Chapter 25 :)

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"You were sweating in your sleep, and than you screamed, so i woke up, and i've been shaking you ever since. I thought you were hurt!" My mum said. 

"Oh, no, it's fine, i'm ok, mum," i said.     

                                                                     NIALL'S POV  

I can't take it any more! I had no sleep last night due to guilt. I feel terrible for what I did! I was whacking my head with a blow-up hammer things you get at the fair, but then Louis came in, butt-naked, eating a carrot. "Niall, when I went to get a carrot, I saw that one was missing," 

"You count your carrots?" I asked 

"Yeah, don't you?"

"Actually, no, because you won't let me have any carrots," I said. 

"Well, anyway, Nialler, did you take one of my carrots?' 

"No, I..." I got cut off by Harry running around the house, saying "Louis, I stole a carrot!" No surprise that he was butt-naked too,

"Guys, get some clothes on!" I heard Liam yell.Oh, and Liam and i are good now. He explained everything. He just couldn't resist her, and i understand it. She's impossible to resist. Louis ran out of the room, screaming "HARRY, I AM GOING TO FLACKING KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!" I went into the kitchen, which was Harry-and-Louis-free, and put some toast in the toaster. "Hey, Zayn," I said to Zayn as he was putting an empty bowl into the sink "Morning, Niall" He said. "I'd hate to be Harry right now,"  

"Yeah, but it was Harry's decision to take a carrot," I said, then we heard a crunch, then a "Harry, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" again, and then a concerned Liam say "Louis, it's just a carrot! And Harry, Why? You know Louis's a little overprotective of his carrots," I heard Zayn chuckle, and say "There is never a dull moment with these boys,"

"Yes, I agree, i just hope Harry doesn't end up with a sprained ankle like last time," I said. Then my toast came out of the toaster. I started to butter it when i heard Harry scream.

"Holy crap," I heard Liam say. I ran to the room they were in, then i saw Zayn's hair products sprawled all over the floor. I gasped, then Zayn came in.


"Uh, Harry ran into that table." Liam said.

"Why were you guys in my room, anyway?" Zayn asked.

"Well, Louis chased me into here," Harry said. I could tell Zayn was trying to keep his cool. "Just go, so i can tidy up,"  Zayn said. "Sorry," I heard Liam, Harry, and Louis mutter.

I went back into the kitchen, finished buttering my toast, and then sat down to eat. When i was done, i put the stuff away, and called Avery.

Ring, ring, ring. It rang three times before she answered, "Hey Niall,"she yawned.

"Oh, crap, did I wake you up?' I asked

"Nope, my mum did. and sorry i didn't answer until after a few rings. I misplaced my phone, but i found it!" She said.

"Really? Where was it?" I asked

"Well, don't laugh, ok," She said

"Ok," I said

"It was in the bathroom sink, but the sink was dry! So it's ok," She finished.

"Ok, well, uh, i wanted to apologize, love," I said

"It's ok! My mum superglued that plate together, and she put it up, so it's ok,"

"Ok, I just feel so terrible," I said.

"Ugh, dad's calling, got to go, bye, Nialler!" She said, then hung up. She seemed laid back. I wonder why. I thought she would be furious with me, but she wasn't. I decided to go talk to Liam.

"Hey Liam, have you talked to Avery lately? She seems laid back," I said.

"yeah, i texted her this morning, i thought she would be grumpy," Liam said, looking at his laptop.

"What are you doing on your laptop?" I asked.

"Oh, this may seem weird, but sometimes I go on the internet and read fan fictions about me,"

"So do I!" I heard Harry yell. 

"oh, ok, well, I just thought Avery would be upset with me, but she was really nice to me,"

"I Know, right, well maybe we'll see her later," Liam said. Then I heard a knock at the door. I opened it a crack, and said "If you're a fangirl, come at a different time," I opened my eyes, and it was Avery, and she said "Well, I am a fan, hmmm," "No,no, come in," I said.

"Awwwwww! Louis! Why are you naked?" Avery said, closing her eyes tightly.

"Oh, i guess  I should've warned you," I said.

'oops, sorry, love, I'm going to my room now," 

"Er, so what brings you here?" i asked.

"Well, I had a weird dream, and i wanted to tell someone,other than my mum, she would think i was nuts if i told her," So she told me about a dream she had, where she was a different, uncool person, who was american, jewish, and at first she was nerdy, but then got popular. It seemed weird.

"Well, i told you it because last night, I wished, in my head, that i would go to sleep and wake up as a different person, and then that dream happened," She said.

"Oh, well, psychologists say that sometimes, your brain dreams about things you think about before you go to sleep," I said "I also have a question, why are you so laid back today?" I added

"Oh, i don't know, i guess i cooled off about everything as i was sleeping," she said. Liam was still on the couch across from us, but his eyes weren't on the laptop, he was staring into space.

"Ah, Liam's thinking," I said.Liam then looked at me and said "Let's watch Toy Story!"

"Honestly, Liam, do you ever get tired of that movie?" said Harry, as he was walking into the living room.

"What? It's an awesome movie," Then Avery's phone rang.

"Hello? Yes, ok, ok mum, really, let me ask," She put her hand over the speaker and said "My mum is inviting you to come with me and her to IHOP, do you want to go?"

"YEAH!!!!!!!" We all shouted

"Ok, they said yes, ok, bye mum,"

"Ok, she is giving you an hour, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Louis, you better put some clothes on!" She shouted, her hands covering her eyes. 45 minutes later, we were ready, and we headed over to Celine, Dave, and Avery's house.

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