Glory and Gore

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Serafina stood before the cemetery in heart of the Redwood forest. The gentle breeze blowing all around her. Her long blonde locks that were just a shade away from being snow-like swayed in the cool air.

She walked farther into the woods with a devilish grin on her face.

Soon. She thought.

Soon I'll be unstoppable,and they won't even know the hell I'll unleash.

She stopped once she came to a clearing,it over looked Redwater Falls and the nine-foot drop to the surrounding lake.

She grinned remembering the spot for later use. She turned around butting her back towards the falls seeing what she had came her for.

Jade stood with pout on her face and a figure tied up on the ground not moving or even breathing.

"Any changes," Serafina eyed the body stepping over it but purposely kicking it with her high heel boot."It's been hours,she should have already waken up." She studied the body.

Jade huffed,"Well I don't know what to tell you,maybe she is really d--

The violent jerk from the body cut Jade off mid-sentence earning an all knowing smile from Serafina.

Jade growled before ripping off the dark pillow case off Sasha's head.

"What!??!--WHere!?" She looked around until her eyes landed on Serafina,She lunged for her but Serafina held her hand out causing Sasha to hiss in pain gripping her head hoping the pain would stop.

Serafina grinned."Oh I knew it would work. It's all coming together." 

Sasha tried to jerk out of her magic but it was no use,Jade joined in the fun.

"What are we gonna do with her?" Jade demanded to know.

Serafina closed her eyes and mumbled a chant causing Sasha to slowly past out. "You are going to look after her--

"WAIT!?! NO I'M NOT HER BABYSITTER!!" Jade's voice boomed causing it to echo.

Serafina didn't say anything but in one swift motion she stuck her hand through Jade's chest. She tsked at her."Jade.When I tell you to do something you do it,DON'T question me."

She took her hand back.sank to Jade's new level on the ground."I don't fight fair." She reminded. She stood up and took out a cellphone."Oh and would you look at that. The boys are out."

Jade looked up at her friend with worried eyes.

"Let the games begin." Serafina smirked.


Spencer groaned,it was too early to be out. It was a Saturday after all and it seemed like as the days went on and on Spencer would lose more and more sleep and it was starting to catch up on him. But Saber had blown up his phone and the only way to shut him up was to come with him.

Spencer trudged through the woods,with a small cup of coffee thanks to Saber.

"Why am I here?" Spencer questioned harshly. Most likely due to the lack of sleep.

Saber grinned ear to ear."Because I really want to show you this."

Spencer nodded and followed him into the cemetery. It was oddly eerie and almost beautiful. Spencer remembered the first time he came here. He was only thirteen and little did he know four years later this place was still has haunting and mysterious as it was back then.

Saber walked over to a grave and grinned. It was really creepy. Spencer thought to himself. He stopped at the grave and read the name.

"Samuel W.Anderson." He mumbled to himself."Who's Samuel?' He turned to Saber.

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