. Preferably as far away from the boys as we can get. We grabbed our phones and keys and headed down stairs. When we got down stairs we walked up to the front desk.
"Hi, can I help you?" The woman asked
"Yes, we wanted to know if we can be moved to another floor?" I said
"Okay let me see what's available. Can I have your room key?" She asked. I nodded my head and gave it to her. She did some clicking and scrolling before she said anything else.
"Okay, so I'm afraid that there are no more rooms available" she said
"Ok well can you like have a talk with our neighbors, because they are very loud" Mads asked
"I'm also afraid I cannot do that. The floor that you guys are on is for the partiers" she said
"You mean to tell me the floor that our apartment is on, that whole floor is dedicated to partying" I exclaimed
"Well not just partying, that's what we call the floor, that's really the floor that each room can be as loud as they want and they won't get in trouble" she said
"Why did no one tell us this before we booked the room?" Mads asked annoyed
"Well, when you signed the contract to live here there was a page that said what your looking for in your apartment and what's your price range. What you chose is where your at. There is no other apartment in this building that meets the requirements that you two filled out on the contract" she explained
"You still didn't think that was something worth mentioning?!" I exclaimed
"Well no in else has complained about it." The woman said sounding annoyed. Lord help me keep my cool. "well if we moved out of the building how far in advanced would we half to let you know" Mads asked
"Well you guys have only been here like 2 weeks right?" She asked. Mads nodded her head.
"Well I'm also sorry to say that you half to live here for a year before you can leave, that's in the contract that you both signed" She said
"Are you actually sorry, cause you don't sound like it" I said
"Well, I'm sorry, you guys have a good day now" she said walking away
"What the heck was that?!" Mads said
" I don't know" I said face palming myself.
"I'm going to take a walk" I said
"Ok, I'm going upstairs, I'll make us something to eat" Mads said. I nodded my head and walked outside for some fresh air.
-Mads POV-
I got in the elevator and headed upstairs. As soon as the elevator doors opened I heard music blaring. Maybe if I have a talk with Niall nicely then they will quite down. I walked up to there door only to find it was still open but no one was in sight. "hello?" I yelled. There was no answer. I walked in looking around but I couldn't find anyone. I headed over to the bedrooms and bathrooms. I put my ear up against the door to listen, cause I wasn't about to walk in on anyone. I heard someone grunting and moaning in pain.
"Are you ok?" I yelled. There was no answer
"I'm coming in" I said opening the door. I half covered my eyes to make sure they weren't naked or anything. "Niall?" I questioned
"Oh hey Mads" he said wiping his mouth
"Are you okay?" I asked rushing to his side
"Yea, just have a virus " he said
"Oh, do you need anything?"  I asked. Before he could say anything he started throwing up again. I felt his head to see if he felt warm. "Niall your on fire" I exclaimed.
"You are too babe" he said. I felt my cheeks heat up when he said that. I stood up and looked for a rag then ran it under cold water. I squeezed some of the water out and got on my knees beside niall again. He put his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. I feel kind of bad for him, he looks like he's really in pain. I put the rag on Niall's forehead and held it there. I sat there and rubbed his back trying to reassure him. "Are you okay now?" I asked
"I do feel a little better" he said
"Do you need anything?" I asked
"I don't think so, but thanks" he said. I helped him up then he brushed his teeth. "Umm..thank you" He said looking in my eyes
"Your welcome" I said looking in his eyes. It felt like time stopped for a moment. We both started leaning in until our lips touched. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I realized what I was doing and I quickly pulled away. "I'm sorry, I can't" I said turning around walking away from him. Niall grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. Without saying anything he smashed his lips onto mine. I put my hands on his chest and tried pushing him away but he grabbed my hands and held them there. I slowly started to give in and just kiss him. "Niall I can't" I said softly
" yeah your right" he said backing away from me
"I am?"
"Yeah, your GOD wouldn't want this" he exclaimed. Before I said anything else niall grabbed my arm and pulled me to the front door. "Goodbye madilynn" He said before closing the door and with that I'm left standing in the hallway alone. "What the pineapples" I said. I shrugged it off and went into my apartment. I started looking for something to make for lunch. I grabbed some noddles and sauce and started making spaghetti. When I was almost done Kais walked in the door. "Hey" I said
"Hey" She said walking straight to the couch. She plopped down on the couch and sighed. "Everything okay?" I asked
"No, I think Louis is bipolar.." she said training off
"Why do you say that" I chuckled
"So while I was on my walk a guy ran into me and knocked me onto the ground and he didn't help me up he just kept on walking by me. So Louis was there and he saw what happened so he quickly came over and helped me up. Then he went and chased that guy down and I don't even know what he said but the guy came back and apologized to me. Then Louis took me inside the hotel and sat me down and checked my arms and legs for scrapes and bruises. Then somehow things let to one another and we kissed and everyone in the lobby thought Louis just proposed because he was on his knees in front of me so they congratulated us and whistled at us" I said
"Oh wow that's exciting! When's the wedding?"I laughed
"No it was not, and never " she said putting her head in her hands
"Do you like him?"
"Pst, What no" She said sounding sarcastic
"That wasn't very convincing"
"Well I do but when they throw party's and are loud it makes me not like him"
"Yeah I know how you feel"
"You don't know fully how I feel cause you and Niall haven't kissed yet" She said. I didn't say anything which made her look up at me. "You guys have kissed?" She said getting up off the couch
"Yes, it was just a few minutes ago, probably the same time you kissed Louis" I said. Kais laughed
"Well I'm sorry, I guess you do know I feel" she laughed. We sat down and ate lunch while I told her what happened between me and niall.

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