7. Embrace your beauty

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~So in everything, do to others that you would have them do to you, for this sums up the laws and the prophets~
~ Matthew 7:12~

-Mads POV-
"I'm going to head out to get some snacks for tonight" Kais said grabbing her keys off the counter.
"Ok, bye" I said
"Bye" Kais said before leaving. We were having a bible study in our apartment tonight. Daniel and Jonah are coming over. I checked my phone to see what time it is.. it's 11:42. Since I'm hungry and don't feel like making anything, I decided to order a pizza. After I did that I wanted to bake something. I love to bake. I got up and started looking through the few cookbooks we had. Since I love apple pie I decided to make that. First I looked and made sure I had everything I would need. I did so I started baking. When I was done I put it in the oven then set a timer. I went and sat down on the couch and started watching catfish. When I was about 10 minuets into the show when there was a knock at the door. I got up and ran to the door and opened it. It was the pizza and even better it was Daniel delivering it.
"Come in" I said
"Thank you" He said wile walking in
"Oh my, something smells very delicious!" Daniel said while licking his lips
"I'm making apple pie" I said
"Ohh, can I have some?" He asked setting the pizza on the counter
"It's not done yet, but you can tonight" I said
"Ok, that sound good" he smiled"so how much is it?" I asked
"Umm, $5" He said. I went over to my bag and got the money and gave it to him
"Thanks, see you tonight" he said walking out
"See yah" I said. I grabbed my pizza and drink and went back over to the couch and sat down. Not even a minuet after I sat down there was a knock at the door again. I got up and headed over to the door. When I was almost there my stomach rumbled.. so I ran back and took a bite of the pizza. There was another knock. I ran to the door and opened it. It was niall.
"Yes?" I questioned
"Was that your boyfriend?" He asked
"No" I laughed
"I'm serious, was that your boyfriend" he said seriously
"No, Niall it wasn't" I said. He took a deep breath.
"I wouldn't be any of your business if it was anyway"
"Well, I was just wondering, so what are you doing?"
"Eating pizza and watching tv" I said
"You say pizza?"
"Would you like to join me" I asked
"I though you'd never ask princess" he said kissing my cheek. I moved so he could come in. He went over and sat down on the couch. "You didn't half to kiss me" I said
"Don't complain, I know you loved it" he smirked
"Do you want something to drink?"
"Sure, just surprise me" he said. I got him a coke and went and sat down beside him. "Here you go" I said handing it to him
"How did you know?" He asked taking it
"How did I know what?"
"That I like coke"
"I didn't, I just grabbed something"
"Oh well thanks" he said
"So..pineapples on pizza.. really" he said holding a slice up.
"Yeah, it's really good" I said. He scrunched his nose up
"You've never had it?" I exclaimed. He shook his head.
"And I never will" he said
"Please for me" I said. He didn't do anything
"I'll give you a kiss, if you do"
"Promise?" He said holding up his pinky finger
"Promise" I said putting my pinky finger to his. He took a bite. "Well?" I said. He nodded his head
"That's actually, really good" he said
"See I told you"
"Now you owe me a kiss" he said. I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek. "That's not a kiss" he said
"Yes it is" I exclaimed. He grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips. We both pulled away a few moments later "that's a kiss" he said. I blushed and looked down. "You know, you look extra cute when you blush" he said putting his hand under my chin and lifting it up.
"Thanks" I said.
"Your welcome" he said before placing his lips on mine again. We were interrupted by the timer going off. We both quickly pulled away. Niall pulled me into his chest."don't worry babe, I'll protect you" he said wrapping his arms around me
"Niall it's just a timer" I said laughing
"Oh, whoops" he said. I got up and got the pie out. As I turned the oven off I felt two arms wrap around me from behind. "Niall get off me" I said
"Can't a guy hug his girlfriend" he said
"Yes, but we're not boyfriend and girlfriend" I said
"We could be" he said turning me around
"Niall.." I said  holding my hands on his arms
"Don't say anything" he said placing his lips on mine. "Niall" I said turning my head so he kissed my cheek
"Right, I'm sorry, I should go" he said wile heading to the door
"Niall.." I said. The door closed.
-Kaislee's POV-
When I pulled up to our apartment building I got out and opened the trunk. I grabbed the bags and headed upstairs. "Here let me help you" someone said wile taking the bags. That voice sounded awfully familiar. I turned to see who it was..it's Louis. "No that's ok, I got it" I said
"I insist" he said
"Ok" I said
"So how are you" He asked
"Good, you?" I said
"Good now that I've seen you" he smirked. I felt my cheeks heat up
"You know, your really pretty" He said looking me in eyes. I looked down at the ground "I'm serious" he said lifting my chin up
"Thanks" I said
"EMBRACE YOUR BEAUTY" he yelled dropping the bags and putting his hands on his hips
"Louis" I laughed
"Your embarrassing me" I said covering my face
"Don't worry babe, not everyone's watching" he said
"Really?" I said peeking through my hands
"Yea" He said. I removed my hands and looked.
"Everyone is looking" I said covering my face back up
"Correction, there was one person that was not looking" he said
"Louis really" I sighed. He put his hands on mine and moved them off my face. He slowly leaned down and kissed me. It felt like time stoped. That is until everyone started clapping. It felt like were in a movie. We pulled away from each other and I blushed and looked down at my feet. Louis pulled me into a hug and hugged me tightly. Everyone was cheering, clapping, yelling and whistling at us. Some younger woman that looked a little older than me came up to us "Congratulations!!" She said hugging us. "Thank you" louis said hugging her back." what do you mean?" I asked
"Well your getting married aren't you!" She exclaimed. I didn't say anything, I just looked at lou. "Oh I know you are, why else would you have rings on your wedding finger" she said hugging us again
" he doesn't have one" I said
"Yes he does" she said grabbing his hand and holding up at me. Hmm that's not what I think it is..is it. It couldn't be the same thing as mine..could it. After some other people congratulated us we finally made it to the elevators. "Is that what I think it is?" I asked grabbing his hand lookin at his ring. He didn't say anything. " Louis it's nothing to be embarrassed about, if it's what I think it is" I said
"Yes its a purity ring. Is that what you wanted to hear" he said sliding down the elevator wall. I sat down beside him "louis that's great, that's what I have" I exclaimed
"You don't think it's lame at all that I've never had sex before" he said tearing up
"No I don't, I actually think it's great" I said
" I never will either, no girl wants to be with me" he said. I watched a tear escape his eye
"Hey, That's not true" I said. I put my hand under his chin and turned his head toward me. I wiped his tear away "you have a history with Jesus don't you" I said. He looked away. "Louis?" I said softly. He slowly turned his head and looked at me. "Yeah" He said softly. "Can I ask what happened?" I asked. He didn't say anything he just starting crying. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. "Tell me whenever you're ready" I said. He cried into my chest even harder
-Mads POV-
I was lighting some candles when the door opened and closed. I look over and it was Kais. "Hey" I said.
"Hey" She said setting the bags down on ur counter
"So what did you do while I was gone?" She asked
"Umm I ordered a pizza then ate it and Niall came over for a little bit" I said walking over to her. She didn't say anything so I looked at her. She had one of her eyebrows raised. "We didn't do anything" I said
"Ok, good you had me worried for a second"
"Well we kissed but that's it"
"Oh ok.. well actually me and lou- wait what you guys kissed!"
"Yeah" I chuckled a little
"So did me and lou"
"That's cool, so I assume things are well between you guys?"
"Yeah, he actually opened up to me a little, you know he told me he has a history with Jesus and he HAS A PURITY RING!!!"
"Really oh my gosh"
"Yeah, how about you and Niall?"
"Umm well it could be going better"
"That's ok, you guys will get there"
"Get we're?" I laughed
"Oh I don't know, to marriage or something"
"Woah wait, that escalated way to quickly" I laughed. She laughed. There was a knock at the door. " I got it" Kais said. She went and opened the door wile I got the snacks out of the bags. I looked up to see Daniel and Jonah where walking in "hey guys" I said giving them both a hug
"Hey, how are you guys" Jonah said
"Good, you guys?" Kais asked
"Good, Good" Daniel said
"So we have snacks and drinks over here" I said pointing to them
"Cool, well let's get started!" Jonah said. We grabbed some snacks and drinks and sat down at the couch. We opened our bibles and started to take turns reading. All of the sudden music starting playing. It was quite loud too."Umm what's that" Daniel asked
"Our neighbors, that I warned you about" I said. His mouth made an O shape. We decided to keep on going anyway and just try to ignore them. We got about a whole 10 minuets before we started to hear yelling. "I'll go see what's going on" Kais said getting up. A few moments later she returned. "They didn't even answer the door" she said
"They probably can't hear you over there stupid music" Jonah said. Hopefully there calm down and quite down shortly.

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