11. Fired

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~We can't always see where the road leads but God promises there's something up ahead we just half to trust him.~
~ Psalms 56:3~

-Mads POV-
" So what are we going to do about Aden" I asked looking up at niall. Me and niall where still hugging each other.
"I'll take care of him babe" he said
"What are you going to do with him ?" I questioned
" don't worry about it babe" he said
"Just don't hurt him anymore please" I said
" princess, he hurt you"
"That doesn't mean we should hurt him back"
"But-"he started to say
"No niall, lets start doing to right thing from now on. Well do it together"
"Are you saying I'm doing wrong things. Gosh I should of just let him take you" Niall said letting go of me. What the heck. No. "No Niall" I said trying to walk towards him but he just took a step back.
"You need to leave" he said opening the door
" Niall"
"Go" He said pointing out the door
"I told you to stay away from him and you didn't listen to me." He said crossing his arms. I was more sad than any other emotion right now. I put my head down and walked back to our apartment. I walked in our door and I see Louie coming towards me. He didn't look at me nor did he say anything, he just stormed past me. "No lou Wait" Kais said walking out into the kitchen. Once she saw him walk out the door she sighed and threw her hands down. "What is wrong with those boys!" Kais exclaimed
"I don't know but I'm having the same problem as you" I sighed.
"Oh, Don't forget We have bible study tonight" Kais said
"Oh yeah, do we have snacks?" I asked
"I think so" she said. She went over to the cabinets and checked. "We do" she said. I nodded my head
"I'll do the dishes and you can do the bathroom" I said
"Sounds good to me" she said. I connected my phone to our speaker and started playing Jordan Feliez. We didn't blare it like our neighbors, but it was a little loud. When I was done I got the snacks out and put them on the counter. I got my bible and notes and put them on the coffee table in the living room. Kais came out and did the same thing. The boys would be here any minuet. There was a knock at the door. "I'll get it" Kais said.As she walked over to the door I turned off our music. She opened it and Daniel and Jonah where standing there.  "Hey guys how are you?" They asked wile walking in
"Well, Okay" Kais said
"Did something happen?" Jonah asked
"Umm yeah, come sit down and we'll tell you" Kais said. They nodded there heads. We all went and sat down on the couch and told them what happened. "Wow! I'm glad you guys are okay" Daniel said
"Yeah so are we" me and Kais laughed. All of the sudden music started blaring..again. This happens almost every night now. And they usually play music until around 3 in the morning. And we usually half to get up around 7 to get ready for work. God love them. Heck God help them. We opened up our bibles and started our bible study. When we were done we all said our goodbyes and me and Kais went to bed. "Hey maybe if we put headphones in and play our music then it won't be as bad" I said
"It's worth a shot" Kais said. I don't mind Christian music blaring in my ears. But whatever the heck there listening to does bother me. I got changed and got into bed. I plugged my headphone into my phone and started playing music. Honestly It wasn't helping, I could still hear there music plain as day. I did my best to try to go to sleep quickly. With a whole lot of prayer and faith I finally went to bed around 1am.
-Kaislee's POV-
I woke up to my alarm going off. I rolled over and turned it off. I groaned then got out of bed. I went over to my dresser got dressed and got ready for the day. Me and Mads half to work today. When I was done I went to the kitchen to get something quick to eat. When I walked in the kitchen, Mads was surprisingly already in there. "Well good morning" I said
"Good morning" She chirped
"Wow your in a good mood" I said sitting down at the bar.
"Well I did get an extra 2 hours of sleep last night" She smiled. She grabbed the coffee cup and pored herself some. "Glad someone got some sleep" I said
"When did you go to bed?" She questioned before she took a sip of her coffee. " 3:30"
"Oh, here I think you'll need some of this then" she said setting a glass of coffee in front of me.
"Thanks" I said taking a drink
"Are you ready to go?" She asked
"Yeah, let me just get my shoes on and we can go" I said getting up
"Ok" She said. I put my shoes on and we grabbed our bags and headed out the door. When we passed Louis and Niall's door we both looked in. "Oh my sweet baby Jesus" Mads said covering her eyes.
"Oh my, that's a sight" I said turning my head away. Louis and Niall were both laying on there stomachs, on the ground, butt naked. "At least It wasn't there ding a ling" Mads said pointing down there
"Mads" I said
"What it's true" she laughed. I nodded my head and laughed. We went down stairs, got in the car and headed to work. The day was going by like a normal work day that was until they walked in. I was at the register and Mads was on a bathroom brake. Louis and niall walked in. They didn't notice that I was there, yet anyway. Niall walked up firsts and started to order. I tried to keep my head down so they would know it's me. Luckily my hat that were required to wear covered the top half to my face since my head was down. "Hi can I have a water, 5 chocolate donuts, 3 with sprinkles, 1 black coffee and a grape sucker" Niall said. I punched all of that in then his total rang up.
"Alright that will be $8.34" I said keeping my head down
"Alright here you go" he said handing me the money. I got his change and gave it back to him. Wow he didn't notice me. One down one to go. "Thanks have a good day" Niall said
"You too" I said
"Wait a minuet, look up" he said. Dang it. I slowly brought my head up. "Look who it is lou" Niall said getting Louis attention. "Hmm" was all he said
"Excuse me sir your holding up the line, can you move down here" someone said walking up to us. I looked to see who it was, it was Mads. She hadn't realized it was them until she got to the counter. "What are you guys doing here?!" She exclaimed
"Are we not aloud to be here?" Niall said rudely
"Well I would prefer, you not being here" she mumbled but loud enough for him to hear. "What did you say!" He said rudely
"Nothing" she mumbled
"No what did you say" he threatened hitting the counter.
"I said I prefer you to not be here" she said
"Hmm. Go get your manager little miss attitude" he demanded. Man he needs to chill. Mads didn't even say it rudely. "No" she said crossing her arms. "Fine I'll get your manger" he said hopping up on the counter and getting down in front of her. " Niall just go" she said holding her hands out trying to stop him
" No! You need to know that not everyone can save you from everything" he said getting in her face
"Niall you need to get back over there" I said stepping towards him
"What is going on out here?" Our manager said walking out
"Are you the manger?" Niall asked
"Yes. Is there a problem" she asked
"Yes. This girl right here. Was very rude to me, so rude and had such an attitude with me that I don't think I'll ever come back here because of her. She stood here and yelled at me for nothing. Let me tell you, you better do something about this!" Niall said
"That's a lie!" Mads exclaimed stepping in
"Ah. Zip it miss Jones. Your fired" she said. I looked at Niall and he was smirking.
"Umm excuse me manager. I've been standing here for over 10 minuets waiting for her to take my order and she just stood there and yelled at him. You need to get new staff before you don't have anymore customers!" Louis said pointing at me then to Niall. Our manager looked at me. " I didn't do anything" I said
"Yeah she didn't do anything!" Mads said sticking up for me
"And neither did she" I said defending her
"STOP IT! Your both acting childish. Olkins, Jones your Fired!" She yelled pointing to the back door.
"But-" I started to say
"Leave or I will call the police. Set your hat and apron on my desk on your way out" she said. Me and Mads looked at each other. Neither one of us said another word we just walked to her office, and handed our stuff in. "I will send you, your first and last pay check in the mail" our now old manger said walking in the door. We just nodded our heads and went out to our car. We both got in and just sat there." I don't think I can ever show my face at this coffee shop again" Mads said
"Me either" I said. We sat there in the car for a good 20 minuets before I even started the car. When I did we headed back to our apartments. 
"I can't believe what just happened" I said
"Me. Either." Mads said
- Mads POV-
I think I'm more disappointed in them than I am mad. Like what the heck was that. I'm so shocked right now, I was not expecting this at all. We go inside our apartment building and head up stairs. As soon as the elevator doors opened I heard his voice. That voice was the last voice I wanted to hear right now. Him and Louis were there, they were both laughing. "Let's just quickly walk by them" I said
"Sounds good" Kais said. We walked out of the elevator and saw 4 older people talking to niall and Louis. "There is my beautiful fiancé heading this way right now" niall said holding his hands out to me. He smiled widely as he walked up to me. "Come here babe. I missed you so much" he said giving me a hug. I was not going to hug him back. Niall quickly whispered " Follow along and I'll play you"
Don't have a job now so no matter what I would get paid would be better than nothing so I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back. "and there's my beautiful fiancé" Louis said going up and hugging Kais. I'm assuming he said the same thing niall did because she started hugging him back too. "Oh well who are they, introduce us" one of the woman said
"Ok mum. Mum, Dad this is madilynn. Madilynn this is my mom Maura and my dad bobby" Niall said introducing us
"Hi it's nice to meet you" I said holding my hand out
"Oh honey we're going to be family, give me a hug" his mom said engulfing me in a hug. Then his dad gave me a hug.
"Come on let's go inside and get to know each other!" His mom said excitedly
"Umm mum, my princess here has some other stuff to do, so you can talk later" Niall said
"Oh what does she half to do. Family is one of the most important things yah know " she said
"Oh she has a meeting." Niall said
"A meeting? Are you a business woman?"
"Umm no" I said
"Then who are you meeting?"
"Umm, me. Haha she has a meeting with me" Niall said
"Right babe" he said wrapping his arm around my torso. "Right" I said wrapping my arm around him
"Just go inside and watch some tv mum okay, we'll be in shortly" Niall said opening his door to there apartment.
"Umm well. Okay honey" she said
" mum, dad you can join them, me and Kaislee have something we half to do" louis said
"Oh sure dear" Louis mom said. Louis mom and dad walked into there apartment and closed the door.
"What the heck!" Kais exclaimed as soon as the door closed.

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