Chapter 39 :)

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I got out my phone... No, we should do this face to face, Liam will come and explain everything. Come on, Liam, we are going to meet Avery at the park. I got out my cell phone and texted her.

To: Awesome Avery


Hey, meet me at the park, lovie!!! Soon, and yes if Trina wants to go she can.

I got a reply soon.


From:Awesome Avery

Ok, and  Trina's coming. She's... er upset for her own reasons.  

                                                                        AVERY'S POV  

When we were walking home, Trina saw her boyfriens making moves on our other cousin. He was kissing her. When they pulled apart she looked disgusted.

"WHat the flack are you doing, you're dating Trina! GO DIE IN A HOLE, LOSER!" Trina didn't hear Lily (the cousin) say that.

"Trina!" She ran upstairs crying. She was on my bed, burying her head in my pillow. I tried talking to her.

"Trina, he was a dousche bag, white trash, asswipe, low-life loser! You deserve so much better! He was a player. He even tried making a move on me, but I pushed him away. He was a jerk, cheer up, Trina. You are a great, beautiful, nice person. You deserve better." I said. I hugged her. She really did deserve better than that scumbag ho.

Trina dried her tears. My phone came on, a new text...from Niall. He wants me to go to the park. Trina can come too. Good, she needs time away from that man whore.

"Trina, we're going to the park, we're meeting Niall and Liam, kay?"

"Kay," She mumbled.  I fixed up her makeup and mine. We were both crying, so our mascara ran. I just wiped it off, and put a new layer on.  We were ready. I didn't feel like walking, because I'm a boss like that, so we got into my silver slugbug. I named it Billy Joe. He broke down. "BILLY JOE YOU ARE THE SON OF A FREAKING BISCUIT EATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled. I kicked him, but it didn't make a dent in him, but it hurt my foot like really badly.

"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I yelled. Trina was cracking up. I kept yelling at Billy Joe. My nieghbor from across the street- she was 20 and her name was Maya- came out. She probably thought I was special ed, I probably was, actually. I do weird things. I talk to walls- should I get help? Anyway, she came out and said "Avery, you ok?"

"NO! BILLY JOE, MY CAR, BROKE DOWN AND I NEED A RIDE! I NEED A FLACKING RIDE!" I said, still cursing Billy Joe. "Ave, calm down, I 'll give you a ride. We got into a car. "Where are you headed?" She asked. "Green Oak Park," I replied. "You do realize that's only a block away, right?" Maya asked. "Yeah, I'm lazy and upset," I replied. Maya chuckled. She got there and said that she'll stay in the car.

We found Niall and Liam.  Liam saw Trina and raised his eyebrows. i mouthed 'trashy boyfriend'. He nodded.

"Liam has something to tell you," Niall said. I raised my eyebrows.

"Well, Ave, you know how you found a cutout picture and a dartboard with Niall on it," I slowly nodded, wondering what this was coming too.

"Well, that was by Candi. We wanted to ruin your relationship with Niall by doing that. Candi found Felix's number, and called him. She got him to come over today, and told him to kiss you when Niall was looking. So when he saw Niall, he kissed you. It was part of a plan so that I could date you, and Candi could date Niall. " He finished. "OMG GO DIE IN A HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. A bit harsh, but hey, I was fuming. I attacked Liam. I slapped him, punched him, and kicked him in the balls.  "Ow, girls hurt," He said "YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!" I yelled. Trina was mad, too. "YOU DARE HURT MY COUSIN? SHE IS THE  SINGLE MOST NICEST PERSON I HAVE EVER MET LOSER! HOW DARE YOU! SHE'S SO SWEET!" Trina yelled. 

"S-sorry!" He screamed. You don't want to mess with Trina. 

"Alright, Avery, i'm sorry that I didn't believe you, will you give me another chance?"

"Of course," i said, hugging him. I pulled away, andI saw Trina flirting with liam. She gave him her number. I smiled when he kissed her on the cheek. My life was fine. Through the crazy rollercoaster of life, something good comes out of it. Someone to tie your hair back when you puke, showing they care. Niall was that person. Love came out of this crazy rollercoaster, and I will be fine. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Author's Note- Hey guys, *sob, sob* Bad news, LAST CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!! I decided on an epilougue, because I asked my friend, and she said epilogue, and cookielynn26 said an epilougue, too, Thank you for your support! Your votes and comments were what helped me get through this. I thank you all, your so nice! I will have the epilogue on later tonight or tommorrow afternoon. Yeah, that's right. I have bad sleeping habits. I sleep in until twelve. I will miss updating this book, but I hope you liked it, through thick and thin. Thank you all, ok, i am close to crying. I had fun writing this. I hope you like it. I'm happy that I didn't make it very long, but I didn't want it up to like 45 or 50 chapters.  I hope you like it. Thank you all. Don't forget to fan and vote. You can comment if you want, and I will read it, but there's really no need since it's ending, but I will dedicate to the first carrot who comments. I decided to dedicate this chapter to cookielynn26 again because she's been so supportive. She comments and votes. Thank you! Special shout for you! You get a virtual cookie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK, Bye my little carrots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):    (Mixed feelings about this story ending)

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