Highway to Hell

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Meet Erik 


Hanging up her phone Adeline walked into the foyer were the rest of trio of Martino's stood whispering in hushed tones.

"So that was Spencer's Dad,he said he's been gone for the past two days. He hasn't called or anything. He said he just took off." She recited what she was told.

"When Hell freezes over is when I'll believe that." Athena scuff.

Tapping his chin with his pointer finger Dante turned back to Adeline."And you believe him?"

Before she could reply Luca cuff her off."Of course she doesn't he's lying."

Sighing Athena added on."As much as I'd hate to admit this but Luca's right. Spencer loved it here and being a witch. No way he'd just up and leave his life."

Adeline bit her lip and nodded."Your probably right but that's not all he told me. It seems our devil issue is growing by the day. One of my classmates and her family were brutally murder last night. And there were no signs of forced entry or anything that makes it seems like there was a struggle."

Athena lead on her side."Sounds like a demon to me." She blew a lock of black hair out her face. The blue dye was beginning to fade,symbolizing that nothing last forever.

Clapping his hands together Luca smiled evilly,"I finally get to kick so demon ass."

Athena rolled her eyes at her and left the room returning with a white large purse and black backpack.

"What's that for?" Dante furrowed his brows.

Grinning Luca took the bags and handed them to Adeline and Dante."You two are going back to school."

"Why." Adeline growled lowly.

"Because,we don't won't folks thinking your a High School drop-out now would we?" He was enjoying this way to much.

"I don't remember you going to High School." Dante fired back.

But Luca being Luca had a reply."1989, Victory High School in Oregon. Voted most likely to become a Public Enemy." He grinned and patted his brother's had."Your sack lunches are in your bags and don't won't to be any later,you'll make it to second block if you hurry." He turned and strolled out the room taking a bottle of Scotch.


Adeline tossed a side of her golden blonde hair over her shoulders as she turned the combination on her locker. After opening it she heard hushed tones. She snapped her head to the side and saw two freshman girls giggling and walking away from staring at her.

Adeline saw that behind where they once stood only a few feet from behind them was a large shrine to Alyssa. She was a beautiful girl not lie but she was truly ugly on the inside. Forgetting all about the locker Adeline made her way over to the shrine.

It was a least as long has five average size quarterbacks and was colorful and beautiful. Flowers,cards with different messages,teddy bears,candles,etc. In the center of it all was a portrait of Alyssa. Her fiery red-orange hair tied into a nice french braid and throw over her slim and pale shoulders. A deep green off the shoulder top hung on her,and of course she had that fierce model-ready look.

The girl was deadly and still looked like a freaking Goddess.

As much as Adeline couldn't stand her guts,she never wanted her to die. She'd hoped that one day she'd be able to make amends with the girl. Though Adeline hadn't done her wrong nor could she remember what started there dislike for one another it had been so many years ago it all began. And deep down Adeline felt envy.

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