17. Suprises

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~Be strong and take heart in all you who hope in the Lord~
~Psalms 31:24~

-Kaislee's POV-
There was a knock at the door. "I'll get it" I said to Mads. We were both ready to go shopping with the boys parents. I opened the door and there stood Joannah and Maura with beaming smiles. "Hello" I greeted while smiling
"Hello" louis said popping his head in front of the door. "Where did you come from?" I laughed
"Oh I was just standing here" he said
"Come in" I said opening the door. Joanna, Maura, louis and Niall all walked in.
" oh are you boys going shopping with us?" Mads questioned walking into the room.
"Uhh no.. we're not aloud" Niall said looking to the ground. Mads let out a little laugh.
"Oh Niall your with her all the time, she needs some girl time every once in a while" Maura said. I looked at niall and he frowned. "Oh babe, we can hang out tomorrow" Mads said walking up to him and wrapping her arms around him. "Alright are you girls ready to go" Joanna said
"Yeah, let me just get my bag" I said. I grabbed my bag and Mads grabbed hers. "Alright see ya later babe" I said pecking louis lips
"Bye babe, have fun and be safe" he said giving me a hug.
"Babe Don't get into any trouble" Mads said pecking Niall's lips
"Why would you think I would get in any trouble.." he laughed. Mads stopped and looked at him
"Ok I'll be good" Niall said as he suddenly stopped laughing
"Thank you" She said
"Alright let's go" Maura said. We let out a little laugh and headed out the door. Louis and Niall went back into there apartment and closed the door. We got in the elevator and headed down stairs. "Whose car do you want to take?" Joannah asked
"We can take my car" I said
"Okay sounds good" Maura said. We go out to my car and we all get in. Me and joannah sat in the front and Mads and Maura sat in the back. I feel bad for doing this...I mean we're starting a relationship with there parents only to let them down. I wonder if the boys ever told them when we're getting married.. hmm I'll half to ask lou. I started the car and we headed in our way to the mall. When we got there we got out and went inside. "So have u guys picked a date for your wedding?" Joannah questioned as we walked in
"Umm no, not yet, we're thinking in about a year" I said
"A year!?" Maura exclaimed
"Umm yeah, we kinda want everything to be just right" Mads said
"Well that's a little crazy!" Maura said
"Oh Maura lighten up, you where engaged for 2 and a half years!" Joannah said. Holy crap I thought.
"Well we also barley knew each other!" Maura said. Me and Mads froze and looked at each other. "Well I can assure you that we know your sons" I laughed
"Can I ask you guys something?" Joannah asked
"Yeah sure" Mads said
"What was your first impression of the boys?"
"Well my first impression of Louis was I thought he was really handsome..funny..easy to get along with.. just a great personality" I said smiling. I looked at Joannah and she was smiling from ear to ear.
"I'm glad your the one that my sons going to marry" she said giving me a hug.
"What about you Mads" Maura asked
"Well when i first saw Niall, I couldn't take my eyes off of him, and I didn't want to leave him, I just wanted to talk to him and look into his eyes. They were both so kind to us. They both helped up move in to our apartment" Mads smiled. She looked at Maura and she had tears in her eyes "Aww don't make me cry" Mads said wrapping her arms around Maura. "I'm so happy that ill be able to call you my daughter in law" Maura said hugging her tighter. Mads and Maura pulled apart and we picked out a store and headed to it. When we walked into the store we all started looking for different stuff. My phone buzzed so I reached into my bag to grab it, when I did I felt a piece of paper so I grabbed it and pulled it out. It was an envelope. I opened it up and the first thing I saw was money. I pulled it out and I saw 3 hundred dollars . I looked in the envelope again and there was a little note, I opened it up and it read~ hey babe, I really want you to have a great time tonight and not half to worry about how much money you have, don't argue with me on not spending it. Spend it! See you when you get home, love lou~
I don't want to spend this money I thought. I went to go find Mads to show her. I saw her across the store so I ran over to her "Mads you won't believe this" I said holding out the envelope. She looked at it then pulled one out of her bag. " Niall gave you money too?" I asked. She nodded her head
"What do we do?" I asked
"Well I don't know about you but I'm going to spend it on him. I'm going to buy him stuff that he would like, he's basically spoiling himself" she said laughing a little at the end.
"I never thought of that, I was just not going to spend it" I laughed
"Well you can do that if you want too" she laughed
"No I like your idea better" I said. She smiled and went back to looking at whatever she was looking at.
I walked back to where I was before to keep looking then I remembered my phone went off so I pulled it out and checked it. It was louis.
Louis- "Hey babe, don't even hesitate to spend that money. Get something nice. Text me when your on your way back.
Me- Thanks babe, you didn't half to give me anything though
Louis- I wanted to! And if you don't spend it you'll be in big trouble when you get back ;)
Me- I will thank you :)
I put my phone and the money back in my bag for now and continued to shop.
We basically ended up shopped for 5 hours and I think we went to every store in the mall and we went to some shops outside the mall too.
-Mads POV-
I got Niall sooooo much stuff. I am so excited for him to look at all of it. I got him 3 pairs of new shoes, new clothes, a Nike sports bag and water bottle and some other Nike stuff, and since Niall loves golfing, I got him a new set of golf clubs. We just got in the car to head home so I needed to text niall. I pulled out my phone to text him.
Me- hey babe, where on our way home
Niall- Ok, did you spend the money?
Me- yes
Niall- good. I miss you
Me- niall i haven't been gone that long
Niall- babe it's been hours!
Me- I'll make sure to give you and extra long hug when we get home..
Niall- and kiss. You can't forget the kissing part ;)
Me- oh sorry, we can't forget that
Niall- as soon as I see you I'm going to grab your face and take you to the bedroom
As soon as I read the last part I took a deep breath in because it surprised me. I looked over at Maura to see is she saw my reaction.. and she did. Her eyes were widened. "Did you see what he said?" I asked. She nodded her head. I smacked my forehead. And she started laughing. "Someone's getting it on, when we get home!" Maura shouts. Kais and Joannah look back at me "nononononono" I said quickly
Me- thanks, your mom saw that and now everyone thinks we're getting it on when we get home.
Niall- Well that's kind of what I was thinking..
Me-niall you know I'm waiting until marriage
Niall- I know princess, I'm only joking, I'll wait for you :)
That made me smile. I'm so glad he's not forcing me to do anything I don't want to do. When we get home we get all of our bags and head upstairs. "Thank you Lord this building has an elevator! Cause I don't know if I would be able to carry all this upstairs. Especially these golf clubs!" I said. Everyone laughed
"Why do you have golf clubs?" Maura asked
"I got them for Niall, so no one tell him" I said
"Aww that was so nice of you, he will really like that!!" Maura exclaimed. I nodded my head. We got out of the elevator and we headed to our apartment. "Well thank you guys for going shopping with us!" Joannah said
"Thank you for inviting us!" Kais smiled
"Yeah, I had a really great time" I said
"Well half to do it again" Maura said
"Yeah" We all said in unison. We gave them a hug and said goodbye and went into our apartment. We walked inside and set everything down. As soon as we set everything down there was a knock at the door. "Cover it up, it's probably the boys" I said running to get blankets. We got blankets and covered the bags up. I opened the door and there stood a grinning Niall. "Hi " I smiled
"Hi princess" he said engulfing me in a hug. I chuckled as he kissed all over my face. "What did you get babe?" He asked
"Oh a bunch of different stuff" I smiled
"Why are you smiling like that?" He questioned wile smiling back at me
"I got you something.." I said
"Babe. You didn't half to get me anything" he said
"But I wanted to" I said pecking his lips
"Turn around please" I said turning him around
Okay" he said turning around. I uncovered the stuff and set it up on the coffee table in the living room. And I put his golf clubs in the other room, since they were the best I wanted to save It for last. I walked over to him, so I was in-front of him "Don't look, close your eyes" I said grabbing his hand and guiding him over to the coffee table. "Ok open your eyes" I squealed. He opened his eyes and his face lit up. I wish I would of recorded this so I could watch his facial expressions over and over again. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "Are you going to cry?" I asked walking closer to him.
"No one has ever done this for me" he said letting a tear fall.
"Babe don't cry" I said wiping his tears away. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me again. He took time looking through all the clothes and the shoes and everything else. "If those aren't the right sizes then we can take them back and get different sizes unless you don't like it then we can just take it all back and you can pick out whatever you want" I said rambling a little
"Babe, it's perfect" he said pecking my lips
"Wait, there's more" I said heading to get the golf clubs
"There's more..?" Niall questioned
"Yep" I said bringing the golf clubs out. Once he saw them his jaw immediately fell to the ground. "Princess" he said
"I guess you need to teach me how to golf, so we can go golfing together" I said wrapping my arm around him.
"Thank you so much babe" Niall said hugging me again
"You're welcome" I said hugging him back.
-Kaislee's POV-
"Where is louis" I asked walking back out into the living room/ kitchen.
"He's on the toilet" Niall laughed
"Really" I laughed
"Yeah, he's pooping" Niall said
"Oh that's nice" I said. I went to my room and grabbed my phone and pulled up louis contact.
Me- when your done pooping.. then come over, I have a surprise for you.
Lou- niall told you I was pooping?!?
Lou- that's son of a snail
Me- son of a snail?
Lou- haha I don't know why I said that
Me- me either lol
Lou- I'm finishing up, be over in a few
Me- ok
I put my phone on my dresser and arranged the stuff I got him on my bed. I got louis some clothes and shoes. And a whole bunch of stuff for when he played soccer, since I know he loves playing soccer. I got him a duffle bag for his stuff, a few different kinds of water bottles, a few different soccer balls, 3 pairs of cleats, like 15 soccer outfits, and some shin pads. I'm really excited for him to see all of this. I got him more stuff then I got me. There was a knock at my door. "Can I come in?" I heard a British voice say
"Yeah hold on" I said walking over to the door. I cracked the door open to make sure he couldn't see in, he couldn't.  I stepped into the hallway and closed my door. His face lit up and his smile grew bigger as soon as I looked at him. "This is the best surprise ever!" He said picking me and spinning me around. "Babe I haven't showed you anything yet" I laughed
"I thought that you where the prize" he said setting me down
"No" I said
"Oh well it would of been a good enough surprise for me" he smiled. I put my head down and blushed. Louis put his index finger under my chin and lifted my head up. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. Oh please kiss me I thought. He wasn't though, he just stared Into my eyes. I grabbed his face and laid my lips on his. We started kissing each other at a rather fast pace. Our lips where dancing against each other's. I pulled away and smiled at him. "I was going to see how long it would take you before you kissed me" louis said letting out a little chuckle. I laughed. "Alright close your eyes" I said. He did as I said. I grabbed his hand and lead him into my room. Once we were in front of the bed I told him to open his eyes. He opened them and a huge smile formed on his face. "All this is for me?" He questioned. I nodded my head
"How did you pay for all of this" he asked. Oh no that was a question I did not want to answer. I know he's at least going to get a little frustrated because I didn't spend that money on me. "Umm, the money you gave me, I used it to buy all this" I said truthfully
"Babe" He said looking me in the eyes
"What? I wanted to do something nice for you" I said
"I told you spend it on yourself" he said
"No, no you didn't, you said spend it, you didn't say who I had to spend it on" I said. He bit the inside of his check and looked at the ceiling. He knew I was right. He wanted me to spend that money on me but he didn't tell me I had to. "Thank you anyway babe, but you really didn't half to do that" he said wrapping his arms around me.
"I would do anything for you" I said wrapping both my arms around him
"Oh you would now?" He smirked
"Okay, let me re-fraise that" I said trying to correct what I had just said.
" I know what you mean" he laughed pecking my lips

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