9 Dates

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~Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth~
Colossians 3:2~

-Mads POV-
I woke up to my room smelling like food. It smelt amazing! I hopped out of bed and ran to the kitchen. "What are you making?" I asked
"Good morning to you too" Kais smiled
"Good morning" I laughed
"Biscuits and gravy" she said
"Mmm, is it almost done?" I asked
"Yep, can you get the plates?" She said. I nodded my head and got the plates. She put the biscuits and gravy on our plates. We sat down at the bar and started eating our food. Me and Kais we're still in our pjs, which also meant I had no pants on. There was a knock at the door. Kais looked at me. "Can you get it, I don't have pants on?" I said
"Yeah" she chuckled getting up and heading to the door. She opened the door and there was niall and Louis. They were both smiling from ear to ear. "Umm, hello?" Kais said
"Hey" Niall said
"Hey, whatcha doing?" Louis asked
"Umm me and Mads were just having breakfast" Kais said moving so they could see me
"Hey Mads" Niall waved
"Aww look at how cut you two are" louis said. Niall smiled while I rolled my eyes. "Would you guys like to come in?" Kais asked
"Oh yes, thank you" louis said as they piled in. Niall walked through the kitchen and started walking over to me. " Wait Niall. Stop" I yelled. Everyone looked at me. Kais and Louis were holding there chest like I just scared them. "Sorry, It's Just, Niall can you get me a blanket off the couch?" I asked
"Sure" He said walking over to it
"Don't look at me until after you give me the blanket" I exclaimed.
"Why?" He asked turning his head
"Just don't for a minuet" I said. He walked over to the couch and grabbed the blanket. As he was walking back he looked at me. "Niall!" I exclaimed
"Sorry babe, but how am I not suppose to look when I'm walking toward you" he said kindly
"Im sorry Ni, I don't know" I said. He handed me the blanket. "Thank you" I said
"Your welcome princess" he said kissing my cheek. I wrapped the blanket around the bottom half of me. Then I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. "Good morning princess" An Irish accent said in my ear
"Niall I'm not your princess" I said kindly. He removed his hands from around me.
"Oh right, your GOD wouldn't want us to be together, that's right I forgot" he said getting louder. He went over and stood by the door. "Come on lou, lets go before they call God to put his wrath on us" he said grabbing Louis arm
"Wait a minuet, we're not like that. GOD is NOT like that!" Kais exclaimed
"Whatever" louis said before they both walked out
"What the heck was that" I questioned
"I don't know" Kais sighed. We finished our breakfast then I went to go get ready. When I was getting ready my phone went off. I hope it's Niall saying he's sorry I thought. I checked and it wasn't. It was the guy I ran into on the sidewalk. Wait I don't even know his name, ah oh well I'll find out.
Him: can I take u out tomorrow for lunch?
Me: depends on where we're going
Him: wherever u want
Me: surprise me
Him: ok, b ready by 12
Me: ok, looking forward to it
I walk out into the living room and see that Kais is on her phone. "What are you up to?" I asked
"Just chilling" she said
"You wanna go do something?" I asked
"Sure, What do you want to do?" She asked me
"Umm, shopping?" I asked
"Sure, let me get my stuff" Kais said getting up
"Ok, Im going to head down, I'll meet you at the car" I said grabbing my stuff. I headed out the door and downstairs to the car.
-Kaislee's POV-
I grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs. When I got to the lobby I noticed that the cute guy that delivered our chicken was in the lobby. He looked over and saw me. He smiled and walked up to me. "Hey what are you doing" he asked
"Just getting ready to go shopping" I said
"Oh that's fun, would you mind if I tagged along?" He asked
"Umm sure, my best friend is with me" I said
"That's fine, are you going to the mall?" He asked
"Yeah" I said
"Ok, I half to do something real quick then I'll meet you there" he said
"Ok cool" I said. We waved goodbye and I headed out to the car. You know, that was kind of weird. He doesn't live here so What was he doing here I thought. Maybe he has a friend here that he was stopping bye for, ah oh well. I got in the car and put my seatbelt on. "So you know that chicken delivery guy" I said
"Yeah" She said starting the car
"Well I just ran into him.."
"He's coming shopping with us now" I said. She didn't say anything so I looked at her. She had a smirk on her face "oh stop it, just friends, not even really friends" I laughed. She laughed then we headed on our way to the mall. When we got there I saw the chicken guy waiting outside. When we started walking up to him it dawned on me that I didn't know his name, I fact I don't think he knows my name. "Hey" He said as we approached him
"Hey" Me and Mads both said
"So I don't think, we've all officially met" I said
"Im Kaislee" I said holding out my hand
"Nice to meet you Kaislee, I'm Spencer" he said shaking my hand
"And I'm madilynn" Mads said holding her hand out
"Nice to meet you" He said shaking her hand. We all walked inside and decided on which store we wanted to go to. " do you mind if we go in there" I asked pointing to Victoria Secret
"No go ahead, I'll wait out here" he said.
"Ok, well try to hurry" I said. I was getting ready to check out when I looked over and saw Spencer coming into the store. "Oh babe, these are cute" he said picking up underwear that was in my hands. It was red lace, a thong. I did not pick that up. "I must of grabbed that on accident" I said embarrassed
"Don't worry babe, you should get it, then you can try it on for me later" he smirked. I didn't even know what to say to that, like heck no. I just did a little laugh and put them on a shelf. I looked at Mads and she was smirking at me. "Did you put that with my stuff!?" I exclaimed. She nodded her head and laughed. We were at the mall for about 3 hours in total. Spencer is really funny, he seem like a great guy. Me and Mads shopped till we dropped, we have a lot of bags with us. We have bible study tonight, so we need to get home and take a nap because if not I don't think we'll make it through. "Thanks for letting me come with you guys" Spencer said
"Your welcome, thanks for coming with us" I said
" Your welcome, I had a great time" he smiled
"Nice meeting you" Mads said
"Your too, have a good rest of the day, you guys" He said waving us goodbye
"Bye" we said. We headed to the car and put all our bags in it and got in. Then we started heading home. When we got home we took our bags to our rooms. "I'm going to take a nap before people get here" I said
"Ok me too" Mads said. I went to my room and laid down on my bed and drifted off to sleep. When I woke up it was 4:54. I jumped out of bed and fixed my hair and went to the bathroom. They're going to be here any minute. There was a knock at the door. I ran to the door and opened it. "Hey" Daniel and Jonah said
"Hey guys, come in" I said opening the door more
"How are you" Daniel asked me
"Good and you guys?" I asked
"Good" Daniel said
We walked over to the living room and Mads was asleep on the couch. "Aww look at her" Jonah said
"I'll wake her up" I said. I went over to her and shook her lightly. She started to stir, then her eyes opened. " Good morning sunshine" I said 
"Did I sleep through the Bible study till morning?" she asked shooting up
"No Mads, it's just a figure of speech" I laughed
"Daniel and Jonah are here" I continued to say
"Oh hey guys" she said
"I'm going to go freshen up, go ahead and start" she said getting up and headed to the bathroom. We got out our bibles and and notebooks and started. When Mads came out of the bathroom music starting blasting. "Oh my gosh" I said
"Man, not again" Mads said sitting down
" it's not like, you can go knock on there door either, they won't even here you" Daniel said
"Yeah exactly" I said. We continued our bible study and tried to ignore them. When we were done they were still jamming out. I was really getting mad because I was ready for bed but they were interrupting me from sleeping.
-Mads POV-
When I woke up I looked over at my clock to see what time it was, it was 10:13. Well I just went to bed around 5 am because of our stupid neighbors playing music all night. Sorry God our great and fabulous neighbors. I got up and started getting ready for my lunch date. I decided to take a shower and curl my hair. When I was done it was 11:45. I went to the living room and saw Kais sitting on the couch watching tv. "Good morning" I said
"Umm good evening sweetheart" she smiled
"Oh right" I laughed
"I have a lunch date, with that guy I ran into on he sidewalk, so I'll be back I don't know when" I said
"Ohh ok, give me the details when you get back" she said
"I will" I laughed. I grabbed my stuff and was getting ready to head out the door when there was a knock on the door. I went over to it and opened it, it was my date. "Hey" He said. Wait how does he know where I live. I didn't give him my address.
"Hi" I said
"You ready to go?" He asked
"Umm yeah" I said. I heard Kais clear her throat.
"Oh wait, let my introduce you to my roommate" I said opening the door for him to come in. He nodded his head and walked in. "Hi I'm kaislee" she said holding out her hand
"Hi, I'm Aden" he said shaking her hand
"..and I'm Madilynn" I said shaking his hand
"Nice to meet you both" he smiled
"You too, you kids have fun" Kais said
"Kais" I said embarrassed
"It's ok babe, we will" he smirked. I was kind of scared when he smirked at me, it almost looked like an evil smirk. I just shrugged it off and we headed on our way. We walked out of our apartment and Niall, louis harry, and Liam where all out there talking. Aden grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. He looked at the boys and smiled then when he got to Niall and Louis he glared at them. That's kinda rude. We kept on walking to the elevators. "Mads Wait, can I talk to you for a second" Niall asked stepping towards us. I looked at Aden to see if it was ok with him. He didn't say anything but he wasn't smiling. Aden pushed me against the wall and started kissing me roughly. What the heck is going on!? He grabbed my face so I couldn't move. I didn't want to kiss back but I felt like I had to, to prove something to Niall. I started kissing back then he tried shoving his tong down my throat. I tried scooting my face away without it being noticeable. "STOP!" Someone yelled throwing Aden away from me. I looked over and it was niall. "Niall what are you doing?" I asked. He held is finger up for me to wait a minuet. "CANT YOU TELL SHE DOSENT WANT YOUR TONG DOWN HER THROAT" he yelled at Aden
"SHE DID SAY ANYTHING" Aden yelled back. He was on the ground from Niall pushing him so hard.
"DO YOU WANT TO FIGHT!" Aden yelled getting up. Niall looked at me, I quickly shook my head back and forth and mouthed no.
"HUH WUSS" Aden yelled shoving him backwards
"STOP" I yelled. Niall looked at me but Aden didn't.
"Aden let's just go" I said trying to grab his hand. He moved his hand so I couldn't grab it.
"COME ON ADEN" I yelled grabbing his hand. I pulled him into the elevator. "What the-" I started to say but he cut me off
"Don't say anything" he threatened
"Do you guys know each other or something?" I asked
"I said don't say anything" he said getting in my face. I took a step back away from him. I wasn't expecting that response. I was a little taken back. It almost looked like he was going to hit me. I looked at his hands, he had clenched fist. Wow.
"Listen.. I'm sorry babe, I don't know what came over me" he said holding my hands and pressing his forehead against mine.
" I don't know, maybe I should just go" I said backing away from him
"No! Stay." He said kind of demanding. I was kind of scared to say anything against him. I didn't say anything. We got out of the elevator and got in his car. The whole ride was silent. We pulled up to this old, run down, creepy looking place. "Umm what are we doing here?" I asked
" this is where we're going on our date" he said getting out of the car. Umm ok.? I guess. I was waiting for him to open my door but he wasn't. "Come on babe" he said motioning for me to get out. "Rude" I mumbled. I got out and went inside. When we got inside there was no one else In there. It was really gross, and run down. This place was giving me the creeps.
"I'll go get us food" he said. I sat down at a table and waited for him. My phone went off so I looked at it, it was niall.
Niall: Are you ok?
Niall: He's bad news trust me
Niall: you should be with him.
Niall: call me if you need help.
I didn't answer him. I just closed it out. He was probably just trying to start something.

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