Epilogue I

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*Third Person's POV*

Sharp eyes never leaving a certain figure as tissue after tissue heals itself from a brutal fight it engaged against a bigger, stronger one.

Lucia watched cautiously as the skin clotted to stop the blood from oozing out, the wounds closing slowly as deep breaths and animalistic grunts were heard from the figure a few feet away from her.

Its head is turned away from her, its raven shiny black hair facing her is splayed on the cold ground beneath her. Perfectly tanned, flawless smooth skin peeks from under the torn clothing it wore and Lucia watched in mesmerization as the black veins slowly disappear from her skin and her claws retracted back to normal nails.

The animalistic grunts had turned into feminine sucked breaths as Lucia tensed, rising her daggers as the figure weakly stood up on uncoordinating body that protests with any strained movements.

Lucia knew that she could not take on a Half-Dead dominant but she could at least slow her down just until she could call for help. Goddess help her friends with the battle above.

Sweat beaded her forehead as Alexandrielle stood up, her legs wavering and shaking that nearly made her fell before she grunted and tried to straighten herself.

Lucia shook her head as if denying what she's witnessing. Alexandrielle is acting and sounding like she's back to her normal dominant self but she couldn't be sure. If there's anything she learned from half-dead dominants is that, when they succumb into darkness, they will have the ability to make an illusion. One is where they make your deepest, darkest fear into reality. While the other illusion makes you think that everything is fine, makes you vulnerable before they kill you.

As Alexandrielle slowly turns around, her hands tightened on her daggers; ready to throw but was stopped suddenly as her eyes connected with those dark brown ones.

"Help me" she heard her weakly utter before she slumped back to the ground, unconscious as the darkness around them cleared; making the air around them clearer and lighter.

"Help me" Alexandrielle's voice echoed in her head before she found herself thrown into the depths of another realm, her body spiralling out of control before her eyes flashed in the color of galaxy blue as a vision struck her that may mean that one soul will be saved.

"Help me" Alexandrielle's voice echoed in her head before she found herself thrown into the depths of another realm, her body spiralling out of control before her eyes flashed in the color of galaxy blue as a vision struck her that may mean that o...

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Rapid footsteps ascend the stairs of the underground basement, pants coming out of a ragged breath as Lucia climb the stairs frantically.

She threw the entrance door open; not caring if someone notices her presence and try to get to her to take Alexandrielle. She's relieved for a short time upon realizing the battle had ended but she could feel a dangerous stir in the air as an animalistic growl resonated on the slowly lighting place along the the yells of men.

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